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The National crisis. seizure of Another Fort in North Carolina--a Sunday at the batteries — Military dress of the South Carolinians — rejoicing in Georgia--Hon. Sherrard Clemens' speech, &c., &c. Seizure of Another Fort in North Carolina. It has already been stated that Governor Ellis, of North Carolina, had directed Forts Caswell and Johnson, which had been seized by citizens of that State, to be returned into the custody of the Federal Government.--This fact does not seem to have ended the seizures. A correspondent of the Petersburg Express, writing from Washington, N. C., on the 21st, says: The citizens of our town were much aroused yesterday morning on hearing of the seizure of Fort Neil, near our place. On Saturday night, a number of our enterprising young men left this place to seize Fort Neil, which they did, and hoisted the Palmetto flag over it. Fort Neil is a small, but strong little fort, lying on Pamlico river, between this place and Pamlico Soun
between the two oceans. Captured Forts. A few days since we gave a list of the Federal forts situated on the Southern Seaboard. We now give a list of those which have thus far been seized by order of the Governors of the States in which they are respectively located: Fortifications — Location.Guns.Cost. Fort Pulaski, Savannah150$923,859 Fort Jackson, Savannah14125,000 Fort Morgan, Mobile1321,212,556 Fort Gaines, Mobile8920,000 Fort Macon. Beaufort, N. C.51460,000 Fort Caswell, Oak Island, N. C.87571,231 Fort Moultrie, Charleston5475,301 Castle Pickney, Charleston2543,809 Fort St. Philip, Louisiana124203,734 Fort Jackson, Louisiana150817,608 Fort Pike, Louisiana49472,901 Fort McComb, Louisiana49447,000 Fort Livingston, Louisiana52342,000 Fort McRae, Florida151384,000 Fort Barrancas, Florida49315,000 Redoubt, Florida26100,000 Total1,262$6,513,089 The following are still in the hands of the Federal authorities: Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md.; F
Richmond and Danville Railroad, at or near Barksdale's Depot, on the Danville road. This new road is to begin at the company's shops — the central point on the North Carolina Central Railroad, and now a beautiful little village — thence it takes its route to Yanceyville, thence to Milton, and then to Barksdale's Depot. By reference to the map, it will be seen that this is a perfectly straight line, thus affording the privilege so long sought and so earnestly desired by both the people of Caswell and adjoining counties, and by the citizens of Richmond, of connecting by a short and practicable line of railway, the two railroads above mentioned. Hitherto this connection has been most urgently pressed in the North Carolina Legislature, but has been constantly and steadily resisted by every possible means, and invariably voted down. Now, we have a charter for the shortest, the most eligible, and last, but not least, the least expensive route. Most of the way from the company's shops
Forts Caswell and Johnson. We invoke the people of North Carolina to give heed to the intelligence in our New York letter, from a true friend of the South, and one of the most intelligent and influential gentlemen in New York, that, within one week a strong force of regular troops will be sent to the above forts, provided with arms and munitions for a year's siege. If these forts fall into the hands of the Federal Government, it may cost rivers of blood and treasure to get them back. Why should the Federal Government occupy those forts? Is it not agreed upon by all parties in the South that the ends of justice and peace can be better maintained by withdrawing the United States troops from the Southern forts which they now hold, whereas here is a movement to garrison and fortify those which are as yet unoccupied? Will the people of North Carolina permit this? If it is best for the cause of peace that this movement should not be made, then let the North Carolinians themselves
g that design, by calling upon the proper military authorities for information as to the force required for that purpose." Having premised thus much, we now give the following important information from the same source to which we were indebted for our former intelligence. It appals us to think that such warnings as these may fall upon dead and incredulous ears: "New York, March 18. "I learn from a reliable source that a vessel is now loading big guns and ammunition for Forts Caswell and Johnson, in North Carolina, and that within one week a strong force of regular troops will be sent to these points, to prevent their seizure by State authorities. It is further designed by the Government, acting under the advice of General Scott and General Totten, to garrison, arm, and provision the forts in Virginia and North Carolina for one year's siege. Norfolk has been determined upon as the Northern 'point d'appui,' or seaboard base for further movements against the Confeder
Forts Caswell and Johnson. It is most important to the interests of the South that the Abolition Administration should not be permitted to seize these forts.--In a strategic point of view, their value cannot be overrated. If our North Carolina friends would keep the peace, let them proceed forth with to keep Abraham Lincoln out of those forts.
