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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Canals. (search)
naw Bay to Lake Superior. Port Arthur18997Port Arthur, Tex., to Gulf of Mexico. Santa Fe 70,00188010Waldo, Fla., to Melrose, Fla. Sault Ste. Marie 4,000,00018953Connects Lakes Superior and Huron at St. Mary's River. Schuylkill Navigation Co12,461,6001826108Mill Creek, Pa., to Philadelphia, Pa. Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan99,66118811 1-4Between Green Bay and Lake Michigan. St. Mary's Falls7,909,66718961 1-3Connects Lakes Superior and Huron at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Susquehanna and Tidewater4,931,345184045Columbia, Pa., to Havre de Grace, Md. Walhonding607,269184325Rochester, O., to Roscoe, O. Welland 23,796,353....26 3-4Connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Chicago drainage Canal A canal intended chiefly for carrying off the sewage of Chicago, but which may be used for commercial purposes; begun in September, 1892; completed in January, 1900. The main channel is 29 miles long, extending from Chicago to Locksport on the Illinois River, into which stream it discharges
orld. One need not hesitate to say, that a better trained, better ordered, better cared for, happier and more contented laboring population nowhere existed within the limits of the Union. The occupations of the people of Virginia were greatly varied in consequence of the great variety of the surface features of the State and their adaptations. Her oceanic waters abounded in shell and scale fish, and gave employment to large numbers of oystermen and fishermen. The large plantations of Tidewater were devoted to the production of wheat and corn, and those south of the James to peanuts and cotton; the cultivation of sweet potatoes was a specialty in the more easterly regions. Eastern and Central Midland raised large crops of wheat, from which a superior quality of flour was manufactured, especially at Richmond, for the South American trade. Western Midland, then as now, added the production of large quantities of tobacco. The Piedmont country in its northeastern portion, within t
e and free) in Virginia in 1860, by grand divisions of the State, and number of counties in each grand division: Counties.Slaveholders.Slaves.Free Negroes. 1.Tidewater,30114,862149,01828,646 2.Midland,2517,841190,48915,746 3.Piedmont,149,18288,6905,206 4.Blue Ridge,33311,28499 5.The Valley,176,23541,3765,803 6.Appalachia,1enings in Virginia during the civil war. They show that the slave population of Virginia was mainly confined to the region east of the Appalachian mountains. In Tidewater, where slavery was first planted within the limits of the Union, there were numerous large plantations, but many of the slaves of that region and many of its large number of free negroes were found within its commercial and manufacturing cities. The area of Midland was but little more than that of Tidewater, but its slaveholders and slaves were considerably more numerous, for in its industries slave labor was profitable. The Piedmont country, the fourteen counties east of and adjacent t
rge Federal force, Rosser, by order of Stuart, recrossed. Longstreet extended Lee's line from Rappahannock bridge to Kelly's ford. Pope's 55,000 men held the commanding ground on the north bank of the Rappahannock, and a lively artillery duel was kept up during the day between the confronting armies, but with little or no damage to either. The undulating Midland plain, on which these contending armies had now met, was far better fighting ground than was the swampy and densely forested Tidewater country, which was so recently the field of contention. The larger portion of this vicinity of the Rappahannock was cleared and had been under cultivation, in large plantations, until the opening of the war. At the same time it was a more difficult region for strategic movements to be covered from observation. It was evident that Pope's concentrated army could not easily be reached by a front attack, while his left was difficult of approach, and receiving the reinforcements steadily comi
ook up the study of law, a profession in which he met with success, practicing at Asheville during the remainder of his life. He died October 4, 1878. Major-General William Dorsey Pender Major-General William Dorsey Pender was born in Edgecomb county, N. C., February 6, 1834, at the country home of his father, James Pender, a descendant of Edwin Pender, who settled near Norfolk in the reign of Charles II. The mother of General Pender was Sarah Routh, daughter of William Routh, of Tidewater, Va. He was graduated at the United States military academy in 1854, the class of Custis Lee, Stephen D. Lee and J. E. B. Stuart. His first commissions were in the artillery, but in 1855 he secured a transfer to the First dragoons, and in 1858 was promoted first lieutenant. He had an active career in the old army, in New Mexico, California, Washington and Oregon, fighting the Apaches at Amalgre mountain, Four lakes and Spokane plains. He served as adjutant of his regiment during the latte
