Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Vienna (Virginia, United States) or search for Vienna (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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he same topic. Col. Fremont was next called upon, and was received with enthusiasm. He made a quiet and moderate speech. He regretted the fanatical war, and felt confident it would end in the triumph of truth and justice. He had been called back to America, and would lose no time in responding. He was ready to give his best services to his country. Rev. Dr. McClintock followed. He said he did not attach any importance to the inutterings of the English press. The people of England had not yet spoken, and when they did speak, their voices would not be found on the side of piracy and slavery. Capt. Simons, of the U. S. Army, said he was on his way home, in obedience to the summons of Gen. Scott. Mr. Haldeman, Minister to Vienna, and Rev. Mr. Thayer, also spoke. All the speakers evinced not the slightest doubt of the final triumph of the North.--Galignani's Messenger, May 30. The London News, of this date, contains a remarkable article on the War in America. --(Doc. 214 1/2.)
to the opposite bank and saluted it by the waving of handkerchiefs and other manifestations of joy.--Baltimore American, June 20. Geneal Joseph H. Lane, of Kansas, was appointed a Brigadier-General in the army of the United States.--N. Y. Tribune, June 20. A reconnoissance of the London and Hampshire Railroad, in Va., was made under Col. Powers, accompanied by the First Regiment of Connecticut troops. All the bridges were found safe, and the train returned. When two mileseast of Vienna, a man in ambush fired on the-train, wounding George Busbee, of the Connecticut Life Guards. Gen. Tyler was standing beside the wounded man, on an open car. The shot was evidently intended for him. The train was stopped as soon as possible, and the companies were divided to scour the woods, and search the neighboring farm-houses, etc., to make a circuit of a mile. Two men were arrested, named Walker and McMills, in the house of the latter. All the evidence that could be obtained, tended to
f the First Ohio Regiment went up the Loudon and Hampshire Railroad, Va., they were fired upon by a rebel battery stationed on a hill at a curve in the road, near Vienna, a small station about 15 miles from Alexandria. The battery consisted of three 6-pounders, and was worked by a company from Alexandria. Its first fire was verytly after their appearance, an alarm was raised by the supposed approach of a large body of Union troops, when the whole rebel force beat a sudden retreat through Vienna, in the direction of Fairfax Court House. A resident of Vienna, who saw them pass two hours after the action, estimated them at two thousand.--(Doc. 258.) NVienna, who saw them pass two hours after the action, estimated them at two thousand.--(Doc. 258.) Near Independence, Missouri, a detachment of Union troops, under Captain Stanley, with a flag of truce, visited the camp of the State troops to ascertain the purposes of Captain Holloway, the rebel officer. During the conference Captain Stanley suspected movements were being made with the design of attacking him, and ordered his d
r's force of regulars still maintained their order, however, and covered the passage of the stream, beyond which it was covered by Richardson's Division, and a brigade (Blenker's) of Miles' Division. The whole Union force, men of all arms, in the main action, and exclusive of Richardson's and Miles' Divisions, the actual force with which we crossed Bull Run, was 18,000 men. Those two divisions if included would swell the force to 35,000 men. One division of the army (Runyon's) was left at Vienna, its foremost regiment being seven miles back of Centreville. Southern accounts of the battle make it appear that the rebels had 40,000 men upon the field, and 25,000 in reserve at Manassas, and on the road beyond. The National loss in killed and wounded was 1,590; killed alone, 479. Many of the wounds were very slight. The enemy reports his own loss at 1,593; killed alone, 393.--(Docs. 110 and 111.) Colonel Einstein of the Twenty-Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, returned late this
