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October 1.

The advance of General Sill's division, including the Fifth brigade, under Col. Edward N. Kirk, had an engagement with a body of rebel cavalry on the east bank of Floyd's Fork, Ky., where they were heavily posted on the hills. Their pickets were engaged by a squadron of the Fourth Indiana cavalry and driven back upon the main body, where they were held in check until the infantry came up. Detachments of the Thirty-fourth Illinois and Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania were thrown forward as skirmishers, and drove them from their position. No sooner had the firing commenced than Col. Kirk, who had just sufficiently recovered from his wound received at Shiloh to take the field, dashed forward, directing all the movements and ever ready to take advantage of every position. After driving them about three miles, and being unable to overtake the flying enemy, a section of Capt. Edgerton's battery was brought to bear upon them at a distance of about one thousand yards, which only accelerated their retreat. The cavalry then charged and drove them some two miles farther, when, night coming on, the chase was abandoned and the troops went into camp. In their retreat, the rebels left behind a large quantity of small ammunition.--Louisville Journal.

The rebel Legislature of Virginia, in session at Richmond, passed an act prohibiting the sale and removal of salt out of the State, and regulating its sale and distribution in the State.

Colonel Barton, with a detachment of the Forty-eighth New York regiment, under Captain Lent, and of the Third Rhode Island artillery, under Capt. Gould, went up the Savannah River, and shelled a battery at Cranston's Bluff, and a picket at the “Needles.” The rebels replied, but their guns were of so short a range that they were easily silenced.-The rebels evacuated Shelbyville, Ky.

William E. Hamlin, having been appointed a special provost-marshal for the State of Rhode Island, this day issued a series of regulations, among which is the following: “It is expected that the citizens of the State will cheerfully and from a sense of duty, cooperate with this department in aiding the General Government in suppressing the existing rebellion, by promptly reporting to these headquarters the names of all disloyal persons, and by giving information of any treasonable practices, which shall come to their knowledge, to the end that the instructions of the Government may be fully and efficiently carried out.”

A fight occurred near Gallatin, Tenn., between a force of Union cavalry under the command of Col. Stokes, First Tennessee, and a large body of rebel guerrillas under Col. Bennett, resulting in a complete rout of the latter with a loss of forty killed, a large number wounded, and thirty-nine taken prisoners. Col. Bennett was wounded, and his brother, Robert Bennett, was among the prisoners.--Louisville Journal, Oct. 13.

A party of nine National pickets captured a rifle-pit near Bachelor's Creek, about fifteen miles from Newbern, N. C., and dispersed a superior force of rebels.--The Unionists in Camden County, N. C., petitioned President Lincoln for permission to drive all the rebel families out of the county. If granted, they promised two loyal regiments for the Union.

The United States Western gunboat fleet was this day transferred from the War to the Navy Department.

The Richmond Whig of this date speaks of President Lincoln's proclamation as ordaining a servile insurrection in the confederate States, and says it is not misunderstood North or South. “It is a dash of the pen to destroy four thousand millions of our property, and is as much as a bid for the slaves to rise in insurrection, with the assurance of aid from the whole military and naval power of the United States.” It speaks of the cruelty of the Administration, and says Butler is a saint compared with his master. “Our military operations,” it says, “are henceforth to assume a very grave character. The fiend's new programme will necessarily destroy all terms between us. The next campaign will be a tremendous one, both for the magnitude and character of the operations. Let our authorities prepare the whole strength of our people for the tremendous shock. The enemy is making great preparations, as well as issuing fiendish proclamations. We must respond with equal energy. If we do not, we are lost. But we will do it.”

A force of Union troops, under the command of General Pleasanton, crossed the Potomac from Maryland into Virginia at Shepherdstown, for the purpose of making a reconnaissance. They advanced to Martinsburgh, which was occupied by Hampton's brigade of rebel cavalry, and four pieces of artillery, which they engaged, and after a short contest drove them from the town. On their return, [90] and when near Shepherdstown, the rebels attacked them, when a sharp skirmish took place, resulting in a retreat of the rebels, with a loss of about sixty killed, and nine or ten taken prisoners, with their horses and equipments. The Nationals had twelve men wounded, and three were taken prisoners.--(Doc. 214.)

Majority and minority reports relative to President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, were submitted to the rebel Senate at Richmond, Va., by the judiciary committee, to whom the subject was referred.--In the rebel House of Representatives, Mr. Lyons, of Virginia, introduced a series of resolutions proclaiming the character of President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation; exhorting the people of the rebel States to kill every officer, soldier, or sailor of the United States found within their borders; declaring that after the first January, 1863, no Union officer ought to be captured alive, or if recaptured should be immediately hanged; and offering a bounty of twenty dollars, and an annuity of twenty dollars for life to every slave and free negro who should, after the first of January next, kill a Unionist. The resolutions were referred to the committee on foreign affairs.

The Union army under Gen. Buell left Louisville, and proceeded towards Bardstown, Ky.

October 2.

Yesterday President Lincoln, accompanied by Major-General McClernand, of the army of the West, and others, visited Harper's Ferry, Va.

In the rebel House of Representatives, Mr. Foote reported a set of resolutions, the title of which was as follows: “Joint resolutions recognizing the practical neutrality of the States of California and Oregon, and of the Territories of Washington and Nevada, suggesting the advantages which would result to the people thereof upon an immediate assertion on their part of their independence of the United States; and proposing, upon their so doing, the formation of a league, offensive and defensive, between said States and Territories and the confederate States of America.”

A fight took place near Olive Hill, Ky., between the home guards of Carter County and a thousand rebels under the guerrilla Morgan. Morgan commenced the attack, but, after several hours' skirmishing, he was repulsed, losing several of his men. He retreated towards the Licking River, destroying thirty-five houses on his route.

This day a Union force under command of General Foster, accompanied by gunboats, left Washington, N. C., and advanced upon Hamilton, taking possession of that place and driving the rebels toward Tarboro.

General Scott's letter, reviewing the course he pursued relative to the forts and arsenals at different points during the incipient stages of the rebellion, was published in the National Intelligencer.

A series of skirmishes occurred to-day along the Bardstown turnpike, in the vicinity of Mount Washington, Ky., between the advance-guard of the Union army under General Buell and the rebel forces under General E. Kirby Smith.

October 3.

The rebel General Bragg issued an order from his headquarters at Lexington, Ky., ordering that the paper currency of the confederate States should be taken at its par value in all transactions whatever, public or private. The order also stated that the refusal to take it, or the exaction of exorbitant prices, would be treated as a military offence, and punished accordingly.

The advance brigade of Gen. Geo. W. Morgan's command, from Cumberland Gap, reached Greenupsburgh, Ky., after a march of sixteen days. Many of them were “hatless, shoeless, and naked.” They had marched twenty miles a day, skirmishing with the rebels as they advanced.

Clement C. Clay, Senator from Alabama, submitted the following preamble and resolution in the rebel Congress in session at Richmond, Va.:

Whereas, It is notorious that many and most flagrant acts violative of the usages of war, of the rights of humanity and even of common decency, have been, and still are being, perpetrated by the forces of the United States upon the persons and property of citizens of the confederate States; and, whereas, such outrages cannot be fully known and believed whilst resting only in the oral statements of citizens in different and remote States, and in the hasty paragraphs of newspapers published in the different and remote localities;

Now, therefore, that the evidences of the said outrages may be collected and preserved in a permanent and credible form, and the truth of history thus vindicated, and the perpetrators delivered to the just indignation of present and future generations,

Resolved, That a Committee of thirteen Senators, [91] or of one from each State, be appointed by the President of the Senate, whose duty it shall be to take, or cause to be taken, in such manner and form as they shall prescribe, the testimony in relation to such outrages, and after making report at such time as they shall deem proper, the report and the testimony shall be deposited in the Department of Justice; and that the objects of this resolution may be attained, the Committee shall have power to send for persons and papers.

A Union expedition, consisting of one thousand five hundred troops and seven gunboats, from Hilton Head, S. C., under command of Gen. Brannan, which had concentrated at St. John's River, Fla., attacked and occupied the rebel fortifications on St. John's Bluff, capturing nine guns and a large quantity of munitions, provisions, and camp equipage abandoned by the rebels in their retreat. The gunboats afterward ascended the river to Jacksonville, the rebels retreating at their approach.

