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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The First cavalry. (search)
ed at Washington, amid the excitement caused by the Union repulse at Bull run the previous day. That night they listened to horrifying tales of the sanguinary deeds performed by the Black Horse cavalry on that disastrous field, but it only seemed to stimulate the boys with a desire to measure swords with horsemen so renowned. They had not long to wait, for, on the 18th of August, not quite one month from the date of their muster into service, Boyd's company were sent on a scout toward Mount Vernon. While they were feeling their way through a large woods, in the vicinity of Pohick church, they suddenly came upon a squadron of the famous Black Horse cavalry drawn up in line on a broad road ready to receive them. Captain Boyd placed himself at the head of his company, and at once commanded it to charge! The boys answered with a yell, and dashed upon the foe, who confidently expected to see them run at the very sight of such an array. So sudden and so unexpected was the onset, that