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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pitt, William 1708-1778 (search)
and was then called to the head of public affairs. He formed a cabinet of heterogeneous materials, which Burke wittily described as a piece of diversified mosaic, a tessellated pavement without cement—here a bit of black stone, there a bit of white—patriots and courtiers, King's friends and republicans, Whigs and Tories, treacherous friends and open enemies—a very curious show, but utterly unsafe to touch and unsure to stand upon. Pitt's elevation to the peerage injured his popularity. Chesterfield said, Pitt has gone to the hospital of incurable statesmen —the House of Lords. In January, 1766, Pitt appeared in his place in the House of Commons, and declared that the King had no right to levy a tax on the colonies, and said they had invariably, by their representatives in their several assemblies, exercised the constitutional right of giving and granting their own money. They would have been slaves, he said, if they had not. . . . The colonies acknowledge your authority in all
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 9: Hampshire County. (search)
he Commonwealth, was as follows: In 1861, $484.01; in 1862, $3,137.93; in 1863, $3,901.81; in 1864, $3,834.27; in 1865, $2,218.47. Total amount, $13,576.49. Chesterfield Incorporated June 11, 1762. Population in 1860, 897; in 1865, 802. Valuation in 1860, $415,746; in 1865, $372,790. The selectmen in 1861 and 1862 were and sixty-nine dollars to pay citizens money which they had advanced for recruiting purposes, one half to be assessed this year, and the balance next year. Chesterfield furnished ninety-five men for the war, which was a surplus of ten over and above all demands. Two were commissioned officers. The whole amount of money approealth, was as follows: In 1861, $36.30; in 1862, $644.30; in 1863, $1,689.21; in 1864, $1,477.70; in 1865, $1,165.50. Total amount, $5,013.01. The ladies of Chesterfield contributed three hundred and seventy-five dollars in money, besides clothing and valuable work for the soldiers. Cummington Incorporated June 23, 1779.
1 Blandford 296 Bolton 613 Boston 582 Boxborough 377 Boxford 180 Boylston 616 Bradford 182 Braintree 483 Brewster 31 Bridgewater 538 Brighton 378 Brimfield 298 Brookfield 616 Brookline 485 Buckland 267 Burlington 381 C. Cambridge 382 Canton 490 Carlisle 391 Carver 540 Charlestown 393 Charlemont 259 Charlton 618 Chatham 33 Chelmsford 399 Chelsea 591 Cheshire 66 Chester 299 Chesterfield 334 Chicopee 300 Chilmark 164 Clarksburg 68 Clinton 619 Cohasset 491 Colerain 260 Concord 401 Conway 261 Cummington 335 D. Dalton 69 Dana 621 Danvers 184 Dartmouth 124 Dedham 493 Deerfield 262 Dennis 35 Dighton 125 Dorchester 497 Douglas 622 Dover 500 Dracut 402 Dudley 624 Dunstable 404 Duxbury 542 E. East Bridgewater 543 Eastham 37 Easthampton 336 Easton 127 Edgartown
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Index. (search)
y (younger), 341 Channing, William Henry, 333 Chanson des Sauvages, 188 Chapman, W., 231 Character of the province of Maryland, 151 Characteristics of literature, 244 Charlemont, 225 n., 317 Charles I, 34 Charles II, 125 Charles II, 220 Charlevoix, 193 Charlotte, 286 Charlotte Temple, 286 Charms of fancy, 165 Chastellux, F. J., 190 Chateaubriand, 190, 194, 212 Chatham, 91, 99 Chaucer, 176, 265, 274 Chauncy, Charles, 73, 75-78, 79, 80 Chesterfield, 102, 110 Chevalier, Michel, 190 Child, Lydia Maria, 308, 310, 319, 324 Childe Harold, 265 Choice (Dr. Benjamin Church), 162 Choice (Pomfret), 162 Christian commonwealth, the, 41, 42 Christian morals, 104 Chronological history of New England, 20, 28 Church, Benjamin, 25, 162, 171 Churches quarrel Espoused, 52, 55 Churchill, 171, 173, 174, 182 Cicero, 103, 202, 276 Citizen of New Haven, Letters of A, 148 Citizen of the world, the, 238 Clap, Recto
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
s.Mass.Mass.June 12, 1863.Actg. Asst. Paymr.Howquah.East Gulf.Oct. 25, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Asst. Paymr. Brooks, G. H.,N. Y.Mass.Mass.Oct. 29, 1861. ,Gunner.De Soto.East Gulf.Nov. 29, 1862.Dismissed.Gunner. Brooks, Horace, Credit, Chesterfield.Mass.Mass.Mass.Mar. 30, 1863.Actg. Master's Mate.Bermuda; Proteus.Supply Ship; E.Aug. 20, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Ensign. Oct. 12, 1864.Actg. Ensign.Gulf. Brooks, Samuel A., Credit, Tisbary.Mass.Mass.Mass.Jan. 12, 1863.Actg. Master's M 4, 1863.Appointment revoked.Actg. 2d Asst. Engr. Jan. 14, 1863.Actg. 2d Asst. Engr. Brown, Charles A.,Mass.Mass.Mass.Jan. 25, 1864.Actg. Master's Mate.Fredonia; Farralones.Pacific.Mar. 5, 1867.Deceased.Mate. Brown, Charles H., Credit, Chesterfield.So. America.Mass.Mass.Dec. 4, 1861.Actg. Master.Wyandotte; Coeur de Leon; Virginia.No. Atlantic; Potomac Flotilla; Gulf.Dec. 3, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. May 13, 1863.Actg. Vol. Lieut. Brown, Charles H.,-Mass.Mass.July 23, 1862.
