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Amissville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
resumed-General Hill's corps being close behind me. When near iNewby's Crossroads, two men of the cavalry, coming from the one of those roads which leads to Amissville, dashed up to me and told me that as they were going over towards Amissville to get their horses shod they had met a squad of Yankee cavalry coming from the oppAmissville to get their horses shod they had met a squad of Yankee cavalry coming from the opposite direction. Colonel Oates immediately proposed to take his regiment, which was in front, and go forward and make a reconnoissance. I accepted his services, and he advanced beyond the crossing of the roads. Very soon his skirmishers were engaged with those of the enemy. After some time, as I heard and saw nothing but sk I now thought we had their cannon and cavalry secured. I had been assured by Lieutenant Stannard, as well as by citizens, that there was no practicable way to Amissville, except this road occupied by the brigade, all others being excluded by the mountain and its spurs. They were mistaken. The enemy found another road nearer to
Chester Gap (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
with the other brigades, that the enemy's pickets soon fell back a mile or more, and his reserve regiments quite to the Gap. Towards night General Law informed me that he would soon move the other three brigades of the division over to the Chester Gap road and stay there during the night, and at the same time ordered me to remain with my brigade and the Fourth Alabama regiment until relieved by Lieutenant-General A. P. Hill, and then to follow the division and overtake it as soon as possible. He stated that General Hill was to relieve me during the night, or, at farthest, by daybreak. So I remained, but it was 9 o'clock A. M. before I was relieved. I then started to overtake the division. When I reached the Chester Gap road I found it filled with the rear of General Hill's long wagon train, the rest of that train and all of his troops having already passed. To get by these wagons and the artillery in the mountain road was a work of no small difficulty. It was near night
Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
ninety belonged to the Fifteenth Georgia. A report of the killed, wounded, and missing for the two days has been sent up. The total was five hundred and nine. The loss on the first day was about four hundred. The next day (the 4th) the division was formed in line of battle facing down the Emmettsburg road, and ordered to erect breastworks, which it did. My brigade was on the left, its left resting on that road. About 12 o'clock at night the division commenced moving back towards Hagerstown by Fairfield, my brigade bringing up the rear. Nothing more of much interest happened to the brigade until the division had crossed the Shenandoah. It crossed that river at Berry's Ford by wading, and found the water deep and swift. At dawn the next day, the division took the road from Front Royal to Linden by Manassas Gap. It found the Gap occupied by the enemy's cavalry and artillery, with pickets some distance in their front, and some regiments of cavalry between these and the
Fairfield, Conn. (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
ed to the Fifteenth Georgia. A report of the killed, wounded, and missing for the two days has been sent up. The total was five hundred and nine. The loss on the first day was about four hundred. The next day (the 4th) the division was formed in line of battle facing down the Emmettsburg road, and ordered to erect breastworks, which it did. My brigade was on the left, its left resting on that road. About 12 o'clock at night the division commenced moving back towards Hagerstown by Fairfield, my brigade bringing up the rear. Nothing more of much interest happened to the brigade until the division had crossed the Shenandoah. It crossed that river at Berry's Ford by wading, and found the water deep and swift. At dawn the next day, the division took the road from Front Royal to Linden by Manassas Gap. It found the Gap occupied by the enemy's cavalry and artillery, with pickets some distance in their front, and some regiments of cavalry between these and the Gap. My bri
Flint Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
ops having already passed. To get by these wagons and the artillery in the mountain road was a work of no small difficulty. It was near night before I could do it. I succeeded, however, in passing them, and the corps which had bivouacked near Flint Hill, and, with my brigade, bivouacked two miles this side of Flint Hill. At daylight next day the march was resumed. I halted for an hour or more at Gaines' Crossroads (which is two miles this side of my camp of the night before) to wait for tFlint Hill. At daylight next day the march was resumed. I halted for an hour or more at Gaines' Crossroads (which is two miles this side of my camp of the night before) to wait for the 15th Alabama regiment (Colonel Oates), which was holding the Mountain road until General Hill's corps should come up and relieve it. That regiment having joined me, the march was resumed-General Hill's corps being close behind me. When near iNewby's Crossroads, two men of the cavalry, coming from the one of those roads which leads to Amissville, dashed up to me and told me that as they were going over towards Amissville to get their horses shod they had met a squad of Yankee cavalry comin
