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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Index. Abbeville, S. C., Distinguished men of, 56. Alabama Heroine, An, 45. Alexandria, Retrocession of, 197. Allen, Major, Wm., 139. Ambulance Corps, The Richmond, Members of, 113. Anderson, General Joseph R., 211. Appomattox, Surrender at, 20, 263. Archer, Colonel Fletcher H., 12. Ashford, Col., John, 257. Atkinson, Col., John Wilder, 38, 139. Averill, Col. J. H., 267. Baldwin, Joseph G , 22. Barlow, Captain J. W., 139. Barker, Capt. F. C., 366. Barnes, Gen. W. F., 78. Beauregard, Gen. G. T., 206 Benjamin, Judah P., Sketch of, 297, 378. Bennett, Captain, Frank, 171. Bingham, apt. Robert 345. Blacknall, Col. C. C., 168, 173. Blacknall, Dr., Geo. W., 168. Blacknall, Dr., Oscar, 168. Blacknall, Maj. T. H., 168. Blake, Capt. T. B., 139, 286. Blow, Capt. W. N, 275 Boonsboro, Battle of, 162, 276 Boyd, Miss, Belle, 165. Boy Heroes at Cold Harbor, 234. Brandy Station, Battle of, 148, 168. Bristow Station, Battle of, 339. Bullo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.6 (search)
eginning as a private in the company, he was assigned to duty in the Medical Purveyor's office. From Charlotte he went with President Davis and his party to Abbeville, S. C., where the last Cabinet meeting was held. From that place the party repaired to Washington, Ga., where the Confederate Cabinet dispersed, Hon. John H. Reagaation kept up with Johnston's army and others, still in the field. When the truce between Johnston and Sherman expired, the line of march was taken up for Abbeville, S. C., and finally to Washington. Ga., where the closing scenes of the Confederate Government came on 4th May, 1865, with the winding up of the last remaining depstrength to meet, endure, and try to overcome the trials soon to come upon them, and with fatherly advice as to their action. And so it was all the way to Abbeville, S. C., where the whole town was thrown open to the party. And at Washington, Ga., where the bitter end was known to be reached, the welcome, though tearful, was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), An effort to rescue Jefferson Davis. (search)
ey, after a long ride, which had tired men and horses, we reached Charlotte late in the afternoon, only to find that the President had gone to Yorkville, in South Carolina, thirty or thirty-five miles distant. I directed my escort to remain in Charlotte that night and to join me at Yorkville the next day. Taking a fresh horse, I left the former city at sunset and alone rode on, swimming the Catawba river in the night and reaching Yorkville at 2 A. M. the next day. The President had gone to Abbeville, thus again disappointing my hope of meeting him, but here I met you and I gave you a letter to the President, and asked you to endeavor to overtake the President as soon as possible. You left on this mission immediately, but failed in it, as did two of my couriers who were afterwards dispatched on the same errand. One mistake into which you were led is explained by the fact that I did reach Yorkville alone, but all of the men who had started with me joined me the next day, after you h
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
Orr's South Carolina Rifles. [from the Abbeville, S. C., Medium, July 20, 1899 ] Brief Sketch of the famous regiment from the pen of one who fought in its ranks. By J. W. Mattison, of Company G. Orr's Regiment of Rifles went into camp of instruction at Sandy Springs camp ground, ten miles above Anderson C. H., July 19th, 1861, with the following field officers: James L. Orr, colonel; J. Foster Marshall, lieutenant-colonel; Daniel Ledbetter, major; Ben. Sloan, adjutant; T. B. Lee, sergeant-major; Company A, J. W. Livingston, captain; Company B, James M. Perrin, captain; Company C, J. J. Norton, captain; Company D, F. E. Harrison, captain; Company E, Miles M. Norton, captain; Company F, Robert A. Hawthorn, captain; Company G; G. McD. Miller, captain; Company H, George M. Fairlee, captain; Company K, G. W. Cox, captain; Company L, J. B. Moore, captain. The regiment was composed of the ten companies of one hundred men each—Companies B and G from Abbeville county; Companies A,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Jefferson Davis Monument Association holds the First celebration of the day of memory. (search)
