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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lii. (search)
ident, to present you with a bouquet! The situation was momentarily embarrassing; and I was puzzled to know how His Excellency would get out of it. With no appearance of discomposure, he stooped down, took the flowers, and, looking from them into the sparkling eyes and radiant face of the lady, said, with a gallantry I was unprepared for,--Really, madam, if you give them to me, and they are mine, I think I cannot possibly make so good a use of them as to present them to you, in return! Chesterfield could not have extricated himself from the dilemma with more tact and address; and the incident, trifling in itself, may serve to illustrate that there existed in the ci-devant rail-splitter and flat-boatman --uncouth and half-civilized as many supposed him — the essential elements of the true gentleman. I was always touched by the President's manner of receiving the salute of the guard at the White House. Whenever he appeared in the portico, on his way to or from the War or Treasury
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 18: capture of Fort Fisher, Wilmington, and Goldsboroa.--Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--Stoneman's last raid. (search)
g passed a little north of Camden, and thus swept over the region made famous by the contests of Rawdon and Cornwallis, with Greene and Gates, eighty-five years before. It was a most fatiguing march for the whole, army, for much of the country presented flooded swamps, especially in the region of Lynch's Creek, at which the left wing was detained. The right, wing crossed it at Young's, Tiller's, and Kelly's bridges. On the 2d of March the leading division of the Twentieth Corps reached Chesterfield, skirmishing there with Butler's cavalry division; and at about noon the next day the Seventeenth Corps (Blair's) entered Cheraw, where it was expected Hardee, who was holding the post with his fugitives from Charleston, would make a stand. But he did not. He retreated across the Pedee, burning the railway bridge behind him, and fled to Fayetteville, leaving as spoils for his pursuers, twenty-five cannon, which he had brought from Charleston, and considerable ammunition. Sherman caused
William A. Smith, DD. President of Randolph-Macon College , and Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy., Lectures on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery as exhibited in the Institution of Domestic Slavery in the United States: withe Duties of Masters to Slaves., Lecture XI: teaching the slaves to read and Write. (search)
n advance of their circumstances and prospects. In their circumstances, it would be even more objectionable than it could be to take the time and labor of a white youth, which (we will also suppose) were required for the immediate support of himself and of those depending upon his labor, and educate him for the learned pursuits of a Newton or a Macaulay, whilst at the same time, for causes beyond his control, he was doomed for the remainder of his days to work in the mines of Cornwall or Chesterfield, by the light of Sir Humphrey Davy's lamp! No one of the important objects of so high an education is accessible to him. The least part of the objection to such a course as this is, that it would be a useless expenditure of time and labor. But the reason is much stronger in the case of the African. The civil offices are all closed against him. No one of the learned professions is open to him. The Law of caste which forbids his amalgamation bars him out from every thing of the kind.
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, Chapter 22: campaign of the Carolinas. February and March, 1866. (search)
ross Lynch's Creek, the roads so bad that we had to corduroy nearly every foot of the way; but I was in communication with all parts of the army, which had met no serious opposition from the enemy. On the 2d of March we entered the village of Chesterfield, skirmishing with Butler's cavalry, which gave ground rapidly. There I received a message from General Howard, who reported that he was already in Cheraw with the Seventeenth Corps, and that the Fifteenth was near at hand. General Hardee herefore directed the left wing to march for Sneedsboroa, about ten miles above Cheraw, to cross the Pedee there, while I in person proposed to cross over and join the right wing in Cheraw. Early in the morning of the 3d of March I rode out of Chesterfield along with the Twentieth Corps, which filled the road, forded Thompson's Creek, and, at the top of the hill beyond, found a road branching off to the right, which corresponded with the one on my map leading to Cheraw. Seeing a negro standing
aturday morning, since the joyous news was passed from mouth that Major Anderson had struck his flag, and Fort Sumter had yielded to General Beauregard. We annex the account of an eye-witness: At eleven o'clock, Friday night, the gunboat Palmetto State, Capt. Russell, bearing the flag of Commodore Duncan N. Ingraham, left her moorings, and proceeded out the harbor toward Fort Sumter. Abreast of Fort Sumter, passed the three steamers acting as tenders — the General Clinch, Etiwan, and Chesterfield. At half-past 4 A. M., the Palmetto State crossed the bar, and stood out at sea, in the direction of the blockading fleet. At twenty minutes past five A. M., we came up to the United States steamer Mercedita, and was hailed by the watch on deck, when the following colloquy took place: Watch.--What steamer is that? Drop your anchor — back — back — and be careful, or you will run into us! Captain Rutledge.--This is the confederate States steamer Palmetto State! As the answer wa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Who burned Columbia?--a Review of General Sherman's version of the affair. (search)
