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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 19 3 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arthur, Chester Alan, 1830-1886 (search)
Arthur, Chester Alan, 1830-1886 Twenty-first President of the United States, from Sept. 19, 1881, to March 4, 1885; Republican; born in Fairfield, Vt., Oct. 5, 1830; was graduated at Union College in 1848; studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1854; and became a successful practitioner. He gained much celebrity in a suit which involved the freedom of some slaves, known as the Lemmon case. He procured the admission of colored persons to the street-cars of New York City by gaining a suit against a railway company in 1856. Mr. Arthur did efficient service during the Civil War as quartermaster-general of the State of New York. In 1872 he was appointed collector of the port of New York, and was removed in 1878. In 1880, he was elected Vice-President, and on the death of President Garfield, Sept, 19, 1881, he became President. He died in New York City, Nov. 18, 1886. Veto of Chinese immigration bill. On April 4, 1882, President Arthur sent the following veto message to the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Canals. (search)
271850184Cumberland, Md., to Washington, D. C. Chicago Drainage. See next page. Companys 90,000184722Mississippi River, La., to Bayou Black, La. Delaware and Raritan 4,888,749183866New Brunswick, N. J., to Trenton, N. J. Delaware Division2,433,350183060Easton, Pa., to Bristol, Pa. Des Moines Rapids4,582,00918777 1-2At Des Moines Rapids, Mississippi River. Dismal Swamp2,800,000182222Connects Chesapeake Bay with Albemarle Sound. Erie 52,540,8001825381Albany, N. Y., to Buffalo, N. Y. Fairfield 4 1-2Alligator River to Lake Mattimuskeet, N. C. Galveston and Brazos340,000185138Galveston, Tex., to Brazos River, Tex. Hocking 975,481184342Carroll, O., to Nelsonville, O. Illinois and Michigan7,357,7871848102Chicago, 111., to La Salle, Ill. Illinois and Mississippi568,64318954 1-2Around lower rapids of Rock River, Ill. Connects with Mississippi River. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.4,455,0001821108Coalport, Pa., to Easton, Pa. Louisville and Portland5,578,63118722 1-2At Falls of Oh
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 (search)
entions of the enemy were not apparent on the 4th. The moment his retreat was discovered, the following morning, he was pursued by our cavalry on the Cashtown road and through the Emmettsburg and Monterey passes, and by Sedgwick's corps on the Fairfield road; his rear-guard was briskly attacked at Fairfield; a great number of wagons and ambulances were captured in the passes of the mountains; the country swarmed with his stragglers, and his wounded were literally emptied from the vehicles contFairfield; a great number of wagons and ambulances were captured in the passes of the mountains; the country swarmed with his stragglers, and his wounded were literally emptied from the vehicles containing them into the farm-houses on the road. General Lee, in his report, makes repeated mention of the Union prisoners whom he conveyed into Virginia, somewhat overstating their number. He states also that such of his wounded as were in a condition to be removed were forwarded to Williamsport. He does not mention that the number of his wounded which were not removed, and left to the Christian care of the victors, was 7,540, not one of whom failed of any attention which it was possible under
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), George, Fort, (search)
y designed as a depository of stores for the British in New York. They began cutting wood for the British army in the city. At the solicitation of General Smith, and the approval of Washington, Maj. Benjamin Tallmadge crossed the Sound from Fairfield, with eighty dismounted dragoons, and landed, on the evening of Nov. 21, at Woodville. There he remained until the next night, on account of a storm. At the mills, 2 miles from Fort George, he found a faithful guide, and at dawn he and his fory! and so furiously assailed Ford George, old New York City the redoubt on three sides that the garrison surrendered without resistance. Tallmadge demolished the fort, burned vessels lying at the wharf, and, with 300 prisoners, started for Fairfield. For this exploit Tallmadge received the thanks of Congress. Another Fort George was near the mouth of the Niagara River. After the capture of York, the victors left that place early in May, 1813, to attack Fort George. Stormy weather had
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pequod War, the (search)