From his headquarters near Sharpsburgh, Md., General McClellan issued a congratulatory order to the army under his command, for the victories achieved by their bravery at the battles of South-Mountain and Antietam. Fourteen guns, thirty-nine colors, fifteen thousand five hundred stand of arms, and nearly six thousand prisoners taken from the enemy, were, he said, evidences of the completeness of their triumph.

A joint resolution was adopted by the Virginia (rebel) Legislature, providing that no person within that State should be tried or imprisoned for driving therefrom or putting to death, by any means, any person, with or without arms, who might be found on that soil aiding or abetting, or in any other way giving effect in that State or its borders to the “lawless and fiendish proclamation” of President Lincoln to liberate the slaves.--Richmond Dispatch, October 4.

This morning a fight took place along the banks of the Blackwater River, in the vicinity of Franklin, Va., between three Union gunboats, Commodore Perry, Hunchback, and Whitehead, under the command of Capt. Flusser, and a force of rebel troops nearly nine thousand strong, resulting, after an engagement of six hours duration, in the killing and wounding of a large number of the rebels, when the gunboats retired with a loss of nineteen killed and wounded.

The ships Brilliant and Emily Farnham were this day captured by the rebel steamer Alabama, in lat. 40°, Ion. 50° 30′, the crews taken off, the ships plundered of their provisions and valuables, and burned.

A reconnoitring expedition, consisting of three regiments of infantry, a regiment of cavalry, and a battery of artillery, under the command of Acting Brig.-Gen. Spear, left Suffolk, Va., and proceeded to the Blackwater River opposite Franklin, where the rebels were discovered in considerable force. An artillery fight ensued, resulting in the retreat of the rebels with a loss of about thirty killed and sixty wounded. The Nationals then returned to camp.--National Intelligencer, October 7.

October 4.

The battle of Corinth, Miss., was this day fought between the Union army, under Gen. Rosecrans, and the rebel forces, under Gens. Price, Van Dorn, and Lovell. The engagement resulted in a rout of the rebels. The loss on both sides was very severe, and particularly in officers. Gen. Hackleman fell mortally wounded while leading his brigade to the charge. General Oglesby was severely wounded. Nearly a thousand prisoners, besides the wounded, were left in the hands of the Nationals.--(Doc. 127.)

At Frankfort, Kentucky, Richard Howes was inaugurated rebel Governor of that State. Gens. Bragg and Humphrey Marshall were present at the ceremonies, and made vituperative and bitter secession speeches. In the afternoon the railroad bridge leading out of the city was destroyed, and all the rebel infantry departed for the South, leaving Scott's rebel cavalry in occupation.

The Military Exemption Act passed the rebel Congress, in session at Richmond, Va. It exempts police for sections of country having dense negro population. Secures the liberty of the press, by exempting editors and such help as they require in their business; exempts employes of transportation and telegraph companies, ministers of the Gospel, physicians, shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths, wagon-makers, millers, superintendents and employes on Government works, overseers of plantations, and one man to every five hundred head of cattle. The exemption act passed April twenty-first was repealed.--Richmond Examiner, October 6.

The Secretary of War issued an order, publicly reprimanding Capt. George H. Johnston for communicating an official report of a confidential character and for censuring his superior officers.--General Orders, No. 151.

[92] A large and enthusiastic meeting of citizens was held at the Cooper Institute, New York City, for the purpose of expressing sympathy with the loyalists of Alabama, Mississippi, and East-Tennessee. Speeches were made by R. N. Havens, who presided, General W. K. Strong, Colonel R. H. Shannon, and Rev. Mr. Carter, of Tennessee.

A Union gunboat ran past the rebel battery at Fort Point, Galveston, Texas, under a heavy fire, and the authorities of the town were notified that four days would be allowed for the removal of the women and children and the surrender of the town. The rebel battery was destroyed and the troops retreated to Virginia Point.--Richmond Dispatch, October 25.

A fight occurred near Bardstown, Ky., between the advance-guard of Gen. Wood's forces, under the command of Major Foster, and the rearguard of the rebel army, under Gen. Polk. The rebels were under cover of the undergrowth, from which they fired two or three volleys into the ranks of the Unionists with such effect that they became panic-stricken and fled back on the main body of the army, which, coming up, threw a few shells among the rebels and scattered them in all directions.--Cincinnati Commercial, Oct. 5.

A company of the Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania regiment, guarding the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bridge at Paw Paw, were attacked by a superior rebel force and taken prisoners. At the same time a force of Union cavalry, under the command of Col. McReynolds, captured the encampment of the rebels, with two guns, ten wagons, and sixty horses.

October 5.

Colonel Egan, in command of the Fortieth New York regiment, crossed the Potomac at Nolan's Ferry, on a reconnoitring expedition, and proceeded to Leesburgh, Va., where he captured a rebel wagon-train containing the personal effects and official papers of the rebel Gen. Longstreet, and a quantity of army supplies. Several fine horses, beef-cattle, and a caisson filled with ammunition, were also captured.

General Crittenden's corps left Bardstown, Ky., in pursuit of the retreating rebel army under General Bragg.-Union troops made a landing at Fort Point, near Galveston, Texas, but did not permanently occupy the island.--Richmond Dispatch, October 25.

The rebel forces under General Price, in full retreat from Corinth, pursued and harassed by the National forces under Gens. Ord and Hurlbut, reached the Hatchie River, where they made a stand. The Unionists attacked them, and, after seven hours hard fighting, the rebels broke and retreated in disorder, leaving their dead and wounded, and losing four hundred prisoners and two batteries.

Scott's rebel cavalry, at Frankfort, Ky., cut one span of the bridge leading to South-Frankfort, took all the paper and ink belonging to the State printer, and left for the South.--A Union force, under the command of Col. Bruce, attacked a party of rebels, six miles north of Glasgow, Ky., killing and capturing a few, and taking a number of horses and cattle.

Jacksonville, Fla., was occupied by the Union forces under General Brannan.

October 6.

The rebel forces in Kentucky were flying in great haste from town to town, closely followed by the Union army under Gen. Buell. Yesterday a reconnoissance in the vicinity of Hardensville disclosed their presence, about twenty thousand strong; but, this morning, on the arrival of the column of the Union army, under Gen. Sill, it was discovered that they had fled in confusion toward Frankfort. General Sill followed them up, and arrived at Frankfort this evening, but only in time to see the last of the rebels flying from the opposite side of the town, in the direction of Lexington.

A number of the citizens of Blackford County, Ind., collected, with arms in their hands, at Hartford, the county-town, for the purpose of resisting the draft. They destroyed the ballot-box and enrolling papers, and compelled the commissioners and provost-marshal to resign.--Cincinnati Commercial, October 8.

The rebels having succeeded in placing a battery at Cockpit Point, Va., on the Potomac, with a view to restore the blockade of that river, one of the Union fleet of gunboats ran into the Point to-day, and shelled it, entirely destroying the battery.--The Thirteenth regiment of New Hampshire volunteers, under the command of Col. A. F. Stevens, left Concord for the seat of war.

Charles Sumner delivered an elaborate and powerful speech at Boston, Mass., indorsing the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln, and advocating the cause of the African race, who, “slave as well as free,” must help the National Government. At the conclusion of his remarks, [93] George Francis Train, being called for, took the platform, and, refusing to yield it, was carried off by the police.--Boston Transcript, October 7.

A reconnoitring party of Union troops, consisting of the Sixth United States cavalry, supported by two guns of Robertson's battery, left Bolivar Heights, near Harper's Ferry, and proceeded to Halltown, Va., driving the rebel pickets before them. When near Charlestown, the Union advance came upon a force of rebels, and a short skirmish ensued, resulting in the flight of the latter. Soon afterwards the rebels commenced throwing shells, but the Union forces, having positive orders not to bring on a general engagement, withdrew after having obtained the desired information.

The One Hundred and Forty-second regiment of New York volunteers, Col. Roscius W. Judson, left Ogdensburgh for the seat of war.--The Eleventh regiment of Rhode Island volunteers, under command of Col. Edwin Metcalf, left Providence for Washington.

October 7.

Lexington, Ky., was evacuated by the rebels under the command of E. Kirby Smith, they retreating toward Cumberland Gap.--The monitor Nahant was successfully launched from Harrison Loring's yard, in South-Boston, Mass., at eleven A. M. to-day.--The Twelfth regiment of Vermont volunteers left Brattleboro for Washington City.