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.50 (search)
urs, which almost invariably awakens him. Mr. Davis's statement. Prisoner Davis states that he has scarcely enjoyed over two hours of sleep unbroken at one time since his confinement. Means have been taken by placing matting on the floor for the sentinels to walk to alleviate this source of disturbance, but with only partial success. His vital condition is low, and he has but little recuperative force. Should he be attacked with any of the severe forms of disease to which the Tidewater region of Virginia is subject, I, with reason, fear the result. Miles's Pitiful plea. The comments of the press quite excited General Miles, and he, in a confidential communication to the Assistant Adjutant-General, said: * * * I regret to say that I think Surgeon Cooper is entirely under the influence of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, the former of whom has the happy faculty that a strong mind has over a weaker to mould it to agree with its views and opinions. Surgeon Cooper's wife is a seces
f Virginia, we have only to adduce the single subject of annual taxation; although the bulk of the white population of the State resides in the West, the great bulk of her taxable values, which are the result of the labor of the slaves, is found in the East. Taxed according to white population, the West would have to pay the larger portion of the public revenues. Taxed, however, as the fact is, according to the values of the State, and the burden falls two to one upon the East; for while Tidewater and Piedmont paid last year, of the taxes locally levied, $2,104,386, the Valley, Northwest and Southwest, paid only $1,216,899. Of the taxes of a general character, amounting additionally to three-quarters of a million of dollars, much the larger portion is paid by the East; so that in truth, while the West pays of the annual taxation of the State only about a million and a half dollars, the East pays more than two millions and a half, or two for one. Now, it is proposed to destroy t
r life Is bound in shallow, and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. We have dwelt with iteration upon the ruin which would overtake Virginia, if, by remaining in an Abolition Confederacy, she should stampede her slaves and exile their masters — that perloss class of citizens who have been so long her pride and her support. We have depicted the depopulation and the desolation that would be brought upon Tidewater and Piedmont Virginia by the loss of the blacks and their owners; we have pointed out the onerous, crushing taxation that would fall upon the inhabitants remaining in the State, after this mournful hegira; and we have described, imperfectly, but with truth, the crash of prosperity and the heavy harvest of bankruptcy that would ensue upon the dislocation and expulsion of the slave institution of Virginia. To unite with the Southern Confederacy is to obviate all these evils — to avert a
Virginia cattle. --The whole number of cattle in the State of Virginia is said to be 1,020,992, the value of which is estimated to be $11,644,836.50. In Tidewater the number is 170,676.--In the Piedmont country, 275,798. In the Valley, 176,312. In the Northwest, 218,101; and in the Southwest, 180,105.
The Daily Dispatch: September 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], Camp life in Texas--a Queer case of cholera. (search)
es for the army your agents were determining the price of bread, regulating the receipts for labor, and the interest on capital invested in agriculture. " Economy is the duty of the agents of the Government; but parsimony is officiousness of a very unpleasant sort; it is neither politic wise, nor just. Prices which do not repay the cost of production as well as a fair profit besides, are neither just nor judicious, when the purchaser has the absolute monopoly of the market. The "Tidewater" writer complains justly of the low prices of grain offered in his region of the State. They are notoriously unremunerative. For the Government to refuse to give more, is to refuse to give the prime cost of an article; is to rob the farmer of the portion of the cost that is lost by him. It is not only to exact the tax from him that is regularly assessed; but it is to exact from him an additional tax assessed in an irregular, indirect, and unjust form. To the complaint of the farmers