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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 21 9 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 20 0 Browse Search
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1862., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 7 1 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3 6 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 4 0 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 4 0 Browse Search
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wn. In relation to the movements of the enemy at Eddyville, I have reliable information. The gunboat steamed up to the town, and steamed back again. A company or squad of twenty-five cavalry, from Smithland, marched within four miles of Eddyville, took all the double-barreled guns they could find, robbed some women of their jewelry, seized several horses and mules, destroyed some property, insulted some women, captured one citizen as prisoner, and returned to Smithland. He reports at Calhoun, Owensboro, and Henderson, about 3,000 Federal troops, who shift from one post to another, and when moving steal everything that they meet, and take everything valuable that they can carry. This is not an unfair sample of the reported conduct of the Federal troops on this line. Brigadier-General Tilghman, who succeeded Alcorn in command at Hopkinsville, reported, November 2d, that he was threatened by a heavy body of the enemy. He adds that he had 750 sick, and only 285 for duty. To me
el sight was there witnessed of a fight between cavalry and a gunboat; the latter belching thunders from nine heavy guns, the former rattling her iron sides with a four-pounder and showers of Minie-balls. Little damage was done on either side; and, after six hours firing, the gunboat retired. Forrest was almost constantly on picket until the 28th of December, when he had a heavy skirmish at Sacramento, which further encouraged the Confederates. General T. L. Crittenden was reported at Calhoun, on the north bank of Green River, with a large force, and with designs looking to an advance. General Johnston ordered a cavalry reconnaissance, and Forrest moved, December 26th, with 300 men, over muddy, icy roads, toward Greenville, which he reached on the 28th. Learning, about eight miles beyond Greenville, that some 400 or 500 Federal cavalry were not far off, Forrest went forward rapidly along the heavy roads to overtake them. Near the village of Sacramento, a young girl, full of
November 17. This morning a detachment under Col. Alcorn stationed at Calhoun, attacked Hawkins' regiment at Cypress Bridge, three miles back of Rumsey, in McLean County, Ky., and completely routed the rebels, killing a great number, taking twenty-five prisoners, three hundred horses, and a number of guns, blankets, etc. The national loss was ten killed and fifteen wounded. A Panio prevailed at Charleston, which a week before the battle of Port Royal was regarded as absolutely impregnable. In explanation of the panic it is said: The entire fighting population of Charleston and Savannah as well as the intervening and adjacent country is on active duty. The exempts are very few in number, being confined to those who are engaged in expediting the preparations for the war, or are detained by other occupations which the public interest requires not to be suspended. Thus the community of Charleston and that of Savannah, alike shorn of the young and vigorous men, who give buoy
ding havoc among the utensils generally; after which they marched back to camp, near Somerset.--Louisville Journal, Jan. 4, 1862. Early this morning two squadrons of Col. Jackson's regiment, under command of Major Murray, left the camp near Calhoun, on a scouting expedition across Green River, Ky. When they arrived at South Carrollton, the squadrons separated, and the first returned toward Calhoun by way of Sacramento, at which place they were surprised by seven hundred rebels, under commaCalhoun by way of Sacramento, at which place they were surprised by seven hundred rebels, under command of Colonel Forrest. The troops were fired upon by the rebels before they were aware of their presence, and at first believed they were attacked by Major Megowan, of Col. Jackson's cavalry, through mistake. The officers, though the ranks were broken, rallied the troops as soon as they discovered the true state of affairs. and for half an hour officers and men, without exception, displayed the most heroic valor and determination in a hand-to-hand engagement of the bloodiest character, and o
ry authorities to aid him in carrying out its provisions. Lieutenant-Colonel Beard, of the Forty-eighth New York regiment, in command of one hundred and sixty of the First South-Carolina (colored) volunteers, left Beaufort, S. C., on an expedition to the Doboy River, Ga., where he succeeded in loading the U. S. steamers Ben Deford and Darlington with about three thousand feet of lumber.--(Doc. 48.) Colonel Shanks, with four hundred men, attacked a camp of rebel guerrillas, above Calhoun, Ky., on Green River, a few nights since. The rebels broke and ran in every direction, leaving their horses, arms and all their camp equipage to fall into the hands of the Union forces.--Governor Letcher, of Virginia, issued a proclamation informing the people that he had reason to believe that the volunteers from that State, in the rebel army, were not provided with the necessary supply of shirts, drawers, shoes, stockings, and gloves, and appealing to them to furnish such of these articles
