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The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 4 0 Browse Search
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley 1 1 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 7, April, 1908 - January, 1909 1 1 Browse Search
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James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 1: the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire. (search)
empted to settle in Worcester; but as they were Irish and Presbyterians, such a storm of prejudice against them arose among the enlightened Congregationalists of that place, that they were obliged to flee before it, and seek refuge in the less populous places of Massachusetts. Sixteen families, after many months of tribulation and wandering, selected for their permanent abode a tract twelve miles square, called Nutfield, which now embraces the townships of Londonderry, Derry and Windham, in Rockingham county, New Hamp shire. The land was a free gift from the king, in consideration of the services rendered his throne by the people of Londonderry in the defence of their city. To each settler was assigned a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, a house lot, and an out lot of sixty acres. The lands of the men who had personally served during the siege, were exempted from taxation, and were known down to the period of the revolution as the Exempt Farms. The settlement of Londonderry att
Historic leaves, volume 7, April, 1908 - January, 1909, Report of the Committee on Necrology of the Somerville Historical Society. (search)
ed during the year 1907, as follows:— Lucy M. (Clark) Knapp, died June 16, 1907. Daniel E. Chase, died July 13, 1907. Charles W. Sawyer, died June 21, 1907. L. Frank Arnold, died July 25, 1907. Isaac B. Kendall, died November 26, 1907. Nathan L. Pennock, died December 10, 1907. Lucy M. Knapp was born December 2, 1832, near where the Stone Building now stands in Union Square. Her father, Joseph Clark, one of the numerous brick makers in the town at that time, was from Windham, N. H., and her mother, Lucy Brooks Locke, was a Cambridge woman. As there was no high school in Somerville in her school days, she attended Woburn Academy, then a well-known institution, and often spoke with pleasure of the years spent there and the friends and acquaintances thus formed. She was always interested in the First Universalist Church of Somerville, and at one time was a teacher in the Sunday School. She was married August 9, 1859, to Oren S. Knapp, then a teacher in the Prospect
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Old portraits and modern Sketches (search)
have done well at ciphering also, had he not fallen in love with Molly Park. At the age of eighteen he enlisted in the Revolutionary army, and was at the battle of Saratoga. On his return he married his fair Molly, settled down as a farmer in Windham, formerly a part of Londonderry, and before he was thirty years of age became an elder in the church, of the creed and observances of which he was always a zealous and resolute defender. From occasional passages in his poems, it is evident thatr manner, that he was accustomed to Feed on thoughts which voluntary move Harmonious numbers. Peace to him! A score of modern dandies and sentimentalists could ill supply the place of this one honest man. In the ancient burial-ground of Windham, by the side of his beloved Molly, and in view of the old meeting-house, there is a mound of earth, where, every spring, green grasses tremble in the wind and the warm sunshine calls out the flowers. There, gathered like one of his own ripe she