A detachment of twenty-five cavalry, under Capt. Morgan, arrived at Franklin to arrest the parties implicated. A reconnoissance was made by a squadron of the Third Pennsylvania regiment, commanded by Captain Bell, in the neighborhood of Vienna, Va. From Vienna they took the right hand road toward Hunter's Mill, and had gone about a mile and a half when they found themselves hemmed in on three sides by not only a superior force of cavalry, but also of infantry. The discharges of the rebeVienna they took the right hand road toward Hunter's Mill, and had gone about a mile and a half when they found themselves hemmed in on three sides by not only a superior force of cavalry, but also of infantry. The discharges of the rebel musketry placed the horses of the National cavalry beyond the control of their riders, the animals having been but recently brought into service, and therefore unaccustomed to such alarms. The officers, after several ineffectual attempts to get their men in line for the purpose of making a charge, ordered a retreat, which was effected in as good order as the peculiar circumstances permitted. The skirmish was brisk, though of short duration, the rebel cavalry firing buckshot from their carbin
Western Virginia Convention in session at Wheeling to-day, changed the name of the new State from Kanawha to Western Virginia. This morning, Gen. Fitz John Porter sent out a small scouting party to make a reconnoissance in the vicinity of Vienna, Va. It consisted of a squadron of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, composing Companies F and M, under command of Captain Bell, numbering one hundred and twenty men. The first information received from Captain Bell, was the arrival at Gen. Porter's ce of four regiments of infantry and two companies of cavalry, started to the rescue of Captain Bell's party, and met them a short distance beyond Fall's Church, on their return. Captain Bell reports that they proceeded a short distance beyond Vienna, when they encountered the rebel cavalry that General Wadsworth designed to cut off. The party were defiling through a tract of woods only wide enough for the column to march by twos. The first indication of the presence of the enemy was the o
qual number of the rebel cavalry. Instantly they gave chase, but the rebels fled, seeking the cover of a wood near by. In the chase they passed through an orchard, when one of the rebels dismounted under an apple tree, and, with his carbine, a five-shooter, rested against a tree and fired three shots at Major Smith. Fortunately none of them took effect. After vainly endeavoring to draw the rebels from the wood, the party rejoined the main body under the direction of the major, and rode to Vienna, and thence to Hunter's Mills. When near the latter place, Capt. Wilson and Lieut. Stetson discovered a rebel who was endeavoring to make his escape. They dashed off after him and soon returned into camp with him as a prisoner. When introduced to Gen. Hancock, the latter said : Ah! Vollin, I am glad to see you — we have been looking for you for some time past. He is said to be a spy, and a most notoriouspicket murderer.--Philadelphia Press, December 20. The United States Marshal Hi
emoved, to prevent further disturbance.--The Ninth Massachusetts battery left Boston this afternoon for the seat of war. Major Kemper, of the Tenth New York cavalry, made a reconnaissance in the immediate vicinity of Centreville, Va., capturing four rebel soldiers. One of them stated that there were only about twenty thousand rebel troops under General Longstreet, the rest having gone off with Jackson in some direction unknown to him. A cavalry reconnaissance made in the vicinity of Vienna and Langley, Va., revealed the fact that the rebel cavalry, lately in, those neighborhoods, were no longer hovering about there.--Washington Star, September 4. Winchester Va., was evacuated by the National troops under the command of General White. Yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, orders were received from General Pope to evacuate the town and retreat on Harper's Ferry, Md., and this morning at one o'clock the rear-guard of Maryland cavalry, rider the command of Captain Russell, l
small boats and made a reconnoissance, in the course of which they met a small body of the enemy. The Nationals lost four men of the Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania This morning the Union forces withdrew, bringing twenty prisoners. The reconnaissance was highly successful. This morning, about eleven o'clock, as a detachment of the Second Massachusetts cavalry, under command of Captain J. S. Read, who had been out on a scouting expedition, were returning toward Dranesville, Va., on the way to Vienna, they were attacked on the Dranesville Pike, about two miles from the latter place, by a gang of rebel guerrillas, supposed to be under Mosby, concealed in the pines. In the detachment of the Second Massachusetts there were one hundred and fifty men, while Mosby had at least between two and three hundred men. The Second Massachusetts were fired upon from the dense pine woods near Dranesville, and retreated. Afterward eight of their men were found dead and seven wounded, and at least fifty