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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 25 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 4 0 Browse Search
Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 2 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Battles. (search)
Battles. The principal battles in which the people of the United States have been engaged, as colonists and as a nation, are as follows: French and Indian War. Great MeadowsMay 28, 1754 Fort NecessityJuly 4, 1754 Fort Beau SejourJune 16, 1755 Fort GaspereauxJune 17, 1755 MonongahelaJuly 9, 1755 Bloody Pond (near Lake George) Sept. 8, 1755 Head of Lake GeorgeSept. 8, 1755 OswegoAug. 14, 1756 Fort William HenryJuly 6, 1757 Near TiconderogaJuly 6, 1758 TiconderogaJuly 8, 1758 LouisburgJuly 26, 1758 Fort FrontenacAug. 27, 1758 Alleghany MountainsSept. 21, 1758 Fort NiagaraJuly 25, 1759 MontmorenciJuly 31, 1759 Plains of AbrahamSept. 13, 1759 SilleryApril 28, 1760 Revolutionary War. LexingtonApril 19, 1775 Bunker (Breed's) HillJune 17, 1775 Near Montreal (Ethan Allen captured)Sept. 25, 1775 St. John's (Siege and Capture of)Oct. and Nov. 1775 Great BridgeDec. 9, 1775 QuebecDec. 31, 1775 Moore's Creek BridgeFeb. 27, 1776 Boston (Evacuation of)Mar. 17, 1776
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dinwiddie, Robert, 1690-1770 (search)
int on the Monongahela less than 40 miles from Fort Duquesne. There he was informed that a strong force of French and Indians was marching to intercept him. He wisely fell back to the Great Meadows, where he erected a stockade, and called it Fort Necessity. Before it was completed, a few of his troops attacked an advanced party of the enemy under Jumonville in the night, and the commander and several of his men were killed. Some of his captured men were sent to Governor Dinwiddie. Reinforced, Washington marched for Fort Duquesne again, but was driven back to Fort Necessity, which he was obliged to surrender on July 3. See necessity, Fort. Dinwiddie was the first to suggest to the British board of trade the taxing of the colonies (1754) for funds to carry on the war with the French and Indians; and he was one of the five colonial governors who memorialized Parliament (1755) in favor of the measure. He had much clashing and vexation with the House of Burgesses; and worn out wi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Duquesne, Fort, (search)
the city of Pittsburgh., Pa., in 1754. While Captain Trent and his company were building this fort, Captain Contrecoeur, with 1,000 Frenchmen and eighteen cannon, went down the Alleghany River in sixty bateaux and 300 canoes, took possession of the unfinished fortification, and named it Fort Duquesne, in compliment to the captaingeneral of Canada. Lieutenant-Colonel Washington, with a small force, hurried from Cumberland to recapture it, but was made a prisoner, with about 400 men, at Fort Necessity. In 1755 an expedition for the capture of Fort Duquesne, commanded by Gen. Edward Braddock (q. v.)marched from Will's Creek (Cumberland) on June 10, about 2,000 strong, British and provincials. On the banks of the Monongahela Braddock was defeated and killed on July 9, and the expedition was ruined. Washington was a lieutenant-colonel under Braddock in the expedition against Fort Duquesne, in 1755, and in that of 1758. In the former he was chiefly instrumental in saving a portion o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gaspe, Philip Ignatius 1714-1787 (search)
Gaspe, Philip Ignatius 1714-1787 Military officer; born in Canada, April 5, 1714; joined the army in 1727; served in a campaign Burning of the Gaspee. against the Natchez and Chicache Indians in 1739; took part in the defeat of Washington at Fort Necessity; led the Canadian militia when Fort Carillon was attacked by the English, and was largely instrumental in their defeat. He died in Canada, June 19, 1787.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Necessity, Fort (search)
Necessity, Fort During his march towards Fort Duquesne, in 1754, Washington, at a point on the Monongahela River less than 40 miles from his destination, heard of the approach of a party of Fren50 miles from Cumberland, where he hastily erected a stockade, which he appropriately called Fort Necessity. While engaged in this work, scouts had observed the stealthy approach of French soldiers. was afterwards ascertained that Jumonville was the bearer of a summons for the surrender of Fort Necessity. Two days later Colonel Fry died at Cumberland. Troops hastened forward to join Washington at Fort Necessity. On him the chief command now devolved. Reinforced, he proceeded towards Fort Duquesne with 400 men. At the same time M. de Villiers, brother of Jumonville, was marching, at the hend a few Frenchmen, to avenge his kinsman's death. Hearing of this, Washington fell back to Fort Necessity, where, on July 3, he was attacked by about 1,500 of the foe. After a conflict of about ten
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stobo, Robert 1727- (search)
