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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 4 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 4 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 2 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
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il it reaches the Blue Ridge chain of mountains; thence with the line of the Blue Ridge to the southern boundary of the State of Virginia. 3. The Department of the Shenandoah is extended eastward to include the Piedmont District and the Bull Mountain range. General Prim, commanding the Spanish forces recently sent to Mexico, together with his suite, visited the army of the Potomac to-day. General Fremont attacked (Stonewall) Jackson seven miles beyond Harrisonburgh, Va., near Union Church or Cross Keys, at half-past 8 this morning, and drove him from a strong position with considerable loss.--(Doc. 18.) The obsequies of General Turner Ashby of the rebel cavalry, were celebrated at Charlottesville, Va. The services were performed by the Rev. Mr. Norton and Rev. Mr. Avery--the latter had been chaplin in the cavalry from the opening of the war. Both spoke of the deceased in terms of high praise as a man, a soldier, and a Christian. The brave soldiers wept as they listen
a battalion of the Seventh Illinois cavalry, under Captain Trafton, to proceed back to the railroad at Bahala, and destroy the road, telegraph, and all government property he might find. With the rest of the command, I moved south-west toward Union Church. We halted to feed at two o'clock P. M., on the plantation of Mr. Snyder, about two miles northeast of the church. While feeding, our pickets were fired upon by a considerable force. I immediately moved out upon them, skirmished with and drain Trafton returned to us about three o'clock in the morning, of the twenty-ninth, having come upon the rear of the main body of Adams's command. The enemy having a battery of artillery, it was his intention to attack us in front and rear at Union Church, about daylight in the morning, but the appearance of Captain Trafton with a force in his rear, changed his purpose, and turning to the right he took the direct road toward Port Gibson. From this point I made a strong demonstration toward Fay
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 15: the Army of the Potomac on the Virginia Peninsula. (search)
n the Confederates, that the latter were obliged to turn and fight before attempting the passage of the Shenandoah at Port Republic. Jackson left Ewell with three brigades (Elzy's, Trimble's, and Stewart's) of the rear division of his army at Union Church, about seven miles from Harrisonburg, to keep back the Nationals and gain time, while he should throw forward his own division to cover the bridge at Port Republic, five miles farther on, and prevent Shields from crossing it. Ewell stronglyy so at the center, and continued several hours, Milroy and Schenck all the while gaining ground; the former with heavy loss. The brunt of the battle fell upon him and Stahl, and upon Trimble on the part of the Confederates. Stahl's troops Union Church at Cross Keys. this little picture shows the appearance of the Church when the writer sketched it, in October, 1866. it was built of brick, and stood in a grove of oaks, a short distance from the Port Republic road from Harrison. Burg. It
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 22: the siege of Vicksburg. (search)
e army at Vicksburg. Their marches were long and very severe each day, often through tangled swamps, dark and rough forests, and across swollen streams and submerged plains. At Newton, being below Jackson, they turned sharply to the southwest toward Raleigh, and pushed rapidly through that town to Westfield and Hazelhurst. They halted at Gallatin, where they captured a 32-pounder rifled Parrott gun, with fourteen hundred pounds of gunpowder, on the way to Grand Gulf. They pushed on to Union Church, a little behind Natchez, where they had a skirmish, when, turning back, they struck the New Orleans and Jackson railway a little north of Brookhaven, and proceeded to burn the station-house, cars, and bridges at the latter place. Then they went to Bogue Chitto with a similar result, and pressing southward to Greensburg, in Louisiana, they marched rapidly westward on the Osyka and Clinton road to Clinton, fighting Confederates that lay in ambush at Amite River, and losing Lieutenant Colo
me. For outpost and skirmishing service, he left no equal behind him in either army. Being now within a few miles of Port Republic, where his trains and artillery must be taken over a wooden bridge across the larger of the two streams into which the south branch again forks at this place, and over the other and smaller branch by a ford, Jackson was obliged to turn and fight in order to gain time. Accordingly, Maj.-Gen. Ewell, with the rear division of his army, halted June 7. near Union Church, and took up a strong position along a ridge which here crosses the road, with his flanks well protected by timber. He lad but 5,000 men directly in hand; but the residue of Jackson's army was between him and Port Republic, 4 or 5 miles distant, ready to be sent up as required. Fremont pushed out of Harrisonburg at 6 o'clock next morning, June 8. and before 9 his advance was engaged near a little hamlet known as Cross-Keys, some seven miles on. Ewell's three brigades, under Trimble