use was lost, the principles lived, and would reassert themselves at another and more favorable time. One morning when Mr. McCaleb went to him to express his fears about the condition of the Secretary of State, who was not an expert horseman, Mr. Davis said: Captain, do not trouble yourself about the Secretary of State, if one of us escapes it will be he. He could never forget the night when, with guns cocked, the company which he commanded rode behind the President's ambulance from Abbeville, S. C. to Washington, Ga., where they were expecting a dash of the Confederate Cavalry any moment. They crossed the Savannah river bright and early on the morning of May 6, 1865, and entered Washington, Ga., where they remained two days. Colonel Johnston instructed him to report with his men to the President, who wished to bid him good-by. He stated that he had determined to disband his escort, because a small body of men could more easily elude the vigilance of the enemy than a large on
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.29 (search)
aching there on the 15th of April, and the same day took cars for Abbeville. Left Abbeville with wagon train on the 17th, and reached WashinAbbeville with wagon train on the 17th, and reached Washington, Ga., on the 19th. We went to Augusta, Ga., on the 20th, and here the money was placed in the vaults of a bank. Some of it, I know notons, and across the country we marched on the 29th of April to Abbeville, S. C., where the things were put on board some cars that stood at th, Ga. On May the 2d President Davis and Staff and Cabinet reached Abbeville, coming, I imagined, from Charlotte, on horseback. On that day whe last official act of the navy of the Confederate States: Abbeville, S. C., May 2, 1865. Sir,—You are hereby detached from the Naval S In continuation, Mr. Fleming does not know when the money left Abbeville, but thinks it was on the morning of the 1st of May. Some money d the midshipmen received forty dollars apiece. They remained in Abbeville until May 7, when they started homeward. A few days before the r
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Remarkable record of the Haskells of South Carolina. (search)
ir wounds. All of them had been privates in the army before the firing on Sumter. She was ever quiet, but genial, hiding what suspense and anguish held her, making, unknowingly, great history for her State and for all time. The eldest son was Langdon Cheves Haskell, who served on the staff of General Maxey Gregg, later on the staff of General A. P. Hill, and surrendered at Appomattox as captain on the staff of Fighting Dick Anderson, of his own State. He married Miss Ella Wardlaw, of Abbeville, dying in 1886, and leaving three sons and one daughter, all adults. Charles Thompson Haskell was the second son, a captain in the First Carolina Regulars, and was killed on Morris Island when Gilmore landed to attack Charleston in July, 1863. He, happily, left no widow. The next was William Thompson Haskell. He was captain of Company H, First South Carolina volunteers, and died at the charge of that corps at Gettysburg while commanding under A. P. Hill. Alexander Cheves Haskell
Abbeville, Abbeville County, South Carolina a town of 592* pop., on a branch of the Greenville & Columbia Railroad, 166 miles from Columbia.
o meet at Charleston to-morrow at 4 o'clock. The resolution caused debate. Mr. Miles appealed to the Convention not to adjourn to Charleston, but remain here regardless of small-pox or other physical or moral causes, and discharge the duties required by South Carolina. He urged that other States would jeer at our timidity in such a crisis, and the moral power of the present movement would be effected by other sympathizing States if we adjourn to Charleston. Mr. Cochrane, of Abbeville, said he would never consent to leave Columbia until the ordinance of secession had been passed. He urged members to stand up to all the responsibilities of their position, and remain to perfect their work. Mr. Keitt said that he was as ardently devoted to secession as any other man, and determined to be with the Convention until its action was complete, but urged an adjournment to Charleston. He said he would never consent to hurry through the proceedings of the Convention, and gav
to an infantry company. In the Saluda Battalion, Greenville District, eighty-five persons volunteered. Laurens District has now nearly five hundred volunteers ready to march. The ladies of the Lower Battalion, in that District, tender their services to the volunteers to make clothes and do other work in furnishing an outfit for the company. The Palmetto Riflemen, of Greenville, have tendered their services to the Governor, and have been accepted. Four companies have been raised in Abbeville. Benjamin C. Rawley, of Spotsylvania, Va., aged 16 years, was on a visit to Petersburg, Va., when he heard of the occupation of Fort Sumter, and the probability of war against South Carolina. He immediately sent his horse home, and set out for Charleston, walking a great part of the way. On his arrival here, and the report of his intention, Colonel John S. Preston generously undertook to equip him, and he is now awaiting response from him to be enrolled as a recruit under Lieut. W. H
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