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might find necessary, and to concentrate near Trenton, and send an advance to seize Frick or Cooperthat point, it being the most direct route to Trenton, in the vicinity of which the corps was order, on the top of Sand Mountain, on the road to Trenton. Brannan's division reached Graham's Store, Reynolds's division marched six miles on the Trenton road from Shellmound. September 4.--Negleyn's division. Reynolds's division in camp at Trenton; Brannan somewhere in the neighborhood. Corpelow Trenton. Reynolds's division in camp at Trenton. Rumors of the enemy's design to evacuate Chorks of the road. Brannan's division reached Trenton. Reynolds remained in camp at that place. Ct night. Reynolds's division headquarters at Trenton, with one brigade at Paine's Mill, three mileved from Brown's Spring to Easeley's Farm, on Trenton and Lebanon road. September 10.--General N's division marched to Long's Springs, on the Trenton road, and two brigades of Davis's division we[6 more...]
day, the twenty-fourth, and the bridge completed, giving General Smith two days to examine the ground with the two brigade commanders, and to give all the necessary detailed instructions to insure success. General Hooker reported on the twenty-sixth that he would be ready to move on the twenty-seventh at daylight. He was instructed to move at the appointed time with full directions how to provide for the defence of his flank, and to cover the approaches to the road from the direction of Trenton. The bridge was successfully thrown across the rivers on the night of the twenty-sixth, and General Hooker reached Lookout Valley, and communicated with this place on the twenty-eighth. The enemy attempted to surprise him the night after he reached his position in Lookout Valley, and after an obstinate contest of two hours duration was completely repulsed, with a loss of upward of one thousand five hundred killed and wounded, over one hundred prisoners, and several hundred stand of arms.
ate road and the great railroad which formed Bragg's line of communication with Atlanta,) and carefully fortified them. This obstruction delayed for some hours the advance of our forces, which had already crossed the Raccoon and Lookout Mountains, and gave the enemy time not only to recover their spirits, but to receive a portion of their reenforcements. Hitherto our army had been marching in three great columns — Crittenden, followed by Granger, by way of Chattanooga; Thomas, by way of Trenton; and McCook, with Stanley's cavalry, still further to the southward. The daily increasing numbers and boldness of the enemy compelled a concentration of our forces as rapidly as the nature of the case would admit, and by evening of the tenth inst., the whole army was in line along the West-Chickamauga, between the Lookout and Pigeon Mountains, and just to the east of that low chain of wooded hills called Mission Ridge. On Thursday, the seventeenth, the army shifted toward the north, con
Shellmound, and he following close on General Wood, succeeded in crossing his command by four A. M. on Monday. General Van Cleve, with his two brigades, arrived at Jasper, and went into camp to await the crossing. Received from the General Commanding orders for my movements and position after crossing the river, namely: To move up the valley of Running Water Creek and Whiteside, where I was to post one regiment and send one division along the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad to the Trenton road, and to push forward as near to Chattanooga as practicable, and threaten the enemy in that direction. The remainder of the command to occupy a position near the junction of the Murphy Valley road, the road marked on the map as good wagon road to Taylor's. The movement to be completed on the evening of the fourth. September 4.--At twenty minutes past three A. M., received word from General Graft that his brigade was all over. Moved General Van Cleve at once, and at one P. M. moved
ross Sand Mountain, in the direction of Wills's Valley and Trenton. This story, regarded at army headquarters as incredible, was soon after confirmed by reports of the occupation of Trenton by the enemy's cavalry, and its advance up the Wills's Valla covering force to the advance of its infantry columns on Trenton. In order to understand this movement of Rosecrans, andthe latter crosses the valley, has its present terminus at Trenton, and future at Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The distance of Bridgwenty-eight miles, of Caperton's Ferry about forty, and of Trenton something over twenty. Ringgold is eighteen miles from Chs a road leading over Sand Mountain into Wills's Valley at Trenton, and from Trenton to Lafayette and Dalton, over Lookout MoTrenton to Lafayette and Dalton, over Lookout Mountain, through Coopers's and Stevens's Gaps, into McLemore's Cove, and over Pigeon Mountain by Plug Gap. The road from TrenTrenton, following Wills's Valley, exposed, by easy communications, Rome, and, through it, Western Georgia and Eastern Alabama, w