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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 3 1 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Hampshire, (search)
assachusetts (including New Hampshire) form a confederacy......1642 White Mountains explored by Captain Neal......1642 Quakers William Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson executed for returning to the province after banishment......Oct. 27, 1659 William Leddra hanged for being a Quaker......March 14. 1660 Warrant issued at Dover, directing three Quakeresses to be whipped out of the province. Stripped and tied to a cart, they are publicly whipped at Dover and Hampton, but freed at Salisbury through the agency of Walter Barefoot......December, 1662 Indians in King Philip's War ravage Somersworth and Durham, and between Exeter and Hampton......September, 1675 Four hundred Indians captured by strategy at Dover. Seven or eight are put to death, 200 discharged, and the balance sold in foreign parts as slaves......Sept. 7, 1676 King's bench decided that Massachusetts had no jurisdiction over New Hampshire and Mason's heirs none within the territory they claimed. To est
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Webster, Daniel 1782-1852 (search)
Webster, Daniel 1782-1852 Statesman; born in Salisbury, N. H., Jan. 18, 1782; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1801, defraying a portion of his college expenses by teaching school. After teaching in Maine he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1805. He soon rose to eminence in his profession at Portsmouth, N. H., and was a member of Congress in 1813-17, where he soon took a foremost rank in debate. In 1816 he settled in Boston, and, by his services in the Dartmouth College case, which was carried to the Supreme Court (1817), he was placed in the front rank in his profession. In that court he ably argued many important cases, in which he exhibited superior skill and ability. In 1820 he was a member of the Massachusetts constitutional convention. He again entered Congress in 1823, when he made a famous speech on the Greek Revolution, and, as chairman of the judiciary committee, effected measures for a complete revision of the criminal law of the United States. While
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Old portraits and modern Sketches (search)
als. Now, who dares quote from the Herald of Freedom? He wrote for humanity, as his biographer justly says, not for fame. He wrote because he had something to say, and true to nature, for to him nature was truth; he spoke right on, with the artlessness and simplicity of a child. He was born in Plymouth, New Hampshire, in the sixth month of 1794,—a lineal descendant from John Rogers, of martyr-memory. Educated at Dartmouth College, he studied law with Hon. Richard Fletcher, of Salisbury, New Hampshire, now of Boston, and commenced the practice of it in 1819, in his native village. He was diligent and successful in his profession, although seldom known as a pleader. About the year 1833, he became interested in the anti-slavery movement. His was one of the few voices of encouragement and sympathy which greeted the author of this sketch on the publication of a pamphlet in favor of immediate emancipation. He gave us a kind word of approval, and invited us to his mountain home, on