Stobo, Robert 1727- Military officer; born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1727; settled in Virginia early in life; appointed senior captain in a regiment recruited to oppose the French in 1754; and directed the construction of Fort Necessity. When Maj. George Washington was forced to surrender the place he was one of the hostages given to the French; was later imprisoned in Quebec, but escaped with several companions on a third attempt, and after thirty-eight days of travel and hardship reached the British army at Louisburg; was promoted major while in captivity; went to England in 1760; and was commissioned captain in the 15th Foot. He left a valuable manuscript, which was edited by James McHenry under the title Memoirs of Maj. Robert Stobo, of the Virginia Regiment. He died after 1770.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Virginia, (search)
y on the Ohio and building fortifications......February, 1754 Gen. Edward Braddock arrives in Virginia as commander-in-chief of all the forces in America......February, 1754 Washington, with two companies, sent by Governor Dinwiddie to the Great Meadows......April, 1754 Washington attacks a small party of French near the Great Meadows......May 28, 1754 General Braddock starts from Fort Cumberland for Fort Duquesne with 2,150 men......June 7-8-10, 1754 Washington surrenders Fort Necessity, a rude stockade at the Great Meadows, to the French after a spirited defence, and with military honors leads out its garrison......July 3, 1754 Fort Cumberland, about 55 miles northwest of Winchester, built......1754 Consternation on the western frontier of Virginia in consequence of Braddock's defeat......1754 Virginia Assembly votes £ 40,000 for the public service; calls out 1,500 men for active duty, and appoints Washington commander-in-chief......August, 1754 Assembly
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Colony of Virginia, (search)
ine of military posts along the western slope of the Alleghany Mountains, in the rear of Virginia, and at the head-waters of the Ohio. To one of these posts young George Washington was sent on a diplomatic mission towards the close of 1753, by Dinwiddie, governor of Virginia. That was Washington's first appearance in public service. He performed the duty with so much skill and prudence that he was placed at the head of a military force the next year, and fought the French at and near Fort Necessity. During the French and Indian War that ensued, Virginia bore her share; and when England began to press her taxation schemes in relation to the colonies, the Virginia House of Burgesses took a patriotic stand in opposition, under the leadership of Patrick Henry (q. v.). From that time until the breaking out of the Revolutionary War the Virginians were conspicuous in maintaining the rights of the colonies. On March 20, 1775, a convention of delgates from the several counties and corpo
Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 5: Marylanders in the campaigns of 1861. (search)
rvice was good for them. It taught them alertness, promptness, obedience and coolness, for their little skirmishes were not always bloodless and always were spliced with danger. On a dash on Munson's hill—a mile from their post at Mason's—they struck a more obstinate antagonist than usual, who killed Fountain, of Company I, and wounded Hugh Mitchell, first lieutenant of the same company, like Achilles in the heel, and lamed him for life. But the Marylanders, like Colonel Washington at Fort Necessity, thought there is something charming in the sound of a bullet, and they delighted in that daily music. After the seizure of Maryland by the Union troops, the process of manacling her went on with celerity and efficiently. A Union regiment, the First Maryland, was recruited with John R. Kenly as colonel. Colonel Kenly had been major of the Maryland-District of Columbia battalion in the Mexican war, and had served with honor to himself, his command and to his State. At Monterey, wher
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Tarheels' thin Gray line. (search)
n did not, for he was as modest as he was handsome and brave. In September, 1864, Early's army was lying about Winchester. We had been through Maryland, and terrified Washington into fits, and had gotten safely back into Virginia, with thousands of horses, cattle, medical stores, and hundreds of wagon-loads of eatables of every kind. I had a cavalry brigade of wild southwestern Virginia horsemen, as brave and as undisciplined as the Virginia Rangers Colonel Washington surrendered at Fort Necessity, or Andrew Lewis fought Cornstalk with at Point Pleasant. I was bivouacked—we had no tents, about three miles north of Winchester, on the Valley 'pike, and picketed from the Valley 'pike to the Berryville 'pike, running east from Winchester, General Robert D. Johnston, of North Carolina, had a brigade of 800 to 1,000 muskets on the Berryville 'pike, on the top of the ridge running across the road. My pickets were a mile in advance of his, in Ashe Hollow. Sheridan, with 45,000 infant
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