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ieutenant, all of the company's own choosing. December, 30 Called on General Dumont this morning; he is a small man, with a thin piping voice, but an educated and affable gentleman. Did not make his acquaintance in West Virginia, he being unwell while there and confined to his quarters. This is a peculiar country; there are innumerable caverns, and every few rods places are found where the crust of the earth appears to have broken and sunk down hundreds of feet. One mile from camp there is a large and interesting cave, which has been explored probably by every soldier of the regiment. December, 31 General Buell is here, and a grand review took place to-day. Since we left Elkwater there has been a steadily increasing element of insubordination manifested in many ways, but notably in an unwillingness to drill, in stealing from camp and remaining away for days. This, if tolerated much longer, will demoralize even the best of men and render the regiment worthless.
September 13. In Western Virginia the rebels commenced to advance yesterday morning on both pikes toward Elkwater and Cheat Mountain summit. They succeeded in surrounding the fort on the summit and cut the telegraph wire. They continued to advance on Elkwater until within two miles of the National troops, when a few shellElkwater until within two miles of the National troops, when a few shells from Loomis's battery dispersed them. Skirmishing was kept up all night, and this morning two regiments were sent to cut their way through to the summit. They succeeded in this expedition, the rebels retreating in all directions. Two rebel officers who were spying around the camp at Elkwater this morning were surprised by oElkwater this morning were surprised by our pickets and shot. The body of one of them was brought into camp, and proved to be that of Col. John A. Washington, of Mount Vernon, Virginia.--(Doc. 48.) General Sturgis of the National army with a regiment of infantry, two companies of cavalry, and one of artillery, took possession of St. Joseph's, Missouri. The Sec
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
ee in command in Western Virginia disposition of his troops, 92. Floyd at Carnifex Ferry General Cox in the Kanawha Valley, 93. advance of Rosecrans he crosses the Mountains and confronts Floyd at Carnifex Ferry, 94. battle of Carnifex Ferry, 95. gallantry of the Western troops, 96. flight and escape of Floyd insubordination of Wise, 97. Reynolds's command Lee plans for seizing and holding West Virginia Reynolds wounded, 98. attempt to capture the Summit foiled Lee repulsed at Elkwater, 99. he joins Floyd at Meadow Bluff conflict near traveler's repose, 100. Rosecrans and Lee between the Gauley and New Rivers Floyd driven from New River, 101. Benham's unsuccessful pursuit of Floyd Rosecrans retires Kelley in Western Virginia, 102. battle near Romney Milroy holds the Cheat Mountain region he fights Johnston, of Georgia, at Alleghany Summit, 103. expedition to Huntersville operations on the Seacoast, 104. burning of Hampton by Magruder General Wool at Fortress
d of the line my party will meet them, and we will thus in a very few days be brought into direct telegraphic communication. My train will be in Columbia very soon after this reaches you. I trust your depot is well filled with supplies. We can bring away at one load about five days rations for 10,000 men. I shall order my regiments now at Shelbyville and Fayetteville to Wartrace, to join their brigades at Decatur. I wish it were possible to open the railway by rebuilding the bridges to Elkwater. This would enable me to feed my troops without difficulty. I have not heard from you in answer to my request to send a regiment to Murfreesborough and one to Shelbyville. I am certain this should be done promptly. Your obedient servant, O. M. Mitchel, Brigadier-General. headquarters Third Division, Huntsville, April 25, 1862. Major-General Buell. The enemy threatening to surround us at Tuscumbia we have fallen back to Jonesborough, on the hither side of the burnt bridge. We
Doc. 67. battle of Green Brier, Va. Gen. Reynolds' official report. Headquarters, First Brigade, army of occupation, West. Va., Elkwater, Oct. 4, 1861. Geo. S. Hartsuff, Asst. Adjt.-General: sir: On the night of the 2d of October, at twelve o'clock, I started from the summit of Cheat Mountain, to make an armed reconnoissance of the enemy's position on the Green Brier River, twelve miles in advance. Our force consisted of Howe's Battery, Fourth regular artillery, Loomis' Battery, Michigan Volunteer artillery, part of Daum's Battery, Virginia Volunteer artillery, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth and Thirty-second Ohio regiments, Seventh, Ninth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Seventeenth Indiana regiments, (the last four being reduced by continuous hard service and sickness to about half regiments,) parts of Robinson's Company of Ohio, Greenfield's reserve and Bracken's Indiana Cavalry--in all about five thousand. Millroy's Ninth Indiana drove in the enemy's advanced p