chel against Chattanooga, and thence upon East Tennessee. Buell reports Kentucky and Tennessee to be in a critical condition, demanding immediate attention. Halleck says the main body of Beauregard's forces is with him at Okolona. McCall's force was reported yesterday as having embarked, and on its way to join you. It is intended to send the residue of McDowell's force also to join you as s speedily as possible. Fremont had a hard fight, day before yesterday, with Jackson's force at Union Church, eight miles from Harrisonburg. He claims the victory, but was badly handled. It is clear that a pretty strong force is operating with Jackson, for the purpose of detaining the forces here from you. I am urging, as fast as possible, the new levies. Be assured, General, that there never has been a moment when my desire has been otherwise than to aid you with my whole heart, mind, and strength, since the hour we first met; and, whatever others may say for their own purposes, you have n
Doc. 18.-battle of cross Keys, Va. Gen. Fremont's despatches. Headquarters army in the field, camp near Port Republic, June 8, 9 P. M. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: the army left Harrisonburgh at six o'clock this morning, and at half-past 8 my advance engaged the rebels about seven miles from that place, near Union Church. The enemy was very advantageously posted in the timber, having chosen his own position, forming a smaller circle than our own, and with his troops formed in masses. It consisted undoubtedly of Jackson's entire force. The battle began with heavy firing at eleven o'clock, and lasted with great obstinacy and violence until four in the afternoon, some skirmishing and artillery firing continuing from that time until dark. Our troops fought occasionally under the murderous fire of greatly superior numbers — the hottest of the small-arm fire being on the left wing, which was held by Stahl's brigade, consisting of five regiments. The bayon
uard (the mounted infantry under Captain Davis) approached the town, they were met and resisted by a company of the enemy. They promptly dismounted, engaged and repulsed him — killing three, who were left dead on the ground. Our column immediately moved forward into, and occupied the town, without further resistance. Here we bivouacked for the night. I ascertained from scouts whom I sent out, that Gen. Forrest, with a large force — said to be his whole command — were bivouacked at Union Church, four miles west of Clarksburgh, on the road leading from McLamoresville into the Huntington and Lexington road at Parker's Cross-Roads, five miles south of Clarksburgh. One of his foraging parties represented his force at eight thousand strong, with twelve pieces of artillery. I immediately (two o'clock A. M.) sent a courier to you with a despatch, saying, in substance, that he was at the point above designated in considerable force, and that I should try to coax or force a fight o<
amp at seven o'clock. At Hardgrove's, companies A, H, F, and M, were detailed, under command of Captain Trafton, to proceed to Bahala and destroy the railroad and transportation. The Sixth Illinois had a skirmish with some rebel cavalry, near Union Church, in which two of the enemy were wounded, and some prisoners taken. They camped at Union Church. Distance marched that day thirty miles. They left camp at sunrise. Captain Trafton's battalion had come in at four A. M., having travelled soUnion Church. Distance marched that day thirty miles. They left camp at sunrise. Captain Trafton's battalion had come in at four A. M., having travelled some thirty miles more than the rest of the command, and having had several skirmishes, in which, without any loss, they captured about thirty prisoners. Again directing their course toward the New-Orleans and Jackson Railroad, at Brook-haven, the Seventh Illinois, in advance, charged into the place, burned depot, cars, bridges, etc., and captured and paroled two hundred and one prisoners. They encamped six miles south-west of the town. The people were much terrified by the idea that the whole t
rces under Major-General Fremont. I was ordered on the seventh, by the General Commanding, to occupy the advance, and my division encamped for that night near Union Church. The enemy made a reconnoissance in the afternoon, and, going forward, I found General Elzey drawing up his own and General Taylor's brigades in position. I e for defence. It was decided to post my artillery (Courtnay's battery) on the hill to the south of the small stream, and immediately on the left of road from Union Church to Port Republic. You directed my brigade to take the right of our line of defence, and occupy the pine hill to the east of the road and the battery, but some, and retired with their battery. After some minutes' brisk fire by the enemy's sharp-shooters, their entire left wing retreated to their first position, near Union Church, on the Kisseltown road. At this time, General Taylor with his brigade joined me. He had previously been ordered to my support, and I had directed him to marc
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