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klyn have been ashore visiting New Orleans. For services rendered at Bethel Church, Col. D. H. Hill has been appointed Brigadier General of North Carolina Volunteers. Blind Tom, the negro pianist, is giving concerts at Harrodsburg, Danville. Lebanon, and other towns in the interior of Kentucky. Richard Spaulding, a nephew of Bishop Spaulding of Louisville, Ky., was drowned whilst bathing in the Ohio river recently. The Hon. Thomas F. Marshall is delivering lectures at Newport, Ky., upon the condition of the country — tickets fifteen cents. W. H. Hurlbut has been arrested in Atlanta, Ga., as a spy and is to be brought to Richmond for examination. Col. Hugh B. Frayser, the late editor of the Bowling Green (Ky.) Standard, departed this life on the 7th inst. The Western papers are successfully calling upon the people to rally to the standard of Gen. Wise. Among those killed in the recent massacre at St. Louis was Charles Cella, of Nashville, Tenn.
Kentucky. --A dispatch from Louisville, April 17, says: An extra meeting of the City Council was held this evening, and $50,000 appropriated to arm the city. It is rumored that a steamer, with Government arms, is en route from St. Louis to Newport, Ky. It is likely that she will be stopped on her trip. Ex-Vice President Breckinridge writes from Richmond, Ky., to a friend here, as follows: "Kentucky should call a Convention without delay, and Lincoln's extra session of Congress should be confronted by fifteen States. This alone can prevent a general civil war. " The abhorrence to Lincoln's proclamation is intense amongst the people. Breckinridge will speak in Lexington to-morrow night, and at Louisville on Saturday.
Arrest of Lieut. Col. Tyler. Cincinnati, August 8. --Charles H. Tyler, (nephew of John Tyler,) formerly a Captain in the United States Army, but now a Lieutenant Colonel in the Confederate Army, has been arrested here. He came here for the purpose of conducting his lady home. Mrs. Tyler telegraphed her husband at Louisville and at Nashville not to come to Cincinnati, as she thought it was dangerous. The dispatches failed to reach him. Colonel Tyler having demanded to be released on parole, he has been confined in Newport (Ky.) Barracks.
the hide with perfect ease. A London paper gives the rumor that Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathews have separated, because Charles took madame's salary to pay his own debts. A destructive flood occurred last week in Rockingham county, Va. Farms were damaged and bridges swept off. Edward E. Hall, a railroad conductor, of Baltimore, was instantly killed at Harrisburg, Pa., last week, by falling from a train. Mr. Richard Grainger, the celebrated builder and architect, of Newcastle, England, died on the 4th of July. Hon. Thos. F. Marshall was badly beaten at Newport, Ky., on Tuesday, by Mr. James White. It is reported in Paris that young Mr. Patterson Bonaparte is about to marry a daughter of Prince Murat. Benj. Lockwood, an old citizen of Marshall county, Va., committed suicide on the 2d inst. Ex-Congressman W. H. Dimmick died at his residence, Honesdale, Pa., on Friday. Joseph C. Boyd, a prominent member of the Baltimore bar, died on the 6th inst.
her gentlemen. Judge J. R. Curry, Judge of the Harrison County Court; Perry Wherret, Clerk of the same court, and W. B. Glave, Sheriff of the same county, and myself, were arrested at Cynthiana, its county seat. We were first taken to Newport (Kentucky) barracks, and taken to Newport (Kentucky) barracks, and there confined in the cells, without even a blanket, for 24 hours. We were then marched at night through the rain and mud, to the Little Miami Railroad depot. But the cars having leftNewport (Kentucky) barracks, and there confined in the cells, without even a blanket, for 24 hours. We were then marched at night through the rain and mud, to the Little Miami Railroad depot. But the cars having left we were ordered to about face, and marched four miles further to the Hamilton and Dayton depot, where we took the cars for Columbus. During the march Judge Curry, who is over 70 years of age, being much fatigued, came near giving out; but the captain of the guard, with oaths, gave orders to drive him up, and they punched and struck him in the most brutal manner with their guns, kicking him at the same time. W. B. Glave, who, owing to his feebleness, was also unable to keep up, the pace being
m him. Ex-President Van Buren, (now eighty-one years old,) is suffering from a dangerous affection of the throat or bronchial organs. He has maintained the seclusion of a thoroughly private life since his retirement from the Presidency. In the New York Times's account of the engagement on the 18th, below Richmond, where the Yankees claim a victory for the 16th Massachusetts regiment, this significant admission is made: "It is to be regretted that many of the dead and wounded were left on the field." According to the correspondent of the New York World, it was currently rumored at Washington, on Saturday last, that Secretary Stanton was about to resign the portfolio of the War Department, and would be succeeded by Gen. Banks. A daughter of Captain Semmes, commander of the famous privateer Sumter, attended a wedding at St. Paul's Church, Newport, Ky., enveloped in a scarf of rich material, bearing the Confederate colors, red and white, arranged in bars or stripes.
ains the following account of another Federal disaster: Cincinnati, July 18--A man who came into Boyd's, on the Kentucky Central Railroad, this morning, reports that the town of Cynthiana. Ky., sixty-six miles from here, surrendered at 5 o'clock yesterday, after half an hour's fight. He saw Morgan and shook hands with him. Morgan's men number about 2,500. A soldier, who also came into Boyd's, says Morgan's men fired two rounds after the surrender. --Capt. Arthur's company, from Newport, Ky., were all killed or taken prisoners. The excitement at Newport and Covington is very high and increasing, and the citizens are organizing rapidly for defence. The Provost Marshal of Newport arrests all rebel sympathizers to-day. Louisville, July 18--The train has arrived from Lexington this evening. The railroad and telegraph have been repaired. Morgan's loss at Cynthiana greatly exceeded ours. Although most of Lieut. Col. Landrum's men were captured, he and thirty of hi
ith the murder. The New Albany (Ind) Ledger, of July 9, says that a gentleman engaged in recruiting a Union company at Frankfort reached Madison yesterday. He reports that 300 rebels entered Frankfort yesterday and seized the person of Hon. John J. Crittenden. We have not heard what disposition they have made of him. The Montreal Advertiser, after announcing Vallandigham's arrival at Halifax, states that he will go to Niagara Falls, where he will remain for the present, taking care to keep on the Canada side. There is a panic in gold in Baltimore. Everybody is selling it. Sales have been made as low as 30 per cent premium. Martial law has been proclaimed in Cincinnati, Covington and Newport. The cannonading at Gettysburg was heard distinctly at Greensburg, Pa, 125 miles distant. The King of Siem has written a letter to Admiral Foots, hoping for the suppression of the rebellion, but fearing that there is a possibility of two republics being erected.
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