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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 106 8 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 59 59 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 32 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 10 8 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 9 9 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 4 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 4 4 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 3 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 1 Browse Search
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From scouts, who volunteered as spies, we ascertained that they had seized hundreds of negroes in that part of Louisiana, and were actually digging a canal from Milliken's Bend across the peninsula, which, it was hoped, would divert the waters of the river from its proper bed, and leave Vicksburgh Sigh and dry as an inland city! The idea was a bold one, and originated with General Pope, who, not able to pass Island no.10 some months before, dug a canal across a small peninsula near New-Madrid, in Missouri, and got safely in the rear of the island, and captured it. The present undertaking, however, did not promise like results; for the stream was strong, and would not be diverted. Hundreds of men, both whites and blacks, sank and died under the labor of cutting this canal, before the attempt was discontinued. And still the bombardment progressed. Thousands of shell, round shot, and other missiles were hurled at our devoted city; but, strange to say, except in some half-dozen ins
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 12.47 (search)
sition for an invading army, and I may add that, having been occupied, the exigent precaution, under the circumstances, of making a place d'armes of it was wholly overlooked, though it was barely twenty-three miles distant from Corinth, where, according to the Federal general's reports of the period, a supposed Confederate army of from 50,000 to 60,000 men were concentrated. Previously, or as early as the 3d of March, Pope, with about 19,000 present for duty, had appeared before New Madrid, in Missouri, the essentially weak or most vulnerable point of our upper Mississippi defenses. Five divisions each of 2 brigades, 3 regiments of cavalry, a body of unattached troops, including some regulars, and 11 batteries of field-artillery. Official Records, VIII., 94.--G. T. B. Delaying his attack, however, until the 12th,--until siege-guns could be brought up,--the works there were easily made so untenable that General McCown abandoned them and transferred his forces, at night, across
s forced into a rapid and damaging retreat from Springfield toward Arkansas. While forcing this enterprise in the southwest, Halleck had also determined on an important campaign in southeast Missouri. Next to Columbus, which the enemy evacuated on March 2, the strongest Confederate fortifications on the Mississippi River were at Island No.10, about forty miles farther to the south. To operate against these, he planned an expedition under Brigadier-General Pope to capture the town of New Madrid as a preliminary step. Columbus and Nashville were almost sure to fall as the result of Donelson. If now he could bring his two Missouri campaigns into a combination with two swift and strong Tennessee expeditions, while the enemy was in scattered retreat, he could look forward to the speedy capture of Memphis. But to the realization of such a project, the hesitation and slowness of Buell were a serious hindrance. That general had indeed started a division under Nelson to Grant's assis
erican, August 1. Colonel L. S. Miles, upon whose conduct during the battle at Bull Run severe animadversions had been made, published a card. He declares that he has been made the victim of personal spite, that he directed the movements of his troops on the field, and that he never gave some of the orders attributed to him. He further says that he has called for a court of inquiry to investigate the whole transaction.--(Doc. 138.) General Pillow in command of rebel troops at New Madrid, Mo., issued a proclamation to the citizens of Missouri, announcing his intention to expel the Federal troops from the State and reinstate Claiborne F. Jackson, at Jefferson City. Gen. Pillow's army is made up of a portion of the Union City, the Randolph, and the Memphis troops, and is from twelve to twenty thousand strong. They are well supplied with cannon, field-pieces, and siege guns. Jeff. Thompson, now in command of Watkins' old force, has moved the encampment from Bloomfield to with
ngton and Philadelphia, subscribed to the oath. No man who would not, in case of necessity, fight for his country was permitted to go to Port Royal to assist in the management of the contrabands.--(Doc. 74.) Four regiments of rebels, with a four-gun battery, attempted to flank Colonel Geary, near Lovettsville, Va., but were driven off without a skirmish. An engagement took place between the National forces, under command of Gen. Pope, and the rebels, about two miles north of New Madrid, Mo. After a fight of between two and three hours, the National forces retired a short distance, having met with a slight loss from the fire of the rebel gunboats.--(Doc. 75.) -an order, dated at St. Louis, Mo., was issued to-day by Maj.-Gen. Halleck, U. S.A., establishing regulations for the conduct of restored intercourse between the loyal section of the Department of Missouri, and the counties on the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, in Tennessee. By it, all vessels running in trade