A skirmish took place in the vicinity of Sibley's Landing, Mo., between a detachment of the Fifth Missouri cavalry and the combined rebel forces of Colonels Quantrel and Childs, resulting in a rout of the latter with considerable loss. Among the prisoners taken was the rebel Colonel Childs.--Missouri Democrat, October 9.

General McClellan this day issued an order to the army of the Potomac, calling attention to the President's proclamation of Emancipation, and pointing out the fact that the execution of the Federal laws is confided to the civil authorities, and that armed forces are raised and maintained simply to sustain those authorities.

A fight occurred this day at La Vergne, Tenn., between a Union force of two thousand five hundred men, under the command of General Palmer, and a rebel force under Gen. Anderson, resulting in the complete rout of the rebels, and the capture of a large number of prisoners, camp equipage, munitions, and provisons.--(Doc. 215.)

The advance of the National forces under General George W. Morgan, reached Frankfort, Ky.--The bark Wave and brig Dunkirk were captured and destroyed by the rebel privateer Alabama, in latitude 40° 23′, longitude 54° 25′.

The rebel steamer General Rusk, or Blanche, which had run the blockade with a cargo of cotton, was this day driven ashore near Havana Light, by the United States steamer Montgomery, when she was burned by her crew.

October 8.

The battle of Chaplin Hills, or Perryville, Ky., was this day fought between the Union army under General Buell, and the rebel forces under General Bragg, resulting, after an engagement of several hours' duration, in the retreat of the rebels across Chaplin River. The loss on both sides was very severe. The Union Generals Jackson and Terrell were killed in this battle.--(Doc. 128.)

Seventeen National Government wagons, a number of sutlers' wagons, and about five hundred and fifty men of Gen. Sill's column, under the command of Major Bradford, were this day captured in the vicinity of Frankfort, Ky., by the rebel forces under Gen. E. Kirby Smith.--A force of seventeen Union cavalrymen to-day dashed into Middleburgh, Loudon County, Va., and captured several wagons loaded with bacon belonging to the rebels.

October 9.

The time allowed by Commander Renshaw, of the Union fleet at Galveston, Texas, for the surrender of that city having expired, the Commander proceeded to the city with a portion of the fleet, took possession, and hoisted the Union flag upon the Custom-House, without opposition, the rebels having previously abandoned the city.--Galveston Union, October 10.

A fight took place in the vicinity of Law, renceburgh, Ky., between a Union force of three thousand men, under the command of Col. E. A. Parrott, First Ohio volunteers, and the rebel forces under Gen. E. Kirby Smith, resulting, after an engagement of five hours, in the retreat of the latter with considerable loss. The Nationals had six men killed and eight wounded.--(Doc. 216.)

This morning a small body of Gen. Sigel's cavalry captured in Aldie, Va., over forty rebel prisoners, several loads of bacon, and an ambulance. The prisoners were paroled.--The Ericsson iron-clad battery, Montauk, was launched from the Continental Works at Greenpoint, L. I.

In West-Virginia the rebels enforced the conscription act wherever they had the power. [94] In the Kanawha Valley every able-bodied man that could be found was seized and carried to the rebel camp.--Wheeling Intelligencer.

The Union gunboat Darlington, which left Jacksonville, Fla., on the sixth, on an expedition up St. John's River, returned this day, bringing the rebel steamer Governor Milton, which it had captured two hundred miles up the river.

A slight skirmish took place near Aldie, Va., between a small party of Union troops and a numerically superior force of rebels, resulting in the retreat of the Nationals without loss. The rebels had one man killed, Leiut. Mars.--An expedition consisting of about one thousand five hundred cavalry, supported by a battery of artillery, under the command of Colonel Davies, left camp at Upton's Hill, Va., on the sixth instant, for the purpose of capturing or destroying five or six locomotives on the Orange and Alexandria Railway at Rappahannock Station. It was discovered that the locomotives had been removed to the other side of the Rappahannock River, and the expedition returned to-day to Centreville.


October 10.

To-day a force of Union troops, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel John Boyle, of the Ninth Kentucky cavalry, entered Harrodsburgh, Kentucky, completely surprising and taking prisoners one thousand six hundred rebel troops, composed of infantry, artillery, and cavalry, being the rearguard of General Bragg's army.--Governor Harris, of Tennessee, issued an order requiring the enrolment of all persons between the ages of eighteen and fifty-five, announcing that thirty days would be allowed for volunteering.

A fight took place on the Upper Missouri River, about a hundred and fifty miles below Fort Berthold, between a party of miners, who were descending the river in a Mackinaw boat, and a large number of the Yancton Sioux tribe of Indians. The firing was kept up on both sides from nine o'clock in the morning until four in the afternoon, when the Indians gave up the chase, a good many of their number having been killed or wounded. Only one of the miners was wounded.--Sioux City Register, November 1.

General J. E. B. Stuart's rebel cavalry entered Chambersburgh, Pennsylvania, and destroyed over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars' worth of government stores and private property.--(Doc. 1.)

A party of about one hundred rebel guerrillas entered Hawesville, Indiana, and for a time held possession of the town, but were finally driven out by the Cannelton Home Guard.--Governor Letcher, of Virginia, issued a proclamation putting in force an act of the Rebel Legislature of October first, prohibiting the removal of salt from the limits of the State of Virginia, and making provisions regulating its sale to people within the State.--(Doc. 3.)

Henry Fairback, of Colonel Bissell's Engineer regiment, of the West; Albert Bacon, of the Fourteenth Illinois, and Robert Timmins, of the Thirty-fifth Indiana, who were captured in the battles of Shiloh and Corinth, this day made their escape from Macon, Georgia. After travelling for seventeen nights, and enduring many hardships, they finally reached the Union gunboat Western World, then blockading Doboy Sound, Ga., and were taken on board.

October 11.

A sharp fight took place a few miles from Helena, Arkansas, between a detachment of the Fourth Iowa cavalry, under the command of Major Rector, and a superior force of Texan Rangers, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Giddings, resulting in a rout of the latter, nine of their number, including Lieutenant-Colonel Giddings, being captured. The Unionists had three men killed and nine wounded.--Cincinnati Gazette.

The ship Manchester, from New York to Liverpool, laden with grain and cotton, was captured by the rebel steamer Alabama, in lat. 41° 25′, lon. 55° 50′, when her officers and crew were taken off, with such stores as were wanted, and she was burned.--The One Hundred and Fiftieth regiment New York volunteers, under command of Colonel John H. Ketcham, left Poughkeepsie this day for Washington.

A force of three hundred Union cavalry, under the command of Colonel McReynolds, made a descent on the rebel Colonel Imboden's camp, at Cacapon Bridge, about seventeen miles from Winchester, Virginia, and captured a major, lieutenant, twenty-five privates, a large number of horses and mules, one thousand blankets, a quantity of ammunition, brass cannon, wagons, firearms, clothing, and Colonel Imboden's private papers.--Cumberland Union (Md.).

The rebel gunboat Palmetto State, built at Charleston, mainly through the efforts and offerings of the women of South-Carolina, was [2] formally named and dedicated. Colonel Richard Yeadon delivered an oration on the occasion.

The Seventh regiment Maine volunteers, one hundred and sixty-one in number, under command of Colonel Mason, left Washington this day, by order of General Halleck, on its way home to recruit its decimated ranks.

The schooner Elmira Cornelius, while trying to run the blockade at Bull's Bay, S. C., was this day captured by the United States steamer Restless. Her captain ran her ashore, but she was got off by the assistance of the United States steamer Flag.

Rumors of peace began to be mooted. The Richmond Enquirer of this date says: “There are prospects of an early peace, which conclusion is founded on the results of the battles in Virginia and Maryland, and the campaign now progressing. The battle of Antietam was, to the Federal forces, the most terrible defeat of the war.”

The United States gunboat Maratanza, Commander Scott, while lying off Cape Fear River, North-Carolina, was fired into by a rebel battery of two Armstrong guns, which the rebels had constructed on the beach during the night. The second shell struck the ship and exploded, killing two and wounding five. After which, the Maratanza immediately got under weigh and stood out to sea.--Com. Scott's Despatch.

Yesterday a body of Union cavalry captured fifty wagons laden with ammunition, on the road between Camp Dick Robinson and Danville, Kentucky, and to-day a portion of General Dumont's forces captured at Versailles, Kentucky, a train of wagons, two pieces of artillery, and three hundred and fifty rebels, without a fight.