Tyler, Chairman Selectmen. Charlestown. I am not sure but that they are better; indeed, my observation inclines me to that opinion. Charles Robinson, Jr., Mayor. Chelmsford. My own opinion is they are rather better men as a whole. Joseph Reed, Chairman Selectmen. Chester. The habits of the returned soldiers belonging to our town are as good as when they left for the war, and in some cases better. Charles W. Knox, George S. Williams, B. B. Eastman, Selectmen. Chesterfield. They are as good men, and in some cases better. P. Bryant, Chairman Selectmen. Chicopee. The habits of our returned soldiers are better than before they entered the service. G. H. Knapp, Chairman Selectmen. Cohasset. None are worse, but a large portion are of much better habits. J. Q. A. Lothrop, S. J. Beal, Z. Rich, Selectmen. Dalton. My opinion is that their character and habits stand better in our town than when they enlisted. D. C. Smith, Chairman S
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, XIV. Massachusetts women in the civil war. (search)
. Athol. Athol Depot. Attleborough. Auburndale. Baldwinsville. Barnstable. Barre. Bellingham. Belmont. Belvedere. Berkley. Berlin. Bernardston. Beverly. Billerica. Blackstone. Bolton. Boston. Boylston. Braintree. Brewster. Bridgewater. Brighton. Brimfield. Brookfield. Brookline. Burlington. Cambridge. Cambridgeport. Canton. Carver. Centre Northbridge. Centreville. Chatham. Chelmsford. Chesterfield. Chilmark. Cliftondale. Cohasset. Concord. Cotuit. Cotuit Port. Dalton. Danvers. Deerfield. Dighton. Dorchester. Dorchester Lower Mills. Dover. Dracut. Dunstable. Duxbury. East Boston. East Bridgewater. East Cambridge. East Granville. East Medway. Easton. East Pembroke. East Randolph. East Saugus. East Walpole. East Wareham. Edgartown. Erving. Essex. Fairmount. Fall River. Falmouth. Feltonv
the Rev. W. Turner , Jun. , MA., Lives of the eminent Unitarians, John Taylor, (search)
ical notices of the Warrington academy, inserted in the Monthly Repository, vol. VIII., from which we may be allowed to insert the following extracts:—From the high character which he justly bore as a consummate Hebrew scholar, it may be presumed that he would be very careful thoroughly to ground his pupils in the knowledge of this sacred tongue. This appears accordingly to have been the case. From the papers with which the present writer has been favoured by the Rev. Thomas Astley, of Chesterfield, his only surviving pupil in these branches of learning, it is evident that, in addition to the ordinary mode of grammatical instruction, he drew out for them, and caused them to copy and get by heart, a sort of sacred vocabulary, containing copious and elaborate lists of the various Hebrew denominations of persons, things, relations, qualities, &c.; distinguishing the various synonyms, with their different shades of meaning, and often supplying the correspondent Greek terms in the Septua
wn constituents, the House, setting an example to be followed by all representative bodies, opened Vote of the House of 12 June, 1766. a gallery for the public to attend its debates. It also sent a grateful Address to the King, Address to the King, in Brad ford, 91. and voted thanks Vote of Thanks, &c., & c., 20 June. to Pitt and to Grafton; and, among many others, to Conway and Barre, to Camden and Shelburne; to Howard, who had refused to draw his sword against the colonies; to Chesterfield, who left retirement for their relief. But as to compensating the sufferers by the late disturbances, it upheld its right of deliberating freely, and would only pro- Chap. XXV.} 1766. June. mise at its next session to act as should then appear just and reasonable. House to the Governor, 25 June—Governor to House, 27 June the—House to Governor, 28 June,—all in Bradford. Also, Bernard's Observations, in Prior Documents, 107. Further: Letters from Ber-nard of 29 June, and 19 July, 1<
ament to be broken with impunity. R. Nugent, 13 Dec. 1766, to a Gentleman in Boston, printed in Boston Gazette, 2 March, 1767; Diary of Oakes Angier. He did not fear to flatter the prejudices of the King, and court the favor of Grenville and Bedford; for he saw that Chatham, who had declared to all the world, that his great point was to destroy faction, was incurring the hatred of every branch of the aristocracy. Lord Barrington to Sir Andrew Mitchell, 14 Dec. 1766. Eight or nine Chesterfield to Stanhope, 9 Dec. 1766. Whigs resigned their employments, on account of his headstrong removal of Lord Edgecombe from an unimportant post. Charles Townshend to Grafton, 2 Nov. 1766, in Grafton's Autobiography; Conway to Chatham, 22 Nov. 1766, Chat. Corr. III. 126. Saunders and Keppel left the Admiralty, and Keppel's place fell to Jenkinson. The Bedford party knew the weakness of the English Ximenes, and scorned to accept his moderate bid for recruits. But the King continually chee
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