not less than two brigades. The United States Senate, by a vote of twenty-nine to fourteen, passed the bill abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. The telegraph line was to-day discovered to be cut in a dozen places, between New Madrid and Sykeston, Mo. Gen. Pope immediately issued a special order to the residents along the route, that he would hold them responsible for the safety of the telegraph line, and that if any damage was done to it near their houses and farms, he wou and Lieut. Commanding A. J. Drake, of the Sagamore, administered the oath of allegiance to a few of the inhabitants, and preparations were made to take formal possession of the town. Early this morning the rebels at Island No.10, near New Madrid, Mo., made an attempt to tow their floating battery to a position from which it could command the National mortar-fleet. A rapid fire was opened upon it, and in the course of half an hour the battery was struck several times, splinters being thr
April 5. The United States gunboat Caronde. let, Capt. Walke, arrived at New Madrid, Mo., this morning at one o'clock, having passed the fortifications at Island Number10, and the batteries upon the mainland opposite, and now lies moored safely to the shore, under the guns of the upper fort at New Madrid. The Carondelet left the fleet last evening at ten o'clock, during a terrific thunder-storm, and having taken a barge in tow, laden with hay and coal, to serve as a protection from the enemy's balls, extinguished her lights, put on steam, and rapidly sailed down the river. The first intimation the rebels had of the attempt to run the blockade was the fire which issued from the burning chimney of the gunboat, and immediately thereafter it was greeted with a shower of balls from the infantry stationed at the upper battery, the same which was so effectually spiked a few days since by Col. Roberts. A signal rocket was then sent up, and in an instant the entire line of batte
ere retreating, without firing a shot, and captured five locomotives and a large amount of rolling stock. The other expedition, under Col. Turchin, of the Nineteenth Illinois regiment, went west, and arrived at Decatur in time to save the railroad bridge, which was in flames. General Mitchell now holds a hundred miles of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.--Philadelphia Press, April 15. Commodore Foote, with the Western flotilla and mortar-boats, en route for Fort Pillow, left New Madrid, Mo., accompanied by a large body of National trools.--New York World, April 16. Four companies of the Connecticut Eighth Regiment had a skirmish this day with a force of rebels of one hundred and fifty men that made a sortie from Fort Macon, the rebels driving in the Union pickets. After a sharp engagement the rebels were driven back to the Fort. Capt. Schaffer and one private of company H, of the Eighth Connecticut, were severely wounded. The rebels were seen to take four of thei
xpedition returned to-night, without having lost a man.--National Intelligencer, April 17. In Baltimore, Md., at all the Roman Catholic churches, special prayers were recited by order of the Most Reverend Archbishop Kenrick, in accordance with the request of the President of the United States, and were responded to with very general unanimity.--Baltimore American, April 14. A gunboat fight took place this day at Needham's Cut Off, on the Mississippi River, forty-five miles below New Madrid, Mo., between the National flotilla, under the command of Commodore Foote, and five rebel gunboats, in which the latter were compelled to retire.--Louisville Journal. Lieut. Shoemaker, of company H, Fourth Ohio cavalry, on an reconnoitring expedition, this day, with a small body of men, about fifteen miles west of Decatur, Ala., came upon sixteen rebel cavalry, who immediately fled to a swamp and, dismounting, left their horses and plunged into the thicket. Ordering his men to dismoun
Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Kentucky, East of the Tennessee River, and including Cumberland Gap, and the troops operating in its vicinity Major-General H. G. Wright is assigned to the command of the Department of Ohio. A large and enthusiastic war meeting was held in Brooklyn, N. Y. A series of patriotic resolutions were adopted, and speeches made by Generals Crooke, Walbridge, Sickles and Spino la, Admiral Paulding, Rev. Dr. Cox, and others. A force of Union cavalry from New Madrid, Mo., under the command of Captain Frank Moore, while on an expedition to Charleston, attacked a rebel camp on White Oak Ridge, near Hickman, killing four and taking nineteen of the rebels prisoners, including three captains. They also captured twenty-seven horses and about one hundred stand of arms. Captain Moore and one private were wounded. The Board of Supervisors of Rensselaer County, N. Y., assembled at Troy, appropriated seventy-five thousand dollars as bounty money, to be paid
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