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Bridgeport, Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 98
th ultimo, to gain possession of the south bank of the Tennessee River, and to open the road for a depot of supplies at Bridgeport, Preliminary steps had already been taken to execute this vitally important movement before the command of the deparcross the river at Brown's Ferry, to gain possession of the northern end of Lookout Valley, and open communication with Bridgeport by road and river, was nearly complete. On the twenty-third, orders were sent to General Hooker to concentrate the Eleventh corps and one division of the Twelfth corps at Bridgeport, informing him at the same time what his force was expected to accomplish, and that a force from this place would cooperate with his, by establishing a bridge across the river at Brown's agreed as to the importance of the position by itself, and especially in connection with the movements to be made from Bridgeport to open the river, and I was directed to make the necessary arrangements for the expedition to effect a lodgment. To d
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 98
Colonel T. R. Stanley, and of the First Michigan engineers, under command of Captain B. 1). Fox,) of the operations of their respective conimands between the twenty-sixth and twenty-eighth ultimo, to gain possession of the south bank of the Tennessee River, and to open the road for a depot of supplies at Bridgeport, Preliminary steps had already been taken to execute this vitally important movement before the command of the department devolved on me. The bridge, which it was necessary to theral W. F. Smith. headquarters Department of. The Cumberland, Office Chief Engineer, Chattanooga, Nov. 4, 1863. General: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations for making a lodgment on the south side of the Tennessee River, at Brown's Ferry. On the nineteenth of October, I was instructed by General Rosecrans to reconnoitre the river in the vicinity of Williams Island, with a view of making the island a cover for a steamboat landing and storehouses, and bega
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 98
conduct. The skilful execution by General Smith of the work assigned him, and the promptness with which General Hooker with his troops met and repulsed the enemy on the night of the twentyeighth, reflects the greatest credit on both of these officers and their entire commands. I herewith annex consolidated returns of casualties. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George H. Thomas, Major-General U. S. V., Commanding. Brigadier-General L. Thomas, Adjutant-General U. S. A., Washington. Major-General Hooker's command. Killed.Wounded.Missing.Total. Eleventh Corps,8814814200 Second Division, 12th Corps,841748216 Brig.-Gen. Smith's command,417--21 Total,437 Report of Brigadier-General W. F. Smith. headquarters Department of. The Cumberland, Office Chief Engineer, Chattanooga, Nov. 4, 1863. General: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations for making a lodgment on the south side of the Tennessee River, at Bro
Lookout Valley (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 98
essary to throw across the river at Brown's Ferry, to gain possession of the northern end of Lookout Valley, and open communication with Bridgeport by road and river, was nearly complete. On the twentablishing a bridge across the river at Brown's Ferry, and seize the heights on the south or Lookout Valley side, thus giving him an open road to Chattanooga, when his forces should arrive in Lookout Lookout Valley. The force to throw the bridge was organized by Saturday, the twenty-fourth, and the bridge completed, giving General Smith two days to examine the ground with the two brigade commanders, and enty-eighth. The enemy attempted to surprise him the night after he reached his position in Lookout Valley, and after an obstinate contest of two hours duration was completely repulsed, with a loss oommand of the Kelly's Ferry road, and seriously interrupt the communications of the enemy up Lookout Valley, and down to the river on Raccoon Mountain. The ridge seemed thinly picketed, and the evide
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 98
. 96.-the battle of Wauhatchee. Official report of General Thomas. headquarters Department of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, Nov. 7, 1863. General: I have the honor to forward herewith the official reports of Major-General Hooker, (commandthe river at Brown's Ferry, and seize the heights on the south or Lookout Valley side, thus giving him an open road to Chattanooga, when his forces should arrive in Lookout Valley. The force to throw the bridge was organized by Saturday, the twenty Report of Brigadier-General W. F. Smith. headquarters Department of. The Cumberland, Office Chief Engineer, Chattanooga, Nov. 4, 1863. General: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations for making a lodgment on gorge and hills to the left, while General Turchin was to extend from the gorge down the river. The boats moved from Chattanooga at three A. M., on the twenty-seventh, and, thanks to a slight fog and the silence observed, they were not discovered
Washington, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 98
The skilful execution by General Smith of the work assigned him, and the promptness with which General Hooker with his troops met and repulsed the enemy on the night of the twentyeighth, reflects the greatest credit on both of these officers and their entire commands. I herewith annex consolidated returns of casualties. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George H. Thomas, Major-General U. S. V., Commanding. Brigadier-General L. Thomas, Adjutant-General U. S. A., Washington. Major-General Hooker's command. Killed.Wounded.Missing.Total. Eleventh Corps,8814814200 Second Division, 12th Corps,841748216 Brig.-Gen. Smith's command,417--21 Total,437 Report of Brigadier-General W. F. Smith. headquarters Department of. The Cumberland, Office Chief Engineer, Chattanooga, Nov. 4, 1863. General: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations for making a lodgment on the south side of the Tennessee River, at Brown's Ferry.