The preamble and resolution, submitted to the rebel House of Representatives by Mr. Barksdale, of Mississippi, concerning the retaliatory measures to be adopted against the Government of the United States, passed the House by a vote of thirty-five yeas to twenty-two nays.--(Doc. 35.)

The schooner Revere (British, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia) was this day captured off Cape Fear, North-Carolina, by the United States gunboats Maratanza and Monticello. Her cargo consisted of military stores.

October 12.

This day, the rebel General Stuart's cavalry, which had passed around the Union army of General McClellan, made good its escape across the Potomac at White's Ford, near the mouth of the Monocacy River. During the day, General Pleasanton, with five hundred cavalry, harassed the rebel rear, and engaged them in a sharp skirmish, but with no material loss on either side.--(Doc. 5.)

Considerable excitement was created in Gainsville, Texas, by the discovery of a secret organization of Unionists, whose object was said to be that of killing the secessionists, after which, they were to remove to Missouri, taking with them whatever property they could carry, and burn the remainder. The militia were called out, and arrested twenty-nine persons supposed to belong to the organization, two of whom were immediately hanged.--Houston News.

October 13.

A successful reconnoissance was this (lay made by a force of Union troops under the command of General Stahel, in the vicinity of Paris, Snicker's Gap, and Leesburgh, Virginia. More than one hundred prisoners were taken and paroled; important information was obtained, and the command returned to its headquarters at Centreville, without losing a man.--New York Times, October 16.

The Sixth regiment Missouri State militia, under command of Colonel Catherwood, returned to camp at Sedalia, Missouri, after a successful scouting expedition, in which they broke up and dispersed several bands of rebel guerrillas, killing about fifty of their number. They took prisoner Colonel William H. McCoun, of the rebel army.

The expedition to Jacksonville, Florida, this day returned to Hilton Head, South-Carolina, when General J. M. Brannan made a report to the Secretary of the Navy, announcing the complete success of the expedition — the capture of the rebel fortification at St. John's Bluff, with guns and ammunition, and a rebel steamer.--(Doc. 6.)

The rebel Congress in session at Richmond passed an act authorizing Jefferson Davis to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases,--The rebel House of Representatives passed a bill making it a death-penalty for Union soldiers to have in their possession, or for endeavoring to pass counterfeit rebel Treasury notes.--The rebel Congress adjourned sine die.

The ship Tonawanda, from Philadelphia for Liverpool, captured by the rebel steamer Alabama on the ninth, was to-day released and again set sail on her voyage, there being no manner of providing for the considerable number of women and children captured on board of her.


October 14.

The London propeller, Ouachita, was this day captured in the Gulf Stream, opposite Frying Pan Shoals, by the United States gunboat Memphis, Commander Watmaugh.

A skirmish occurred at Stanford, Kentucky, between the advance forces of the Union army under General Buell, and the rear-guard of the rebel army under General Bragg, resulting in the retreat of the rebels, fourteen of whom were taken prisoners, a number of horses and guns captured, and a lieutenant-colonel killed.--Stanford was occupied by Union forces.

October 15.

Governor Vance, of North-Carolina, issued an appeal to the people of that State, in which he said, that, “after the most strenuous exertions on the part of its officers, the State finds it impossible to clothe and shoe our soldiers without again appealing to that overflowing fountain of generosity — the private contributions of our people,” and asking that all possible contributions be made. “A great lot of blankets, also, might yet be spared from private use, and thousands could be made from the carpets on our parlor floors.” --(Doc. 8.)

The bark Lamplighter, of Boston, Captain Harding, from New York to Gibraltar, was this day captured in latitude 41° 30′, longitude 59° 17, by the rebel privateer Alabama, and burned.

The Right Reverend John H. Hopkins, Episcopal Bishop of Vermont, addressed a letter to the House of Bishops, assembled in General Convention at New York, protesting against the political aspect of the Pastoral Letter adopted by that body.--See Supplement.

The Bridgeport (Second Connecticut) battery, one hundred and sixty-five men, under the command of Captain John W. Sterling, arrived at New York en route for the seat of war. Of the one hundred and sixty-five men comprised in this corps, one hundred and thirty-seven are from amongst the most active business men of Bridgeport.--General McClellan made a preliminary report of the military operations under his charge since the evacuation of Harrison's Landing, Va.--(Doc. 2.)

Drafting in Boston commenced to-day, under the supervision of Judge Russell, Commissioner, aided by Sheriff Clark, and Dr. N. W. Shurtleff, who was blindfolded and drew the names from a box.--At Baltimore, Maryland, the draft was also made, only forty men being required to fill the quota of that city.--A force of rebel troops under the command of Colonels Anderson, Johnson, and Martin, captured the steamer Hazel Dell at Caseyville, Kentucky.

An expedition of armed boats from the blockading fleet at Apalachicola, Florida, proceeded up the Apalachicola River, and, after a sharp contest with a rebel force, drove them back and captured a schooner laden with cotton preparatory to running the blockade. Upon returning, the expedition was fired upon by a party of rebels at Apalachicola, when the town was shelled and set on fire.--(Doc. 36.)

A skirmish took place in the vicinity of Carsville, Virginia, between a company of the Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry, under the command of Lieutenant Williams, and a force of rebels in ambush, resulting in the killing and wounding of several of the Nationals.--Acting Master Frederick Crocker, of the United States steamer Kensington, made an expedition from Sabine Pass, Texas, up the river, and destroyed the large railroad bridge at Taylor's Bayou, put to flight a body of rebels, and burned their encampment and two rebel schooners.--(Doc. 7.)

October 16.

The One Hundred and Seventieth regiment New York volunteers, being the second of the Irish Legion, left Staten Island, New York, en route for the seat of war.--Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, was to-day authorized by the War Department to permit drafted militia to become volunteers by changing their term of service from nine months to three years.

The steamer Emilie was boarded by a gang of guerrillas at Portland, Mo., and plundered of all her stores. The passengers were also robbed of their clothing and valuables.--The United States steam sloop-of-war Ticonderoga, was this day successfully launched from the Navy-Yard, Brooklyn, New York.

A reconnoissance by part of the army of the Potomac was made from Harper's Ferry this morning. General Humphrey's division, supported by that of General Porter, crossed the Potomac River at Blackford's Ford and advanced on Shepherdstown. He was met by a strong force of the rebels, who opened a heavy fire upon him; and as General Humphrey had no artillery, and the object of the reconnoissance having been accomplished, he withdrew his forces across the river.

The steamer John H. Dickey, plying between St. Louis, Mo., and Memphis, Tennessee, was [4] this day attacked by a band of rebel guerrillas, in the vicinity of Pemiscot Bayou, Missouri, but escaped without much injury. No one was killed, and only one person slightly wounded.--The rebel Brigadier-General George B. Anderson, who was wounded at Sharpsburgh, Md., died at Raleigh, North-Carolina.

A reconnoissance under the command of General Hancock, left Bolivar Heights early this morning and proceeded toward Charlestown, Va. When a mile and a half from the town, the rebels opened fire upon the Union troops from a battery of five pieces, which was responded to by Clark's and Tompkins's Rhode Island batteries, for about two hours, when the rebels fell back to the hills beyond the town. The rebels' guns were well served, but only a few of their shells exploded. The Nationals had one man killed and eight wounded; the rebels had nine men wounded and taken prisoners, among whom was Captain Smith, of the Richmond artillery.--The National troops entered Charlestown and occupied it.

The draft commenced in every county of the State of Pennsylvania, except that of Philadelphia, without any undue excitement.

October 17.

A fight took place near Lexington, Kentucky, between a rebel force of about three thousand cavalry and six pieces of artillery, under the command of General John Morgan, and three hundred and fifty Union cavalry, under Major Charles B. Seidel, Third Ohio cavalry, resulting in a retreat of the Nationals with a loss of four killed, twenty-four wounded, and a large number of prisoners.

To-day a band of rebel guerrillas under Quantrel, entered Shawnee, Kansas, and completely sacked it, burning thirteen houses and killing three men. Six miles south of the town they overtook two teams laden with goods. They killed one of the drivers, dangerously wounded the other, and captured the teams and goods.--Leavenworth Conservative.

The Common Council of Boston, Massachusetts, having voted to raise the bounty to volunteers to two hundred dollars, drafting in that city ceased.

