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d the advance which followed into Maryland. Stuart was now a general, and laid the foundation of his fame by the ride around McClellan on the Chickahominy. Thenceforth he was the right hand of Lee until his death. The incidents of his career from the spring of 1862 to May, 1864, would fill whole volumes. The ride around McClellan; the fights on the Rapidan; the night march to Catlett's, where he captured General Pope's coat and official papers; the advance to Manassas; the attack on Flint Hill; the hard rear-guard work at South Mountain; holding the left at Sharpsburg; the circuit of McClellan again in Maryland; the bitter conflicts near Upperville as Lee fell back; the fighting all along the slopes of the Blue Ridge; the crowding 'em with artillery on the night at Fredericksburg; the winter march upon Dumfries; the battle of Chancellorsville, where he commanded Jackson's corps; the advance thereafter, and the stubborn conflict at Fleetwood Hill on the 9th of June; the hard, ob
ith cheerfulness the advance of the small Federal force, until a horseman galloped up with, Gentlemen! The enemy are upon you, which was speedily followed by the appearance of blue uniforms in the wood in front. The infantry supports were already double-quicking to the rear. The odds of fifty-five thousand against twenty-five was too great for the Third; and they accordingly limbered to the rear, retiring with more haste than dignity. A friend had seen the huge blue column passing from Flint Hill toward Germantown, and had exclaimed with tragic pathos that the present historian was gone. He was truly gone when the enemy arrived-gone from that redoubt and destined to be hungry and outflanked at Centreville. The Revolutionnaires had but an insignificant part in the great battle of Manassas. The little General intended them to bear the brunt, and placed them in the centre at Mitchell's Ford. From this position they saw the splendid spectacle of the Federal Cavalry dividing righ
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 33: the East Tennessee campaign. (search)
on the west bank of the river, was just above the mouth of Second Creek, lying at right angles to the river. It ran to a fort constructed by the Confederates, when occupied by them years before, called Fort Loudon, above the Kingston road, and about a thousand yards in front of the college. East from that point it was about parallel with the river, reaching to Temperance Hill, to Mabry's Hill, and to the Holston, below the glass-works. An interior line extended from Temperance Hill to Flint Hill on the east, and another on the west, between the outer line and Second Creek. Dams were built across First and Second Creeks, flooding and forming formidable wet ditches over extensive parts of the line. Abatis, chevaux-de-frise, and wire entanglements were placed where thought to be advantageous for the defenders. The heights on the northeast across the river are much more elevated than the plateaux of the city side, and command all points of the west bank. These were defended at
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General H. L. Benning. (search)
ops having already passed. To get by these wagons and the artillery in the mountain road was a work of no small difficulty. It was near night before I could do it. I succeeded, however, in passing them, and the corps which had bivouacked near Flint Hill, and, with my brigade, bivouacked two miles this side of Flint Hill. At daylight next day the march was resumed. I halted for an hour or more at Gaines' Crossroads (which is two miles this side of my camp of the night before) to wait for tFlint Hill. At daylight next day the march was resumed. I halted for an hour or more at Gaines' Crossroads (which is two miles this side of my camp of the night before) to wait for the 15th Alabama regiment (Colonel Oates), which was holding the Mountain road until General Hill's corps should come up and relieve it. That regiment having joined me, the march was resumed-General Hill's corps being close behind me. When near iNewby's Crossroads, two men of the cavalry, coming from the one of those roads which leads to Amissville, dashed up to me and told me that as they were going over towards Amissville to get their horses shod they had met a squad of Yankee cavalry comin
October 20. Two or three companies of the Forty-third Indiana regiment, stationed at Camp Vigo, in Terre Haute, under command of their colonel, proceeded quietly this evening to the office of the Journal and Democrat, and in a short time demolished every thing it contained. They then proceeded to several private houses, and served them in the same manner.--New York Times, October 22. This morning a heavy detachment from General Smith's division made a reconnoissance to Flint Hill, Va., which is about two miles and a half from Fairfax Court House, and from which there is a good view of the village. A strong picket was observed there, and indications that a large or reserve force was in the vicinity. The reconnoitring party consisted of portions of Mott's and Ayres' batteries, and companies from the Fifth (regular) and from Col. Friedman's regiment of cavalry. Generals McClellan, Porter, Smith, and Hancock accompanied the expedition.--National Intelligencer, October 21.
