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competent authority remarks, from personal inspection of the various fields, I should judge they lost three times as many as ourselves, nor shall I be far wrong in estimating their casualties at forty thousand killed and wounded, not including more than seven thousand rank and file, a long list of officers, and a dozen generals, now prisoners in our tobacco warehouses. I see it stated in Northern journals that it is supposed McClellan has not more than sixty-five thousand effective men, at Berkley, out of a force of over one hundred and ten thousand with which he commenced the week's campaign. In round numbers, then, said one, it can be stated that our losses may be put at no higher figure than fifteen thousand killed, wounded, and prisoners, without loss in generals; and that the loss of the enemy is not less than forty-seven thousand killed, wounded, and prisoners, besides several general officers killed and prisoners. In addition they have lost forty field-pieces, six or more
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 10: operations on the Rappahannock. (search)
s force around Richmond at 200,000 men. Since then you and others report that they have and are receiving large reinforcements from the South. General Pope's army, now covering Washington, is only about 40,000. Your effective force is only about ninety thousand. You are about thirty miles from Richmond, and General Pope eighty or ninety, with the enemy directly between you, ready to fall with his superior numbers upon one or the other, as he may elect. headquarters, army of the Potomac, Berkley, August 14, 1862, 11 P. M. Movement has commenced by land and water. All sick will be away to-morrow night. Everything done to carry out your orders. I don't like Jackson's movements, he will suddenly appear where least expected. Will telegraph fully and understandingly in the morning. G. B. McClellan, Major General.
simply a protest against the suspension of the writ by the President of the United States. The Judge argues that Congress alone has the legal authority to suspend this privilege, and that the President cannot in any emergency, or in any state of things, authorize its suspension. Ten Regiments of foot, with Doubleday's, Dodge's, and Seymour's batteries of flying artillery and five hundred dragoons, were in camp around Chambersburg, Pa.--Thirty-two men arrived at Williamsport, Md., from Berkley Co., Va., whence they had fled to avoid impressment into the rebel army.--A new Collector was appointed for Louisville, Kentucky, with orders to prohibit the shipment South of provisions, via that port.--N. Y. Herald, June 5. A proclamation dated Fort Smith, Arkansas, and signed W. F. Rector, Asst. Adjutant-General, says, the authority of the United States has ceased upon this frontier. --(Doc. 232.) The Natchez (Miss.) Courier of this day has the following: A wise and salutary la
raise the bounty to volunteers to two hundred dollars, drafting in that city ceased. A Union force under Acting Master Crocker, of the U. S. steamer Kensington, landed at Sabine City, Texas, attacked and routed a party of rebels five miles from the city, and burned their encampment.-(Doc. 7.) A skirmish occurred at Thoroughfare Gap between a Union reconnoitring force under General Stahel, and a body of rebel troops, resulting in the retreat of the latter toward Haymarket. A caisson containing ammunition was captured, and about one hundred rebel prisoners were taken.--(Doc. 37.) Considerable difficulty was experienced by the officers appointed to complete the enrolment for the draft in Pennsylvania. In the town of Berkley, Luzerne County, the military had to be called out, who fired on the insurgents, killing four or five of their number. The draft was also resisted in Carbondale, Scranton, and other towns in the mining districts. The resistants were mostly Irishmen.