Trenton, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 98
day, the twenty-fourth, and the bridge completed, giving General Smith two days to examine the ground with the two brigade commanders, and to give all the necessary detailed instructions to insure success. General Hooker reported on the twenty-sixth that he would be ready to move on the twenty-seventh at daylight. He was instructed to move at the appointed time with full directions how to provide for the defence of his flank, and to cover the approaches to the road from the direction of Trenton. The bridge was successfully thrown across the rivers on the night of the twenty-sixth, and General Hooker reached Lookout Valley, and communicated with this place on the twenty-eighth. The enemy attempted to surprise him the night after he reached his position in Lookout Valley, and after an obstinate contest of two hours duration was completely repulsed, with a loss of upward of one thousand five hundred killed and wounded, over one hundred prisoners, and several hundred stand of arms.
Raccoon Mountains (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 98
ed by the river. This range extended up the river nearly to Lookout Creek, and was broken at Brown's Ferry by a narrow gorge, through which ran the road to the old ferry, and flowed a small creek. The valley between the ridge of hills and Raccoon Mountains was narrow, and a lodgment effected there would give us the command of the Kelly's Ferry road, and seriously interrupt the communications of the enemy up Lookout Valley, and down to the river on Raccoon Mountain. The ridge seemed thinly piRaccoon Mountain. The ridge seemed thinly picketed, and the evidences were against the occupation of that part of the valley by a large force of the enemy, and it seemed quite possible to take by surprise what could not have been carried by assault, if heavily occupied by an opposing force. The Major-General commanding the Geographical division and the Major-General commanding the department visited with me the ferry, a few days after this reconnoissance, and both agreed as to the importance of the position by itself, and especially in
Doc. 96.-the battle of Wauhatchee. Official report of General Thomas. headquarters Department of the Cumberland, Chattanooga, Nov. 7, 1863. General: I have the honor to forward herewith the official reports of Major-General Hooker, (commanding the Eleventh and Twelfth corps,) and of Brigadier-General W. F. Smith, Chief Engineer Department of the Cunmberland, (commanding the expedition, composed of Turchin's brigade, Baird's division, Fourteenth army corps, and of Hazen's brigade, Wood's division, Fourth army corps, and detachments of the Eighteenth Ohio infantry, under command of Colonel T. R. Stanley, and of the First Michigan engineers, under command of Captain B. 1). Fox,) of the operations of their respective conimands between the twenty-sixth and twenty-eighth ultimo, to gain possession of the south bank of the Tennessee River, and to open the road for a depot of supplies at Bridgeport, Preliminary steps had already been taken to execute this vitally important mo
George H. Thomas (search for this): chapter 98
sideration the names of those officers especially mentioned by them for gallant and meritorious conduct. The skilful execution by General Smith of the work assigned him, and the promptness with which General Hooker with his troops met and repulsed the enemy on the night of the twentyeighth, reflects the greatest credit on both of these officers and their entire commands. I herewith annex consolidated returns of casualties. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, George H. Thomas, Major-General U. S. V., Commanding. Brigadier-General L. Thomas, Adjutant-General U. S. A., Washington. Major-General Hooker's command. Killed.Wounded.Missing.Total. Eleventh Corps,8814814200 Second Division, 12th Corps,841748216 Brig.-Gen. Smith's command,417--21 Total,437 Report of Brigadier-General W. F. Smith. headquarters Department of. The Cumberland, Office Chief Engineer, Chattanooga, Nov. 4, 1863. General: I have the honor to submit the followin
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