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plank-roads, and involved the necessity of bringing across the river and up to my lines the supply-trains of the army, which till now had remained at Richardsville. I was precluded from attempting this by the knowledge that a day's storm would prevent this train and the artillery from returning, and that in the event of disaster, I should have to abandon both. Besides, an inspection of the map will show that all the roads in this part of the country run nearly east and west, connecting Gordonsville and Orange Court-House with Fredericksburgh; whereas, in moving in around the enemy I should have to take a southerly direction, and would be obliged to make roads across the country, not only the work of time, but at this period of frosts, from the character of the soil, impracticable. In full view of the consequences, after mature deliberation, I determined to withdraw the army. But for the restrictions imposed upon me by the General-in-Chief, I should in retiring have taken up a posi
Washington and crossed the Rappahannock as if to seize Gordonsville and move thence upon Richmond. The enemy also appearedrce at Fredericksburgh and threatened the railroad from Gordonsville to Richmond, apparently for the purpose of cooperating own and Ewell's division, was ordered to proceed toward Gordonsville on the thirteenth of July. Upon reaching that vicinityf the remainder, and, on the seventh August, moved from Gordonsville for that purpose. The next day the Federal cavalry on uring the day, and at night returned to the vicinity of Gordonsville. In this engagement, four hundred prisoners, includingbrigades under General Hood, were ordered to proceed to Gordonsville. At the same time, General Stuart was directed to moveteenth, the troops began to remove from the vicinity of Gordonsville toward the Rapidan; on the north side of which, extendiachievements of the army from the time it advanced from Gordonsville, leaves nothing to be said in commendation of the coura
ry, Commanding Ashby's Brigade. P. S.--I have failed to mention any special marks of gallantry exhibited by any of my men, supposing that it has been done by those under whose orders they were acting. I shall omit in the rest of my report our Richmond campaign, and begin at Waterloo Bridge, where I was ordered again to report to General Jackson, in advance of his army, moving on Manassas. Thomas T. Munford. Report of Colonel Crutchfield. headquarters Valley District, near Gordonsville, July 28, 1862. Captain A. S. Pendleton, Assistant Adjutant-General, Valley District: sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the different batteries of the army in the actions of June eighth and ninth, 1862, at Cross-Keys and Port Republic: On Sunday morning, eighth instant, about nine A. M., the advance of General Shields's division approached Port Republic, on the Swift-Run Gap road, and while a part of their cavalry dashed into the village, they
dier-General Lawton. headquarters Fourth brigade, Valley District, near Gordonsville, July 28, 1862. Captain A. S. Pendleton, Assistant Adjutant-General: Capttle of Malvern Hill. headquarters Fourth brigade, Valley District, near Gordonsville, July 28, 1862. Captain A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G.: Captain: I beg leave t headquarters Second brigade, Light division, camp on South Anna River, near Gordonsville, August 6, 1862. Major: My report concerning the battles before Richmond aptain Mosely's Report of the twenty First Virginia regiment. camp near Gordonsville, July 24, 1862. R. N. Wilson, A. A. General Second Brigade, V. D.: The argia regiment. headquarters Thirty-Eighth regiment Ga. Vols., camp near Gordonsville, July 27, 1862. Captain Edward W. Hull, Assistant Adjutant-General: Captament Virginia Volunteers. Report of Captain Wooding. camp near Gordonsville, Virginia, July 24, 1862. Brigadier-General Taliaferro: General: My battery ma
having reached the commanding General that Gordonsville was endangered by the approach of the enemyle turnpike, near Richmond. I arrived near Gordonsville on the nineteenth day of July. From informemy, from their respective encampments near Gordonsville. On the morning of the eighth, the enemy'sleventh, when I returned to the vicinity of Gordonsville, in order to avoid being attacked by the vanty-first Virginia regiment. camp near Gordonsville, August 13, 1862. Major John Seddon, comman Report of Major wood. camp near Gordonsville, Virginia, August 13, 1862. To Colonel A. G. Talurth regiment Va. Vols., camp Garnett, near Gordonsville, August 14, 1862. Captain John H. Fulton, Anty-Seventh Virginia regiment, camp near Gordonsville, Va., August 13, 1862. Captain J. H. Fulton, port of Captain Poague. camp near Gordonsville, Virginia August 14, 1862. Captain J. H. Fulton,dquarters Carpenter's battery, in camp near Gordonsville, August 14, 1862. To Colonel Ronald, comman
the commanding General, the command marched from Gordonsville, on the sixteenth August, crossing the Rapidan, he commanding General, I left my encampment near Gordonsville, and, passing Orange Court-House, encamped in thsion since the movement from the neighborhood of Gordonsville, northward, in the month of August last, until ie time covered by it. march prom vicinity of Gordonsville to the Rappahannock. On the sixteenth of Auguth August last, the division I commanded reached Gordonsville by rail, and camped near that place. Marching t, from the time when General Lee took command at Gordonsville, to the time when we left the Valley, I have the light division, moved from its bivouac, between Gordonsville and Orange Court-House, to Crenshaw's farm, neart two thousand two hundred, with which I reached Gordonsville. I must express my many obligations to Lieute's battalion Louisiana volunteers, reported near Gordonsville, on or about the twelfth August, 1862, and was a