ers at Williamsburg to-morrow evening; next day at Yorktown. If all is then quiet I will go thence by water to Fortress Monroe and complete the arrangements for embarking. . . . I took a savage satisfaction in being the last to leave my camp at Berkley yesterday! . . . Aug. 18 P. M., Williamsburg. . . . Am pretty well tired out, for I have been much in the saddle lately, besides having slept very little. . . . I crossed the Chickahominy yesterday and remained there to-day until all the t It will take a long time to embark this army and have it ready for action on the banks of the Potomac. . . . The men all know that I am not responsible. I have remained constantly with the rear-guard; was the very last one to leave our camp at Berkley; remained on the Chickahominy until the bridge was removed, and still have the proud satisfaction of hearing the cheers of the men as I pass, seeing their faces brighten up. . . . Strange as it may seem, they have not, I think, lost one particle
would necessarily take several days, and, in the meantime, I desired information to determine what I should do with the others. The order required me to send them away as quickly as possible, and to notify the general-in-chief when they were removed. Previous to the receipt of the despatch of the 2d of Aug., not having been advised of what the army under my command was expected to do, or which way it was to move, if it moved at all, I sent the following despatch to Gen. Halleck: Berkley, Aug. 3 I hear of sea-steamers at Fort Monroe; are they for removing my sick? If so, to what extent am I required to go in sending them off? There are not many who need go. As I am not in any way informed of the intentions of the government in regard to this army, I am unable to judge what proportion of the sick should leave here, and must ask for specific orders. If the army was to retreat to Fort Monroe it was important that it should be unencumbered with any sick, wounded, o
260, 263, 264, 274-278, 291. 306-309. Sickles, Gen. D. E., 81, 96 ; at Fair Oaks, 383; Malvern, 437; Mary land campaign, 645, 647. Sigel, Gen. F., in Pope's campaign, 509, 532, 538 ; Maryland, 555 ; in W. Virginia, 625, 660. Simmons, Capt., 576, 605. Sinter. Col.. 781. Slavery, horrors of, 175. Slaves, captured, how treated by McClellan, 34. Slocum, Gen. H. W., at Williams, burg, 304 ; Gaines's Mill, 412, 417 413 ; Savage's Station, 424, 427 Glendale, 428, 430, 431, 433 ; at Berkley, 444 ; Pope's campaign, 511 ; Crampton's Gap, 563 ; Antietam, 598, 600, 601. Slough, Gen. J. P., 540, 541. Smith, Gen. C. F., 216, 217. Smith, Gen. G. W., 169, 178 ; at Yorktown, 319, 324 ; West Point (Va.), 334, 337 ; Williamsburg, 353; Fair Oaks, 378, 400, 402 ; Virginia, 660. Smith, Gen. W. F., at Washington, 1861, 79, go, 92, 95, 96 ; Dranesville, 180. In Peninsula, 256, 306 ; Yorktown, 260, 284, 285, 298-301, 303, 311, 312; Williamsburg, 320, 322, 324. 326 331, 332 ; in pursui
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hieroglyphics. (search)
of speed, and the buffalo of strength. The English are as swift as the bird, for they fly over vast seas, and, like the buffalo, are so strong nothing can withstand them. The feathers of the bird are soft, and signify love; the buffalo's skin is warm, and signifies protection. Therefore, love and protect our little families. Similar in purpose are the carvings on the totem poles, especially in Alaska, by which the natives have preserved their family and tribal records and traditions. In the town of Berkley, Bristol co., Mass., is a stone known as Dighton Rock, which bears an inscription attributed to the Norsemen, but which has defied the skill of the archaeologist to decipher. The Pictured Rocks on the shore of Lake Superior, not far from Sault Ste. Marie, contrary to popular belief, are not the work of human hands, but the effects of water wearing away the sandstone rocks. They resemble old castles, temples, arches, and other objects when viewed from a short distance.
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 4: Bristol County. (search)
$12,853.56; in 1864, $12,050.81; in 1865, $6,500.00. Total amount in four years, $45,873.64. The ladies of Attleborough, in their labors in behalf of the soldiers during the war, nobly fulfilled the promise made by them at the beginning. Berkley Incorporated April 18, 1735. Population in 1860, 825; in 1865, 888. Valuation in 1860, $317,290; in 1865, $306,002. The selectmen in 1861 were Walter D. Nichols, John C. Crane, Benjamin Luther; in 1862 and 1863, Simeon Briggs, Walter D. for State aid to soldiers' families, and which was refunded by the Commonwealth, was as follows: In 1861, $287.14; in 1862, $981.50; in 1863, $1,191.43; in 1864, $938.66; in 1865, $434.18. Total amount in four years, $3,832.91. The ladies of Berkley made generous contributions to the soldiers during the war. The exact amount of these contributions we have not been able to ascertain: we know, however, that they realized upwards of one hundred dollars at one time, by means of a Soldiers' Fair
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Black Eagle Company. (search)
as a soldier, but being very patriotic, he volunteered his services with the color guard of the Black Eagle Company for the battle of Seven Pines, Va. He passed through that baptism of fire and leaden hail unscathed, which nerved him to try his luck again at Gaines' Mill, Va. He was more fortunate this time when he received his mark of honor: was wounded and afterwards joined Mosby's command; was captured and confined at Fort Warren, Mass., till the cruel war was over, and is now living at Berkley, California, as patriotic as ever—a good old rebel yet. The Black Eagle Company was mustered into service with sixty members, twenty-two of whom were killed in battle, twenty-two wounded, two died of disease contracted in camp, seven were exempted (too old at that time for the service, in 1862, the Confederate Congress at that time made that provision for them), six were retired from physical disability. Only one of the first organizations whose name I can now recall who remained with t
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