e the site of New London. Sassacus sat stately and sullen when told of the massacre at the Mystic. His warriors were furious, and they threatened his life if he did not immediately lead them against the invaders. Just then the blast of a trumpet was heard. The white invaders were near, fully 200 strong. The Indians fled with their women and children across the Thames, through the forest and over green savannas westward, closely pursued. The fugitives took refuge in Sasco Swamp, near Fairfield, where they all surrendered to the English excepting Sassacus and a few followers, who escaped. A nation had perished in a day. That blow gave peace to New England for forty years. The last representative of the pure blood of the Pequods, probably, was Eunice Manwee, who died in Kent, Conn., about 1860, aged 100 years. Sassacus took refuge with the Mohawks, who, at the request of the Narragansets, cut off his head. The Puritans, who believed themselves to be under the peculiar care of Di
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
rch 30, 1870 Mass-meeting of Mormons at Salt Lake City protest against interference by Congress with polygamy......April 5, 1870 American Anti-slavery Society, after an existence of thirty-seven years, is dissolved......April 9, 1870 Point of junction of Union and Central Pacific railroads fixed northwest of the station at Ogden, Utah, by act......May 6, 1870 Proclamation by President against Fenian invasion of Canada......May 24, 1870 Fenian army of 500 invade Canada from Fairfield, Vt., and are driven back......May 25-27, 1870 Act to enforce the right to vote under the Fifteenth Amendment......May 31, 1870 Attorney-General Hoar resigns......June 15, 1870 United States Department of Justice organized by act......June 22, 1870 Treaty to annex Dominican Republic and lease bay and peninsula of Samana concluded, Nov. 29, 1869; rejected by the Senate......June 30, 1870 Congress grants the widow of President Lincoln a pension of $3,000 per annum......July 14, 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), South Carolina, (search)
nd holds its first State convention at Charleston......June 16, 1870 Free common-school system established......1870 Tax-payers' convention held at the State capitol in Columbia to devise means for the redemption of the State from her financial embarrassments ......May, 1871 Owing to murder and outrage in the upper country, by the Ku-klux, President Grant, by proclamation, Oct. 12, suspends the hebeas corpus in the counties of Spartansburg, York, Union, Chester, Laurens, Newberry, Fairfield, Lancaster, and Chesterfield, and commands secret organizations to disband within five days. Many troops are stationed in the State and about 600 arrests made......1871 Act establishing the validity of bonds of the State, issued between Aug. 26, 1868, and March 26, 1869......1872 Claflin University and South Carolina Agricultural College and Mechanical Institute, organized at Orangeburg in 1869, is reopened and chartered......1872 Tax-payers' convention at Columbia by resolution
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vermont, (search)
ution of the United States......1861 Southern refugees in Canada, under Lieut. Bennett H. Young, rob the banks of St. Albans, escaping into Canada with over $200,000......Oct. 19, 1864 Norwich University removed to Northfield......1866 Vermont ratifies the Fourteenth Amendment......Nov. 9, 1866 Vermont ratifies the Fifteenth Amendment......Oct. 21, 1869 Gov. P. J. Washburn dies; Lieut.-Gov. W. Hendee succeeds......Feb. 7, 1870 Five hundred Fenians, marshalled and armed at Fairfield, invade Canada and are driven back by Canadian militia......May, 1870 State constitution amended: council of censors abolished; legislative sessions and State elections made biennial......1871 Board of education abolished and the office of State superintendent of education created......1874 State reform school at Waterbury destroyed by fire......Feb. 12, 1874 Celebration at Bennington of one-hundredth anniversary of the battle of Bennington......Aug. 15-16, 1877 Revision of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Whitaker, Epher 1820- (search)
Whitaker, Epher 1820- Clergyman; born in Fairfield, N. J., March 27, 1820; graduated at Delaware College in 1847; held pastorates in 1851-92; was moderator of the synod of New York and New Jersey in 1860, and of Long Island in 1871; member of the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church in 1853, 1857, 1860, 1864, 1869, 1875, and 1888, and of several historical and other societies. He wrote History of Southold, 1640, 1740, 1881, etc.