January 18. At Flint Hill, Va., a party of fifteen rebels attacked the National pickets, but were driven off after a brief engagement.--the rebel conscription law created great consternation and excitement in the western districts of North-Carolina, and public meetings were held to take into consideration a repudiation of the confederate government and a return to the Union. The Raleigh Standard openly defied the execution of the measures proposed, and said, if they prevail, the people of North-Carolina will take their own affairs into their own hands, and will proceed, in Convention assembled, to vindicate their liberties and privileges. --in the rebel Senate at Richmond, Va., a resolution was passed approving the action of the government with regard to the outlawry of General Butler, and the determination of the rebel authorities to hold no communication with him.--A party of rebel guerrillas made their appearance on the bank of the river opposite Memphis, Tenn., but were dr
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 8.58 (search)
from. Washington Territory, he was always a man of note, and possessed the abilities and the force to have commanded in time any position to which he might have aspired. The loss of these two officers was a heavy blow to the army, not so much perhaps because of their soldierly capacity as because of their well-known and unshakable fidelity to duty, and their entire loyalty to their comrades in arms. On the morning of the 2d of September the army was posted behind Difficult Creek from Flint Hill to the Alexandria pike. The enemy disappeared from our front, moving toward the Upper Potomac with no attempt to force our position. And here the second battle of Bull Run may be said to terminate. On that day I received orders from General Halleck to take position in the intrenchments in front of Washington, with a view to reorganizing the army and eliminating such of the discordant elements in it as had largely caused the misfortunes of the latter part of that campaign. The transac
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The defense of Knoxville. (search)
ted from it by a depression in the ridge, is Mabry's Hill, the highest ground on the north side of the Holston within cannonrange of the town. Beyond this the ground, with a few minor elevations, gradually descends to the level of the valley. Flint Hill is immediately upon the bank of the river, south of Temperance Hill. Third Creek, a little more than a mile westward from Second Creek, forms the south-westerly limit of another natural division of the ridge, including the hill north-west from yards, and the pond impassable without brid ges. A short interior line was established from Fort Sanders to Second Creek, near its mouth. This included Fort Byington, built around the college. Another line extended from Temperance Hill to Flint Hill, terminating in Battery Fearns. On the south side of the river such of the heights (four in number) as were necessary to the defense were occupied by detached works with extensions for infantry cover, insufficient, however, to make the line
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
t-Colonel Comstock, Seventeenth Michigan. Battery Wiltsie, west of Gay Street, in memory of Captain Wiltsie, Twentieth Michigan. Fort Huntington Smith, on Temperance Hill, in memory of Lieutenant Huntington Smith, Twentieth Michigan. Battery Clifton Lee, east of Fort H. Smith, in memory of Captain Clifton Lee, One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois Mounted Infantry. Fort Hill, at the extreme eastern point of the Union lines, in memory of Captain Hill, Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. Battery Fearns, on Flint Hill, in memory of Lieutenant and Adjutant C. W. Fearns, Forty-fifth Ohio Mounted Infantry. Battery Zoellner, between Fort Sanders and Second Creek, in memory of Lieutenant Frank Zoellner, Second Michigan. Battery Stearman, in the gorge between Temperance Hill and Mabrey's Hill, in memory of Lieutenant William Stearman, Thirteenth Kentucky. Fort Stanley, comprising all the works on the central hill on the south side of the river, in memory of Captain C. B. Stanley, Forty-fifth Ohio Mounted Infa
, Pa. 4 Petersburg, Va., June 19, 1864 1 Brandy Station, Va. 1 Petersburg, Va., June 23, 1864 1 Wilderness, Va., May 5, 1864 45 Fort Stevens, D. C. 4 Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864 2 Opequon, Va. 6 Spotsylvania, Va., May 9, 1864 2 Flint's Hill, Va., Sept. 21, 1864 3 Spotsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864 24 Cedar Creek, Va. 6 Spotsylvania, Va., May 18, 1864 1 Petersburg, Va., March 25, 1864 4 Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864 6 Fall of Petersburg, Va. 2 Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 186oose Creek, Va. 1 Bristoe Station, Va. 2 Fair Oaks, Va. 2 Petersburg, Va. (assault, 1864) 3 Picket, Va., June 1, 1862 1 Jerusalem Road, Va. 4 Savage Station, Va. 10 Siege of Petersburg, Va. 5 Glendale, Va. 1 Deep Bottom, Va. 5 Flint Hill, Va., Sept. 1, 1862 1 Ream's Station, Va. 2 Vienna, Va., Sept. 2, 1862 4 Boydton Road, Va. 1 Antietam, Md. 20     Present, also, at Yorktown; West Point; Peach Orchard; Malvern Hill; Second Fredericksburg; Mine Run; Strawberry Plains;
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