e rebel artillery was silenced four or five times by some boys of the Second, who annihilated one artillery company. There were many amusing incidents occurring during the fight, which, as I have spun this letter out to a considerable length, cannot be related here. From our column, which was composed of the Second Virginia and Ninth Indiana, all fought bravely, and were deserving of victory, but the odds were too great against us. I have just learned that the rebels contemplate attacking Elkwater in force. Let them come! The rebels also had a Second Virginia in the fight, and they were all fine-looking men, and well clothed. Our regiment was the last to leave the rebels. Considering that this was the first time we had been under fire, the men behaved well indeed. Major Milroy, of the Ninth Indiana, regardless of langer to himself, was everywhere encouraging the men during the fight. Secession Narratives. Richmond Enquirer account. Richmond, Dec. 16. the news has re
nd to make it harder, a cold, chilling rain and sleet began to fall about dark, and, when we halted for the night, the boys' guns were covered with a thick coating of ice. So you can imagine that we needed rest, and we got it in barns that night. The next day we marched to Big Springs, where we met another force of our men and Second Virginians, under Lieutenant-Colonel Richardson, of the Twenty-fifth Ohio, who had come out to hold that point and protect our return. Sunday night we got to Elkwater, and Monday at noon we reached here, when the boys gave three hearty cheers for Major Webster, who, in a brief speech, thanked the officers and men of the Twenty-fifth Ohio and Second Virginia for their gallant conduct, and then we set about getting rested. The expedition was successful in every particular, and to show that we did secesh considable injury, let me state that, according to inventories of the stores on hand at Huntersville, made out a few days before, which Major Webster ha
amped near Mrs. Gibson's, on the head of Elk River, and within our own lines, but had hardly any thing to eat, and a small allowance of hay for our horses. Next morning, resumed the march over the same kind of roads, crossed Elk Mountain, and camped for the night on the top of the Valley Mountain, at the Mingo Flats. Here we felt almost home, and visions of crackers and bacon began to float in our imaginations, and at this time our stock of coffee was exhausted. We reached the mouth of Elkwater at noon, where we met a supply-train from Colonel Moore, with the wished — for crackers, and with our crackers and coffee forgot, in a measure, the hardships of the expedition. We camped for the night near Huttonville, and Christmas day, in the afternoon, made our triumphal entry into Beverley, where we rested one day, and, by easy marches, reached the railroad on New-Year's day. Irwin. Rebel Narratives Richmond, December 28, 1863. An officer who participated in the recent figh
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Virginia, (search)
nd a small force at Huntersville, to watch Reynolds. He was near a noted tavern on the Staunton pike called Travellers' rest. Reynolds moved about 5,000 men of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Virginia against Jackson at the beginning of October, 1861. On the morning of the 2d they attacked Jackson, and were repulsed, after an engagement of seven hours, with a loss of ten men killed and thirty-two wounded. Jackson lost in picket-firing and in the trenches about 200 men. Reynolds fell back to Elkwater. Meanwhile General Kelley, who was guarding the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, had struck (Oct. 26) the Confederates under McDonald at Romney, and, after a severe contest of two hours, routed them, capturing three cannon and a large number of prisoners. The blow given Jackson at Travellers' rest paralyzed the Confederate power in western Virginia. He left his troops (about 2,000 in number) with Col. Edward Johnson, of Georgia, and returned to that State. Reynolds had left his troops in c
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, West Virginia, 1861 (search)
O--1st Indpt. Battery Light Arty.; 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 23d, 28th, 30th and 47th Infantry. Union loss, 17 killed, 141 wounded. Total, 158. Sept. 11: Skirmish, ElkwaterINDIANA--15th and 17th Infantry. OHIO--3d Infantry. Sept. 11-12: Skirmish, Point Mt. TurnpikeINDIANA--17th Infantry. Sept. 11-17: Operations on Cheat MountainIN 6th, 24th and 25th Infantry. MICHIGAN--Battery "A" 1st Light Arty. WEST VIRGINIA--2d Infantry. Union loss, 9 killed, 12 wounded. Total, 21. Sept. 13: Skirmish, ElkwaterINDIANA--Wilder's Battery Light Arty. Sept. 14: Skirmish, ElkwaterINDIANA--17th Infantry. Sept. 16: Skirmish, PrincetonOHIO--3d Indpt. Cavalry Company. Sept. 1ElkwaterINDIANA--17th Infantry. Sept. 16: Skirmish, PrincetonOHIO--3d Indpt. Cavalry Company. Sept. 17: Skirmish, Harper's Ferry(No Reports.) Sept. 23: Action, Romney-Hanging RockOHIO--4th and 8th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--Ringgold Cavalry. WEST VIRGINIA--3d Infantry. Union loss, 3 killed, 50 wounded. Total, 53. Sept. 23: Skirmish, CassvilleWEST VIRGINIA--5th Infantry. Sept. 23-25: Engagement, RomneyOHIO--4th and 8th Infantry. P
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