A Union force under Acting Master Crocker, of the U. S. steamer Kensington, landed at Sabine City, Texas, attacked and routed a party of rebels five miles from the city, and burned their encampment.-(Doc. 7.)

A skirmish occurred at Thoroughfare Gap between a Union reconnoitring force under General Stahel, and a body of rebel troops, resulting in the retreat of the latter toward Haymarket. A caisson containing ammunition was captured, and about one hundred rebel prisoners were taken.--(Doc. 37.)

Considerable difficulty was experienced by the officers appointed to complete the enrolment for the draft in Pennsylvania. In the town of Berkley, Luzerne County, the military had to be called out, who fired on the insurgents, killing four or five of their number. The draft was also resisted in Carbondale, Scranton, and other towns in the mining districts. The resistants were mostly Irishmen.

October 18.

To-day as a small party of the Forty-third Indiana regiment were doing picketduty in the vicinity of Helena, Arkansas, they were attacked by a gang of rebel guerrillas, killing one and taking several of their number prisoners.

The British frigate, Racer, by permission of Flag-Officer Green, commanding U. S. blockading squadron off South-Carolina, entered Charleston Harbor, and took away the British Consul.--The Twenty-third Maine and the Fourteenth New Hampshire regiments, left Boston this morning for New York, en route for the seat of war.

A skirmish occurred in the vicinity of Lexington, Kentucky, between a detachment of the Fourth Ohio cavalry, under the command of Captain Robey, and a large force of rebel cavalry under General John H. Morgan, resulting in the capture of the entire National force. The rebels then dashed into Lexington, capturing the provost-guard, and without stopping any length of time, moved off in the direction of Versailles, Kentucky. By this operation General Morgan secured about three hundred and fifty horses, with their equipments, as many prisoners, and the arms and accoutrements of the men. He paroled the prisoners.

Ten of Porter's rebel guerrillas, Willis Baker, Thomas Humston, Morgan Bixler, John Y. McPheeters, Herbert Hudson, John M. Wade, Marion Sair, Captain Thomas A. Snider, Eleazer Lake, and Hiram Smith, held as hostages by order of General McNeil, for the safe return of Andrew Allsman, an aged citizen of Palmyra, Mo., who had been carried off by the guerrillas, were publicly shot this day.--(Doc. 10.)

[5] Nine Union pickets were fired upon and killed by rebel guerrillas at a point on the Mississippi opposite Helena, Ark.--A supply train of seven wagons laden with forage and commissary stores for the use of the reconnoitring force under General Stahel, was captured by a body of rebel cavalry at Haymarket, and taken to Warrenton, Va. A lieutenant and twenty-six Union soldiers were also made prisoners.

A body of seven hundred rebel cavalry came upon a party of thirty-two Union cavalry under command of Lieutenant Baldwin, at Haymarket, Va., capturing all but nine of them, who made their escape after a severe chase.--(Doc. 37.)

October 19.

The United States gunboat Ellis, of the Newbern, N. C., blockading squadron, Lieutenant W. D. Cushing, commander, captured the British schooner Adelaide, of Halifax, N. S., in New Topsail Inlet, twelve miles from Wilmington, while attempting to run the blockade with a cargo of cotton and turpentine. The vessel being aground, with her cargo, was destroyed.

The steamer Catahoula, plying between Helena, Ark., and Memphis, Tenn., was this day fired into by a band of rebel guerrillas, at a point a few miles below the latter city. No one was killed, and only one man wounded.--A party of Morgan's rebel cavalry this day attacked and destroyed a train of fifty-one loaded wagons and thirty-one empty ones, at Bardstown, Ky., paroling the teamsters and driving off the horses and mules.--Louisville Journal.

Lieutenant-Colonel Sackett, Ninth New York cavalry, commanding a reconnoitring party sent out to patrol the country between Centreville and Leesburgh, Va., made a report narrating the operations of the expedition. During the reconnoissance he captured and paroled sixty or seventy soldiers.--A body of rebel cavalry under the lead of Colonel Jeffries, entered and occupied Commerce, Tenn.--(Doc. 9.)

October 20.

A skirmish took place on the Cumberland River, a few miles from Nashville, Tenn., between a considerable force of rebel cavalry under General Forrest, and a body of Union troops under the command of Colonel Miller, in which the rebels were driven across the river with some loss. A number of prisoners, including a colonel, were taken.

Five hundred cases of yellow fever were reported in Wilmington, N. C. The mortality was very great, thirty or forty dying daily. The publication of the Journal newspaper had to be suspended, as almost all the hands necessary to carry on the work were sick with the fever.

President Lincoln issued an order establishing a Provisional Court for the State of Louisiana, and appointing Charles A. Peabody, of New York, to be a Provisional Judge to hold the court.--(Doc. 11.)

Major Woodson, of the Tenth cavalry, Missouri State militia, attacked a band of rebel guerrillas on Auxvois River, dispersed them, killing and wounding several, capturing arms, ammunition, blankets, and horses.--The Twenty-seventh regiment Maine volunteers, left Portland this morning for the seat of war.

Lieutenant-Colonel James Stuart, with a portion of the Tenth Illinois cavalry, attacked two hundred rebel cavalry near Marshfield, Mo., this day, completely routing and disorganizing them, and capturing twenty-seven prisoners.--The plantations in the vicinity of President's Island, on the Mississippi, were burned to-day in retaliation for an attack upon the steamer Catahoula by the rebels.

October 21.

A reconnoissance was this day made by a strong force of Union troops, under the command of General Geary, into Loudon County, Va. Several skirmishes took place with parties of the rebels, resulting in their retreat, leaving in the hands of the Unionists seventy-five prisoners, including a number of officers, and about thirty horses.

President Lincoln addressed a letter to Major-General Grant, Governor Johnson, and all having military, naval, and civil authority under the United States within the State of Tennessee, recommending Thomas R. Smith, a citizen of Tennessee, who went to that State, seeking to have such of its people as desired to have peace again upon the old terms under the Constitution, to manifest such desire by electing members to the Congress of the United States, State officers, and a Senator of the United States. The President wished the parties addressed to aid Mr. Smith, and all others seeking for this object, as much as possible.--A Union meeting was held in Beaufort, N. C. Patriotic speeches were made, and resolutions indorsing President Lincoln's proclamation liberating the slaves of rebels, were passed.

The Union army under General Schofield, left Pea Ridge, Ark., last evening, in pursuit of the [6] rebels retreating through that State. One portion of the Union army under General Schofield, taking the road toward Huntsville, and the other under General Blunt going toward Maysville, on the boundary line between Arkansas and the Indian Nation.--(Doc. 12.)

A skirmish took place at Woodville, Tenn., between the Second Illinois cavalry, under the command of Major John J. Mudd, and a party of rebel guerrillas under Haywood, resulting in a complete rout of the latter, leaving in the hands of the Unionists forty of their number as prisoners, a wagon-load of arms, a large number of saddles, and about one hundred horses and mules.

A fight occurred at Fort Cobb, in the Indian Territory, between a body of loyal Indians belonging to six different tribes, numbering about seven hundred, and a force of rebel Indians, of the Tongkawa tribe, under Colonel Leper, resulting in the defeat of the rebels with great slaughter. Colonel Leper, who was a white man, was killed.--Leavenworth Conservative.

October 22.

General Blunt with a division of Union troops this day attacked a force of rebels five thousand strong at Old Fort Wayne, near Maysville, Ark., and after an hour's sharp fighting completely routed them and captured all their artillery, a large number of horses, and a portion of their transports and garrison equipage, the rebels retreating toward Fort Smith.--General Schofield with a Union force this day drove the rebels under General Hindman, through Huntsville, Ark., to a point beyond the Boston Mountain.--(Doc. 12.)

Yesterday an expedition of troops, gunboats, and transports, under command of General J. M. Brannan, left Hilton Head, S. C., by way of the Coosahatchie and Pocotaligo Rivers, to destroy the bridges and tear up the track of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. One wing of the expedition under command of Colonel W. B. Barton, to-day marched upon the village of Coosahatchie, attacked a passing train, killing and wounding several, afterward tore up the railroad track, cut the telegraph wires, and marched upon the bridge, but was prevented from burning the bridge at this point by the presence of a superior rebel force. The other wing of the expedition, under command of General Brannan, landed at Mackay's Point, marched ten miles inland to Pocataligo bridge, skirmishing with and routing the rebels as they advanced. At the bridge a superior force was encountered well intrenched, and after a warm engagement and considerable loss, the expedition was compelled to abandon its object and return to the boats.--(Doc. 13.)