icial effects of railroads, exhibiting facts in railroad statistics instructive and truly encouraging to the friends of the Milton Railroad. At a rough guess he placed the cost of the contemplated road at $600,000, and glancing at the wealth of Caswell, which he estimated at $8,000,000, he thought this county could well afford to take $250,000, if not $300,000, of the stock. He cited the example of other North Carolina counties of less wealth through which railroads now passed, and could not he stock. He cited the example of other North Carolina counties of less wealth through which railroads now passed, and could not believe that the people of Caswell would be found less enterprising and mindful of their own interest. It was resolved that the Commissioners appointed by the charter be requested to open books for stock immediately, and that said Commissioners report progress at a meeting to be held at Yanceyville on Wednesday of Caswell Superior Court, (8th day of May next.)
h Carolina. Charlotte, N. C., April 25, 1861. Old Mecklenburg has appropriated $50,000 to defray the expenses of her soldiers, and private, though wealthy gentlemen of this place, say they will increase the amount as soon as it is needed. When the Governor's dispatch was received, asking if this county would send him a company, he was immediately answered in the affirmative, and as so many were anxious to go it was difficult to decide whom to take. The Rifles left last week for Fort Caswell, the Grays this morning for Raleigh, and a committee is now in Raleigh to make arrangements for the departure of the Dragoons. The Mint at this place has been seized by a detachment of soldiers, in accordance with the order of the Governor, and our Military Institute is now a school of instruction for regularly enlisted recruits, who are being thrown into this place by the energetic and patriotic President of the North Carolina Central Railroad. Most of the Cadets, representatives o
e descendants of Puritanism — We now virtually stand alone in the scrutinizing eye of the civilized world, appealing to the rectitude of our intentions, the justice of our cause, and the God of Battles to shield us from the poisoned darts of a calumnious foe. When the vassals of Lincoln shall dare tread the borders of our State, every man and boy will meet them on the threshold and "welcome them with bloody hands" to a decent home in our soil. Our citizens are fully aroused to every duty. Caswell has sent out three companies of as brave boys as ever drew a sword or levelled a musket, in defence of their altars and fires. They are pledged to "carry the war into Africa," if necessary.--Two other companies are also formed, and will soon be ready to take the field. It would be well for the people of your city to keep a look-out for one William Barrett, a lame Irishman and a tailor by trade, who left our village a short time since, by the request of those who considered his sentime
t and strength of each: where Located.Cost.MenGuns Fort McHenry, Baltimore$146,00035074 Fort Carroll, Baltimore.135,000800159 Fort Delaware, Delaware river, Del.539,000750151 Fort Madison, Annapolis, Md.15,00015031 Fort Severna, Maryland6,0006014 Fort Washington, Potomac river575,00040088 Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort2,400,0002,450371 Fort Calhoun, Hamp'n R'ds, Norfolk1,664,0001,120224 Fort Macon, Beaufort. N. C.460,00030061 Fort Johnson, Cape Fear, Wilmington, N. C.5,0006010 Fort Caswell, Oak Island, N. C.571,00040081 Fort Sumter, Charleston, S C677,000650146 castle Pinckney, Charleston, S C44,00010025 Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S C75,00030054 Fort Pulaski, Savannah, Ga923,000800150 Fort Jackson, Savannah, Ga80,0007014 Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla.51,00010025 Fort Taylor, Key West 1,000185 Fort Jefferson, Tortugas 1,500298 Fort Barrancas. Pensacola315,00025049 Bedoupt, Pensacola69,00026 Fort Pickens Pensacola759,0001,260212 Fort McRae, Pensacola384,0006501
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