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 9: proceedings in Congress.--departure of conspirators. (search)
the judgments of men with great ease. For years, as the champion of State Supremacy — the intimate friend and disciple of Calhoun — he had been laboring to sap the life of the National Government. He now boldly proposed radical changes in the Constitution and the Government, and advocated the right and duty of secession. He declared William H. Seward. that the South must obtain by such changes guaranties of power, so as not to be governed by the majorities of the North. He proposed Calhoun's favorite plan of a dual executive, modified, as he thought, to adapt it to the circumstances of the hour. He proposed that each section, as he called the Free-labor and Slave-labor States, should elect a President, to be called the First and Second President, the first to serve for four years, and the President next succeeding him to serve for four other years, and afterward be re-eligible. During the term of the President, the second should be President of the Senate, having a casting
nce and construction, its old-time customs, its genial climate — for there were roses in full bloom in its public gardens when there were snow storms at the North; perhaps it was the English architecture, the merry peal of bells, the watchman chaunting the time of night, the uniformed patrol — which I soon learned to hate — all of them reminding me of my boyhood days, that cast a spell around my spirit during my sojourn there, and which now casts a spell over my recollections of the city of Calhoun; but, be this as it may, in spite of my stern and inflexible anti-slavery zeal, I would rather to-day be a sojourner in Charleston than a resident of any other city on the Continent. Did I say a spell? Not of idleness, however. I attended to my business. Here is an extract from a letter that I wrote at the time: The city jail is an old brick building, of the Scotch Presbyterian style of architecture. Close beside it is another massive building, resembling a feudal castle in<
biographers for North Carolina, he expressly asserted South Carolina Fellow-citizens of my native State! --appealing to South Carolinians in his Proclamation against the Nullifiers, Dec. 11, 1832. He can hardly have been mistaken on this head. to be his native State, in the most important and memorable document to which his name is appended, and which flowed not merely from his pen, but from his heart. Each was of the original Anti-Federal, strict-construction school in our polities — Calhoun's father having vehemently opposed the adoption of the Federal Constitution; while Jackson, entering Congress as the sole representative of the newly admitted State of Tennessee (December 5, 1796), voted in a minority of twelve against the address tendering to General Washington, on his retirement from the Presidency, a respectful expression of the profound admiration and gratitude wherewith his whole public career was regarded by Congress and the country. General Jackson was not merely an
215. T. Taggart, Col. John H., at Dranesville, 626. Talbot, Lieut., sent to Washington by Major Anderson, 443. Taliaferro, Col., at Carrick's Ford, 523. Taliaferro, Gen., commands the Rebels at Norfolk, 473; said to have been drunk, 476. Tallmadge, Gen. Js., of N. Y., his proviso, 74. Tammany Hall, pro-Slavery meeting at, 126. Taney, Roger Brooke, defends Rev. Jacob Gruber, 109; appointment as Chief Justice, 252; on Dred Scott, 253 to 257; the decision identical with Calhoun's theories, 259 ; Judge Curtis's reply to, 261-2. Tappan, Arthur, 114; 116; 126. Tappan, Lewis, his house mobbed, 126. Tassells, an Indian, hung in Georgia, 106. Taylor, Gen. Zachary, in Texas, 186; defeats the Mexicans, 187; nominated for President, and elected, 192; vote received, 193; inaugurated, 198; 199; 200; 201; Special Message, 202; Annual Message. 202; communicates the California Constitution, 203; his death, 2081; proclamation against fillibustering, 269. Taylor,
on and Shiloh includes that of the Twenty-fifth Kentucky Volunteers. 32 Dallas, Ga. 13 Shiloh, Tenn. The loss at Fort Donelson and Shiloh includes that of the Twenty-fifth Kentucky Volunteers. 38 Kenesaw, Ga. 7 Siege of Corinth, Miss 1 Atlanta, Ga. 10 Chickamauga, Ga. 24 Jonesboro, Ga. 1 Missionary Ridge, Tenn. 1 Lovejoy's Station, Ga. 1 Cassville, Ga. 3 Place unknown 4 Present, also, at Rocky Face Ridge; Resaca; Marietta. notes.--Organized in December, 1861, at Calhoun, Ky., under Colonel McHenry, and mustered into the United States service on the 4th clay of January, 1862. Taking the field immediately, it was assigned to Cruft's Brigade of Lew Wallace's Division, in which command it fought at the battle of Fort Donelson; loss, 4 killed and 34 wounded. At Shiloh, under command of Colonel McHenry (then in Lauman's Brigade of Hurlbut's Division), it lost 18 killed, 69 wounded, and 1 missing, out of 250 engaged, as officially reported. In April, 1862, the Twe
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