Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Elkwater (West Virginia, United States) or search for Elkwater (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Doc. 67. battle of Green Brier, Va. Gen. Reynolds' official report. Headquarters, First Brigade, army of occupation, West. Va., Elkwater, Oct. 4, 1861. Geo. S. Hartsuff, Asst. Adjt.-General: sir: On the night of the 2d of October, at twelve o'clock, I started from the summit of Cheat Mountain, to make an armed reconnoissance of the enemy's position on the Green Brier River, twelve miles in advance. Our force consisted of Howe's Battery, Fourth regular artillery, Loomis' Battery, Michigan Volunteer artillery, part of Daum's Battery, Virginia Volunteer artillery, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth and Thirty-second Ohio regiments, Seventh, Ninth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Seventeenth Indiana regiments, (the last four being reduced by continuous hard service and sickness to about half regiments,) parts of Robinson's Company of Ohio, Greenfield's reserve and Bracken's Indiana Cavalry--in all about five thousand. Millroy's Ninth Indiana drove in the enemy's advanced p
e rebel artillery was silenced four or five times by some boys of the Second, who annihilated one artillery company. There were many amusing incidents occurring during the fight, which, as I have spun this letter out to a considerable length, cannot be related here. From our column, which was composed of the Second Virginia and Ninth Indiana, all fought bravely, and were deserving of victory, but the odds were too great against us. I have just learned that the rebels contemplate attacking Elkwater in force. Let them come! The rebels also had a Second Virginia in the fight, and they were all fine-looking men, and well clothed. Our regiment was the last to leave the rebels. Considering that this was the first time we had been under fire, the men behaved well indeed. Major Milroy, of the Ninth Indiana, regardless of langer to himself, was everywhere encouraging the men during the fight. Secession Narratives. Richmond Enquirer account. Richmond, Dec. 16. the news has re