Mountain (Va.) (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
in the mountain road was a work of no small difficulty. It was near night before I could do it. I succeeded, however, in passing them, and the corps which had bivouacked near Flint Hill, and, with my brigade, bivouacked two miles this side of Flint Hill. At daylight next day the march was resumed. I halted for an hour or more at Gaines' Crossroads (which is two miles this side of my camp of the night before) to wait for the 15th Alabama regiment (Colonel Oates), which was holding the Mountain road until General Hill's corps should come up and relieve it. That regiment having joined me, the march was resumed-General Hill's corps being close behind me. When near iNewby's Crossroads, two men of the cavalry, coming from the one of those roads which leads to Amissville, dashed up to me and told me that as they were going over towards Amissville to get their horses shod they had met a squad of Yankee cavalry coming from the opposite direction. Colonel Oates immediately propose
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
urg road, and ordered to erect breastworks, which it did. My brigade was on the left, its left resting on that road. About 12 o'clock at night the division commenced moving back towards Hagerstown by Fairfield, my brigade bringing up the rear. Nothing more of much interest happened to the brigade until the division had crossed the Shenandoah. It crossed that river at Berry's Ford by wading, and found the water deep and swift. At dawn the next day, the division took the road from Front Royal to Linden by Manassas Gap. It found the Gap occupied by the enemy's cavalry and artillery, with pickets some distance in their front, and some regiments of cavalry between these and the Gap. My brigade was stretched across the road (relieving a portion of General Corse's brigade), on a ridge parallel with the Gap, and such dispositions were made by General Law on my flanks with the other brigades, that the enemy's pickets soon fell back a mile or more, and his reserve regiments quite t
Gettysburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
ch, which are perhaps called for by the order. I must, in closing, ask leave to pay a tribute to the merit of the brigade in that respect. There was no straggling to speak of, either on the advance or the return. The rolls when we arrived at Gettysburg showed almost the same number which they showed when we left Culpeper Courthouse. So they showed on our return to Culpeper Courthouse almost the same number which they showed when we left Gettysburg. I am, Major, very respectfully, Your obibute to the merit of the brigade in that respect. There was no straggling to speak of, either on the advance or the return. The rolls when we arrived at Gettysburg showed almost the same number which they showed when we left Culpeper Courthouse. So they showed on our return to Culpeper Courthouse almost the same number which they showed when we left Gettysburg. I am, Major, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Henry L. Benning, Brigadier General. Major W. H. Sellers, A. A. G.
Hazel River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
heard and saw nothing but skirmishing, I concluded to move on, General Hill sending me word that he would relieve Colonel Oates and let him follow me. After moving on less than half a mile a shell, much to my surprise, passed over my line, and then others in rapid succession. They had been fired by the enemy at our skirmishers. My line was concealed from the enemy by an intervening hill and the cut of the road, so 1 continued to move on unharmed. When I had almost reached the ford of Hazel river I recieved a request from General Hill to wait for his artillery and let it follow me. I accordingly halted. After waiting for some time there came to me, instead of artillery, another message from General Hill to the effect that it was necessary to drive the enemy back from their position in the mountain, and that he wished me to move my command on their flank and rear to the road by which they had come, and thus cut off their retreat, and to do this bly a route which the bearer of the
Linden, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
d ordered to erect breastworks, which it did. My brigade was on the left, its left resting on that road. About 12 o'clock at night the division commenced moving back towards Hagerstown by Fairfield, my brigade bringing up the rear. Nothing more of much interest happened to the brigade until the division had crossed the Shenandoah. It crossed that river at Berry's Ford by wading, and found the water deep and swift. At dawn the next day, the division took the road from Front Royal to Linden by Manassas Gap. It found the Gap occupied by the enemy's cavalry and artillery, with pickets some distance in their front, and some regiments of cavalry between these and the Gap. My brigade was stretched across the road (relieving a portion of General Corse's brigade), on a ridge parallel with the Gap, and such dispositions were made by General Law on my flanks with the other brigades, that the enemy's pickets soon fell back a mile or more, and his reserve regiments quite to the Gap.
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