A sharp fight took place near Van Buren, Ark., between a force of Union cavalry under the command of Major B. F. Lazear, and a body of rebel guerrilla cavalry, numbering four hundred and fifty men, under Boone, resultingin a complete rout of the latter, with considerable loss.

The Twenty-fourth Texas Rangers to-day captured a train of thirty wagons, of the Fifth and Ninth Illinois cavalry, near Helena, Ark., and took several prisoners.--The Fourteenth regiment of Vermont volunteers, under the command of Colonel W. S. Nichols, passed through Springfield, Mass., en route for the seat of war.--Springfield Republican.

A skirmish took place between the Union and rebel pickets in the vicinity of Nashville, Tenn., terminating in a retreat of the Unionists to their intrenchments at Nashville, with some loss.--The British brig Robert Bruce, of Bristol, England, Captain Muir, was this day captured off Shallotte Inlet, N. C., by the United States gunboat Penobscot, while attempting to run the blockade.--Two squadrons of the Fourth Pennsylvania cavalry, under the command of Captain Duncan, made a reconnaissance to-day in the vicinity of Hedgesville, Va. Captain Duncan drove the rebel pickets into the town, and then charged the main body, routing them and taking nineteen prisoners, including three officers.

October 23.

The British schooner Francis, of Nassau, N. P., was captured in the vicinity of Indian River, Florida, by the United States gunboat Sagamore.--The rebel authorities at Richmond were notified that aliens, or persons claiming the protection of foreign governments, would not be allowed to go North on the flag of truce boats.

A fight took place near Waverly, Tenn., between a reconnoitring party of Union troops, consisting of about two hundred of the Eighty-third Illinois infantry, supported by one piece of artillery, under the command of Major Blott, and a large force of rebel guerrillas, which resulted, after an hour's duration, in a complete rout of the latter, with a loss of about forty of their number, killed and wounded, and thirty taken prisoners. The Unionists had one killed, and several wounded.--(Doc. 38.)

[7] General Rosecrans issued an order from his headquarters at Corinth, Miss., announcing that “the Seventeenth Iowa regiment, by its gallantry in the battle of Corinth, on the fourth, charging the enemy and capturing the flag of the Fortieth Mississippi, had amply atoned for its misfortune at Iuka, and stands among the honored regiments of his command.” --The United States gunboats Merrimac and Mississippi, with the Third, Fifth, and Forty-fourth Massachusetts regiments on board, left Boston this morning for Newbern, N. C.--The Richmond Dispatch of this date published a letter purporting to be from a nephew of Secretary Seward.--See Supplement.

The combined rebel armies under Generals Bragg and E. Kirby Smith, reached Tennessee on their retreat from Kentucky this day. A correspondent, who accompanied the army, thus writes to the Sun, a rebel paper at Columbia, Tenn.: “The combined armies of Generals Bragg and Kirby Smith, including the forces of McCown, Stephenson, and Marshall, began their retrograde movement on the thirteenth instant, from Dick's River, not far distant from Harrodsburgh, Ky., General Bragg's force leading and passing out of the State ahead of General Smith. Many of the men are worn out with almost constant marching, by day and by night, pinched a great portion of the time by hunger and thirst, and having to subsist a good portion of the time on parched corn, pumpkins, etc., and drinking frequently water from holes. How different the feelings of officers and men of these armies now, compared with what they were upon their entrance into Kentucky two months since! It is unnecessary for me to say here that the expedition of the confederate forces into Kentucky, has resulted in a miserable failure.” --Columbia Sun.

A fight occurred at a bridge near Shelby Depot, Tenn., between a reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Colonel Stuart, Fifty-fifth Illinois, and a body of guerrillas, who had set fire to the bridge, resulting in a rout of the rebels, with a loss of eight or ten of their number killed.--The Fifteenth regiment of Vermont volunteers, commanded by Colonel Redfield Proctor, passed through Springfield, Mass., on the way to the scene of war.--Springfield Republican.

A force of five hundred Union cavalry, under the command of Colonel Edward McCook, left Crab Orchard, Kentucky, this morning, and proceeded toward Point Lick and Big Hill, where they encountered several bands of Morgan's guerrillas and Scott's rebel cavalry, killing four or five of them and capturing their telegraph operator, with his apparatus; also, thirty-three wagons, partly loaded. Thence the Union forces proceeded to Richmond, where they captured two hundred sick and wounded rebels, whom they paroled.

The ship Lafayette, of New Haven, Captain Small, from New York for Belfast, with a cargo of wheat and corn, was this day captured, and burned in latitude 40, longitude 64, by the rebel privateer Alabama.

October 24.

A party of rebels, a hundred and fifty strong, attacked a force of Union troops, numbering only eighty, stationed at Manassas Junction, Virginia. The Union troops retreated with the loss of fifteen men and two officers taken prisoners. Captain Conger of the Third Virginia cavalry, with a detachment of his regiment, who had been on a scouting expedition, met the same party of rebels between Catlett's Station and Warrenton. Captain Conger attacked and dispersed them, killing several and taking two prisoners.

A fight took place near Grand Prairie, Missouri, between a small force of Union troops, under the command of Major Frank J. White, and a body of rebel guerrillas, resulting in a complete rout of the latter, with a loss of eight killed and twenty wounded. The Union party had only two or three of their number wounded.

A reconnoissance in force, under the command of Brigadier-General Ferry, was made from Suffolk, Virginia, to the Blackwater. At a place near the river, known as the Common Road Crossing, a small party of rebels were encountered, when a skirmish ensued, terminating in a retreat of the rebels, with a loss of six of their number. The Unionists had one man killed, Lieutenant Wheelan, of the New York Mounted Rifles.--(Doc. 15.)

A skirmish took place at Morgantown, Kentucky, between a detachment of Union troops, and a force of Morgan's rebel guerrillas, resulting in a retreat of the latter, with a loss of sixteen of their number left in the hands of the Unionists.

The United States gunboat Clifton captured in Matagorda Bay, Texas, a yacht.--The British steamer Scotia, while attempting to break the blockade of Charleston, South Carolina, was captured by the United States bark Restless, under the command of Lieutenant Commanding Edward Conroy.--(Doc. 14.)


October 25.

By order of the President, Major-General Buell was removed from the command of the Department of Kentucky, and Major-General Rosecrans appointed in his place.--The rebel conscript law went into effect in East-Tennessee, to-day, and was rigidly enforced.

Chattanooga, Tennessee, was visited by a severe snow-storm, preceeded by sleet, causing the ground to be frozen so as to retain the snow. The ground was entirely covered to the depth of an inch and a half.--General Rosecrans, at his headquarters at Corinth, Mississippi, issued an order taking leave of his army, and announcing that the troops of that district would hereafter be commanded by General C. S. Hamilton, he having been called to duty elsewhere.--A party of the Forty-third Indiana regiment, while on a foraging expedition in the vicinity of Helena, Arkansas, were fired into by a band of rebel guerrilla cavalry, killing three and wounding two. The rebels escaped before a shot could be fired at them.

October 26.

The schooner Crenshaw of New York, Captain Nelson, from New York for Glasgow with a cargo of flour, was this day captured in latitude 40°, longitude 64°, by the rebel privateer Alabama, and burned.

Indianola, Texas, surrendered to the United States gunboats Clifton and Westfield without firing a shot.-A party of Unionists attempted to land at Saint Mary's, Georgia, but were repulsed. The gunboats then shelled and completely destroyed the town.

October 27.

The British steamer Anglia, with an assorted cargo, while attempting to run the blockade of Charleston, S. C., was captured by the United States bark Restless and steamer Flag.--(Doc. 14.)

A fight took place near Fayetteville, Arkansas, between a force of Union troops, under the command of General Herron, and a large body of rebel guerrillas, resulting, after an hour's duration, in the utter rout of the rebels, leaving eight dead on the field, some wounded, all their baggage and many of their wagons.

The United States gunboat Clifton captured a rebel schooner with eighteen bales of cotton on board, in Matagorda Bay, Texas. The cotton was transferred to the gunboat, and the schooner burned.--A fight took place at Putnam's Ferry, Mo., between a force of Union troops under the command of Colonel Lewis, Twenty-third Iowa, and a body of rebels numbering about one thousand five hundred, in which the latter were defeated with a loss of several killed and over forty taken prisoners.