ioned, not to account for the burning, but to show the feeling in the army — a feeling of which General Sherman was fully aware before he furnished that opportunity for its wreaking. Twelfth. The following towns and villages in South Carolina, in some of which at least there was no cotton in the streets, were burned either in whole or in part during the same campaign: Robertsville, Grahamville, McPhersonville, Barnwell, Blackville, Orangeburg, Lexington, Winnsboroa, Camden, Lancaster, Chesterfield, Cheraw and Darlington. Thirteenth. General Beauregard, and not General Hampton, was the highest military authority in Columbia at that time. General Hampton was assigned to duty at Columbia on the night of the 16th, Thursday; and the order issued about the cotton came from General Beauregard at the request of General Hampton (through the latter, of course); and that order signed by Captain Rawlins Lowndes, Assistant Adjutant-General, was that the cotton be not burned. Captain Lownde
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Notes and Queries. (search)
re was no demand made for General Lee's sword, and no tender of it offered. U. S. Grant. We should be glad of an answer, by some one who can give the information, to the following courteous letter: Cambridgeport, mass., March 16, 1881. Rev. J. William Jones, Secretary Southern Historical Society: My Dear Sir,--During the night of the 23d, and morning of the 24th of May, 1864, Hancock's Second corps, Army of the Potomac, was crossing the trestle bridge over the North Anna at Chesterfield, and during that time, more especially after dawn, whenever any considerable number of troops appeared on the bridge, they were the object of immediate attention from a Confederate battery a few hundred yards up the river, in position on the right bank. At times the fire of three Union batteries was concentrated upon it, at a distance, I should judge, of not more than six hundred yards, but it, nevertheless, held its ground, being well protected by earthworks. There must have been sever
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Notes and Queries. (search)
six weeks before Chambersburg was destroyed. It is stated, on good authority, that during the march through South Carolina, in which Sherman burned Columbia, the following towns in South Carolina were burned in whole or in part by his troops, without there being any cotton in them to give a colouring to a charge against the Confederates of having committed the vandalism: Robertville, Grahamsville, McPhersonville, Blackville, Barnwell, Orangeburg, Lexington, Winsboro, Camden, Lancaster, Chesterfield, Cheraw, Darlington, Charleston. In November, 1864, Sherman destroyed Atlanta and Rome, Ga. Had I the material at hand I would not ask that another should work up this interesting page in our Confederate war; but I am too far from the archives. I hope some of the facile writers who have added to your pages and who have the archives near by, may tell us how many more towns were burned by the Federal forces and the circumstances of the destruction of all that thus fell into the hands
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of the crater, July 30, 1864. (search)
en the enemy's cavalry made an attack on the artillery train near Appomattox station, on the night of April 8th, 1865. What I state, therefore, is from recollection without reference to official documents. My immediate command consisted of four batteries of artillery, of four guns each, to-wit: Bradford's, of Mississippi, four 20-pounder Parrots; Wright's, of Halifax, Virginia, four 12-pounder Napoleons; Pegram's, of Petersburg, Virginia, four 12-pounder Napoleons; Kelly's, of Chesterfield, South Carolina, (my old battery,) four 12-pounder Napoleons. At the time of the explosion of the mine Kelly's battery was on detached service in North Carolina. When General Grant crossed to the south side of the James River my battalion was in position in front of General Butler at Bermuda Hundreds, and was moved upon the lines in front of Petersburg, when Grant made his first attack upon that place from City Point. In the defence of Petersburg, therefore, my command occupied the front f
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), South Carolina, (search)
nvention at Charleston......June 16, 1870 Free common-school system established......1870 Tax-payers' convention held at the State capitol in Columbia to devise means for the redemption of the State from her financial embarrassments ......May, 1871 Owing to murder and outrage in the upper country, by the Ku-klux, President Grant, by proclamation, Oct. 12, suspends the hebeas corpus in the counties of Spartansburg, York, Union, Chester, Laurens, Newberry, Fairfield, Lancaster, and Chesterfield, and commands secret organizations to disband within five days. Many troops are stationed in the State and about 600 arrests made......1871 Act establishing the validity of bonds of the State, issued between Aug. 26, 1868, and March 26, 1869......1872 Claflin University and South Carolina Agricultural College and Mechanical Institute, organized at Orangeburg in 1869, is reopened and chartered......1872 Tax-payers' convention at Columbia by resolution asking for amendments, simp
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