A skirmish took place near Labadieville, La., between a force of Union troops under the command of General Weitzel, and a body of rebels under Colonel J. P. McPheeters, resulting in the rout of the latter with great loss. Colonel McPheeters was among the killed.--(Doc. 16.)

October 28.

A company of Union troops under Captain Partridge was captured by a force of rebels, while on picket-duty in the vicinity of Pensacola, Fla.--The rebel steamer Caroline, formerly the Arizona, with a cargo of munitions of war, was captured off Mobile, Ala., by the United States steamer Montgomery, and taken to Pensacola, Fla.

A fight took place at Cross Hollows, near Fayetteville, Ark., between a Union force of about one thousand cavalry, under the command of General Herron, and a large body of rebel troops, consisting of five regiments of Texan Rangers and two pieces of artillery, under the command of Colonel Craven, resulting, after an engagement of about an hour's duration, in a rout of the rebels with a loss of eight men killed and the whole of their camp equipments left in the hands of the Nationals.--(Doc. 17.)

General Grant sent the following message from his headquarters at Jackson, Tenn., to the War Department: “The following despatch is just received from Brigadier-General Davis, at Columbus, Ky.: The expedition to Clarkson, Mo., thirty-four miles from Madrid, under command of Captain Rodgers, company K, Second Illinois artillery, has been entirely successful in dispersing the guerrillas, killing ten, and mortally wounding two, capturing Colonel Clark in command, Captain Esther, three lieutenants, three surgeons, thirty-seven men, seventy stand of arms, fifty-two horses, thirteen mules, two wagons and a large quantity of ammunition, burning their barracks and magazines, entirely breaking up the whole camp.”

General Halleck, Commander-in-Chief of the armies of the U. S., addressed a letter to Secretary Stanton, in reply to general interrogatories concerning the supplies furnished to the army of the Potomac, under General McClellan. From all the information General Halleck could obtain, he was of opinion that the requisitions from that [9] army had been filled more promptly, and that the men as a general rule, had been better supplied than the Union armies operating in the West.

An expedition, consisting of twelve thousand Union troops, under the command of General John G. Foster, left Newbern, N. C., and proceeded up Albemarle Sound. Its destination was unknown. Part of the force went by land and part on schoonners, the latter being convoyed by two gunboats. It was surmised that the expedition was to attack Weldon, N. C., an important railroad centre.

Mackey's Point, S. C., was this day bombarded by a part of the Union blockading squadron.--A company of rebel cavalry were captured in the vicinity of Cotton Creek, Fla., by a scouting-party of Union troops.

The barque Lauretta, Captain W. M. Wells, which left New York on the twenty-fifth instant, laden with flour, etc., and bound for Madeira and Messina, was this day captured by the rebel privateer Alabama, and destroyed by fire. The cargo was said to be owned by a British merchant.--The Union forces under General Weitzel entered Thibodeaux, La., without opposition.

The British schooner Trier, of and from Nassau, N. P., laden with salt, etc., was captured while attempting to run into Indian River, Fla., by the U. S. gunboat Sagamore.

October 29.

A skirmish took place on the Ridgeville road, at a point five miles distant from Petersburgh, Va., between a reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Quirk, and a detachment of the rebel General Stuart's cavalry, resulting in a rout of the latter and the capture of sixteen of their number, with about two hundred head of cattle which the rebels were driving to their camp.--(Doc. 18.)

Early this morning a force of Union troops under the command of Major Keenan, Eighth Pennsylvania cavalry, left Purcellsville, Va., on a reconnoitring expedition. They passed through Berrysville, Snickersville, and Philomont. On arriving at Union they found that town occupied by a battalion of Georgia cavalry, whom they drove out. Here it was ascertained that General Walker, in command of a force of South-Carolina troops, was in position five miles from Middleburgh. Major Keenan also found about a hundred wounded rebel soldiers, all of whom he paroled, and learned that General Longstreet was in command of the rebel forces near Upperville. He next proceeded to Aldie, in the vicinity of which place he unexpectedly came upon a detachment of the First Michigan cavalry, sent out by General Sigel from his command near Centreville. Major Keenan then returned to Purcellsville, having marched thirty-five miles, and obtained some valuable information.

The brig Baron de Castine, of Boston, Captain Saunders, was this day captured in lat. 39°, long. 69°, by the rebel privateer Alabama, and liberated on a bond for six thousand dollars.

The ship Alleganian, of New York, was boarded at night while at anchor off the mouth of the Rappahannock, by a party of rebels, who, after rifling her, and taking off the crew, set her on fire. The U. S. steamer Crusader subsequently came up, and endeavored to extinguish the flames, but without success.

A fight took place near Butler, Bates County, Missouri, between a detachment of the First Kansas colored volunteers, under the command of Colonel Seaman, and a body of rebel guerrillas under Cockerill, resulting in a repulse of the latter with a loss of about thirty killed and wounded. The Unionists had eight men killed and ten wounded.--(Doc. 19.)

October 30.

Major-General O. M. Mitchel, Commander of the Tenth army corps, department of the South, died on the evening of this day at Beaufort, South-Carolina.

A skirmish took place to-day between a detachment of cavalry under the command of Colonel Wyndham, First New Jersey cavalry, and a force of rebels stationed at Thoroughfare Gap, resulting in the retirement of the latter to the almost impassable hills in the vicinity.

The rebel schooner Velocity, laden with salt, leather, Manilla rope, etc., was captured by the United States steamer Kensington, in the vicinity of Sabine Pass, Texas.

In obedience to orders from the War Department, Major-General Buell transferred the command of the department and the army of the Ohio to Major-General W. S. Rosecrans.

October 31.

The town of Franklin, on the Blackwater River,Virginia, was this day shelled by three batteries of Union artillery, and partially destroyed, the rebel forces being driven off with great loss.--An enthusiastic meeting was held at Key West, Florida, to raise funds for the relief of the families of volunteers in the Union army. One thousand dollars were collected.

[10] James R. Lackland, charged with encouragement of the rebellion, by publicly opposing the national government, was arrested at St. Louis, Mo.--Between three and four hundred East-Tennesseans arrived at Lexington, Ky., with the intention of joining the Union army.--A rebel force of cavalry under General Stuart, attacked a small force of Union calvary stationed at Maysville, Va., and drove them toward Aldie.

The rebels under General Hindman having committed depredation upon Union citizens residing in the vicinity of Helena, Ark., the national troops retaliated on rebel sympathizers, and destroyed a number of farms in that locality.--The Wilmington, N. C., salt-works were this day destroyed by Captain Cushing of the national gunboat Ellis.

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United States (United States) (32)
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (8)
Helena, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (7)
Washington (United States) (6)
Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (6)
Lexington (Kentucky, United States) (5)
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (5)
New Bern (North Carolina, United States) (4)
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (4)
Jacksonville (Florida, United States) (4)
Bardstown (Kentucky, United States) (4)
Aldie (Virginia, United States) (4)
Wilmington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (3)
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (3)
Sabine Pass (Texas, United States) (3)
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (3)
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (3)
Leesburg (Tennessee, United States) (3)
Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) (3)
Haymarket (Virginia, United States) (3)
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (3)
Georgetown (West Virginia, United States) (3)
Franklin, Va. (Virginia, United States) (3)
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (3)
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (3)
Charles Town (West Virginia, United States) (3)
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (3)
Zuni (Virginia, United States) (2)
Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (2)
Versailles (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
St. Louis (Missouri, United States) (2)
Springfield (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Shiloh, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Sharpsburg (Ohio, United States) (2)
San Juan River (Florida, United States) (2)
Rappahannock (Virginia, United States) (2)
Pensacola (Florida, United States) (2)
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (2)
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (2)
Middleburgh (Ohio, United States) (2)
Memphis (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Maysville (Arkansas, United States) (2)
Matagorda Bay (Texas, United States) (2)
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (2)
Loudoun (Virginia, United States) (2)
Liverpool (United Kingdom) (2)
Indian River (Florida, United States) (2)
Harrodsburg (Indiana, United States) (2)
Glasgow, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Galveston (Texas, United States) (2)
Fort Point (Texas, United States) (2)
Fayetteville, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (2)
Cumberland Gap (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Corinth (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Cape Fear (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Bridgeport (Connecticut, United States) (2)
Boston (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Appalachicola (Florida, United States) (2)
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (2)
Yarmouth (Canada) (1)
Woodville, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Weldon, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Waverly (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Virginia Point (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (1)
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (1)
Van Buren, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Upton's Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Upperville (Virginia, United States) (1)
Thibodeaux (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Tarboro (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Swan Point (Maryland, United States) (1)
Staten Island (New York, United States) (1)
Stanford, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
South Boston (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Snickersville (Virginia, United States) (1)
Shelbyville, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Shawnee, Kansas (Kansas, United States) (1)
Sedalia, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Savannah River (United States) (1)
Saint Marys (Georgia, United States) (1)
Ridgeville (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (1)
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (1)
Poughkeepsie (New York, United States) (1)
Portland, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Portland (Maine, United States) (1)
Pocotaligo River (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Philomont (Virginia, United States) (1)
Petersburgh (Indiana, United States) (1)
Perryville (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Pemiscot Bayou (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Pea Ridge, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Paw Paw, Michigan (Michigan, United States) (1)
Paris (Virginia, United States) (1)
Oregon (Oregon, United States) (1)
Olive Hill (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Oklahoma (Oklahoma, United States) (1)
New Topsail Inlet (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Nevada (Nevada, United States) (1)
Mount Washington, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Morgantown, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Montauk (New York, United States) (1)
Monocacy River (United States) (1)
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (1)
Messana (Italy) (1)
Maysville (Missouri, United States) (1)
Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Marshfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Manassas, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Madrid (Spain) (1)
Macon (Georgia, United States) (1)
Mackey's Point (Georgia, United States) (1)
Luzerne (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (1)
London (United Kingdom) (1)
Licking River (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Lavergne (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Labadieville (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Key West (Florida, United States) (1)
Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Iuka (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Indianola (Texas, United States) (1)
Huntsville (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Huntsville (Alabama, United States) (1)
Hedgesville (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Hawesville (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Hatchie River (United States) (1)
Hartford, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Harrison's Landing (Virginia, United States) (1)
Harrison (Pennsylvania, United States) (1)
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (1)
Halltown (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Halifax (Canada) (1)
Grand Prairie (Missouri, United States) (1)
Gilpin (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Gibraltar (1)
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (1)
Gallatin, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Gainsville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Fort Wayne (Indiana, United States) (1)
Fort Smith (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Fort Cobb (Oklahoma, United States) (1)
Floyd's Fork, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Doboy Sound (Georgia, United States) (1)
Dick's River (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Danville, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Cumberland River (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Cross Hollows (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Crab Orchard, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Cotton Creek, Fla. (Florida, United States) (1)
Concord (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Columbus, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Columbia, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Cockpit Point (Virginia, United States) (1)
Clarkson, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Chaplin (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Chambersburgh (Indiana, United States) (1)
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (1)
Carter County (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Carrsville (Virginia, United States) (1)
Carbondale, Illinois (Illinois, United States) (1)
Camp Dick Robinson (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Camden (North Carolina, United States) (1)
California (California, United States) (1)
Butler, Bates County (Missouri, United States) (1)
Bull's Bay, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Brooklyn (New York, United States) (1)
Bristol (United Kingdom) (1)
Brattleboro (Vermont, United States) (1)
Bluff Point (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Blackwater Creek (Virginia, United States) (1)
Blackford (Indiana, United States) (1)
Berryville (Ohio, United States) (1)
Berkley (Massachusetts, United States) (1)
Belfast, Me. (Maine, United States) (1)
Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (1)
Beaufort, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (1)
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Apalachicola (Florida, United States) (1)

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Doc (31)
Abraham Lincoln (10)
Braxton Bragg (9)
Buell (7)
Winfield Scott (6)
E. Kirby Smith (5)
W. S. Rosecrans (5)
John H. Morgan (5)
George B. McClellan (5)
J. M. Brannan (5)
James Stuart (4)
Sill (4)
Stahel (3)
John M. Schofield (3)
George W. Morgan (3)
P. Keenan (3)
Henry W. Halleck (3)
Henry T. Clark (3)
Robert Bennett (3)
George B. Anderson (3)
Godfrey Weitzel (2)
Unionists (2)
J. E. B. Stuart (2)
Thomas R. Smith (2)
Kirby Smith (2)
Hiram Smith (2)
Franz Sigel (2)
Quantrel (2)
R. B. Price (2)
David D. Porter (2)
Pleasanton (2)
Oct (2)
Andrew T. McReynolds (2)
J. P. McPheeters (2)
Humphrey Marshall (2)
J. Longstreet (2)
Leper (2)
Edward N. Kirk (2)
Andrew Johnson (2)
Sioux Indians (2)
Imboden (2)
William Humphrey (2)
J. C. Hindman (2)
Frank J. Herron (2)
Ulysses S. Grant (2)
Giddings (2)
C. H. Foster (2)
George W. Duncan (2)
Jefferson Davis (2)
W. D. Cushing (2)
Frederick Crocker (2)
Conger (2)
George W. Childs (2)
James G. Blunt (2)
W. B. Barton (2)
York (1)
Richard Yeadon (1)
Percy Wyndham (1)
Woodson (1)
Fernando Wood (1)
John Williams (1)
Frank J. White (1)
Wheelan (1)
W. M. Wells (1)
Watmaugh (1)
John G. Walker (1)
John M. Wade (1)
J. C. Vance (1)
John W. Tompkins (1)
Robert Timmins (1)
Terrell (1)
Charles Sumner (1)
W. K. Strong (1)
William Stokes (1)
A. F. Stevens (1)
John W. Sterling (1)
Stephenson (1)
Edwin M. Stanton (1)
Leland Stanford (1)
S. P. Spear (1)
Thomas A. Snider (1)
Small (1)
N. W. Shurtleff (1)
R. H. Shannon (1)
William H. Seward (1)
Charles B. Seidel (1)
A. H. Seaman (1)
S. H. Saunders (1)
Sackett (1)
John Russell (1)
C. R. P. Rodgers (1)
Robey (1)
Robertson (1)
F. B. Renshaw (1)
Henry M. Rector (1)
Quirk (1)
Redfield Proctor (1)
Leonidas Polk (1)
Charles A. Peabody (1)
Partridge (1)
E. A. Parrott (1)
James N. Palmer (1)
E. O. C. Ord (1)
Oglesby (1)
W. S. Nichols (1)
William Nelson (1)
Robert Muir (1)
John J. Mudd (1)
John Morgan (1)
O. M. Mitchel (1)
R. S. Miller (1)
Edwin Metcalf (1)
John Y. McPheeters (1)
John McNeil (1)
McCown (1)
William H. McCoun (1)
Edward McCook (1)
John A. McClernand (1)
James M. Mason (1)
John Martin (1)
Mars (1)
Henry J. Lyons (1)
Mansfield Lovell (1)
P. F. Lewis (1)
John Letcher (1)
Lent (1)
B. F. Lazear (1)
James R. Lackland (1)
John H. Ketcham (1)
Roscius W. Judson (1)
George H. Johnston (1)
Jeffries (1)
Claiborne F. Jackson (1)
Ion (1)
S. A. Hurlbut (1)
Thomas Humston (1)
Herbert Hudson (1)
Richard Howes (1)
John H. Hopkins (1)
Haywood (1)
R. N. Havens (1)
Isham G. Harris (1)
Harding (1)
W. S. Hancock (1)
William E. Hamlin (1)
C. S. Hamilton (1)
Andrew J. Hamilton (1)
Hackleman (1)
Greenpoint (1)
Martin Green (1)
A. P. Gould (1)
John W. Geary (1)
John G. Foster (1)
Forrest (1)
Andrew H. Foote (1)
C. W. Flusser (1)
Orris S. Ferry (1)
Henry Fairback (1)
Esther (1)
Egan (1)
Edgerton (1)
Ebenezer Dumont (1)
Earl Dorn (1)
Thomas A. Davies (1)
Andrew G. Curtin (1)
John J. Crittenden (1)
Craven (1)
Edward Conroy (1)
Cockerill (1)
Clement C. Clay (1)
Catherwood (1)
Samuel P. Carter (1)
Benjamin F. Butler (1)
Sanders D. Bruce (1)
A. W. Bradford (1)
John Boyle (1)
Daniel Boone (1)
Blott (1)
Blanche (1)
Morgan Bixler (1)
Bissell (1)
Barksdale (1)
Baldwin (1)
Willis Baker (1)
Albert Bacon (1)
E. M. Armstrong (1)
Andrew Allsman (1)
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