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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Records of Longstreet's corps, A. N. V. (search)
of White Oak swamp. The junction of the Long Bridge, the Charles City and the Quaker roads at Riddle's shop was covered by Kearney's division of Heintzelman's corpsundred yards distant, was Hooker's division of Heintzelman's corps covering the Quaker road, which ran parallel to it several hundred yards in its rear. Sedgwick's de freshest was now directed to pursue the enemy, on the road since known as the Quaker road, while General Magruder was ordered to advance toward Malvern Hill on a parallel road to the right. The road generally called the Quaker road, since the battle of Malvern Hill, is more properly the Willis Church road. A small cross-roadllis Church road comes in, after crossing Malvern Hill, was always known as the Quaker road before this period. A confusion of names arose, however, at this time, whenemy should escape. No sooner, however, did the cavalry show itself where the Quaker road debouches from the woods, on the open slopes of Crew's farm, than the posi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Responsibilities of the first Bull Run. (search)
s Excellency, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, Richmond. This ninth sheet is all of the original letter that can be found by the present owner, Mrs. Bledsoe, widow of Dr. Albert T. Bledsoe, who, at the time the letter was written, was Assistant-Secretary of War. Dr. Bledsoe told his wife that President Davis handed the letter to him, with the remark that it would not go upon the official files, and that he might keep it if he liked.-editors. Still he retained me in Quaker gun found in the Confederate works at Manassas. From a photograph. important positions, although his official letters were harsh. In 1864, however, he degraded me to the utmost of his power by summarily removing me from a high command. Believing that he was prompted to this act by animosity, and not by dispassionate opinion, I undertake to prove this animosity by many extracts from his Rise and fall of the Confederacy (D. Appleton & Co.: 1881), and my comments thereon. Mr. Davis recit
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 2: the overture. (search)
g salient of the enemy's works near Burgess' Mill on Hatcher's Run: but we did not know where, nor with what force, Lee might see fit to push out a counter movement to thwart ours. We soon found this road better entitled to its military than its Quaker appellation. A spirited advanced line of the enemy had destroyed the bridge over Gravelly Run and were posted behind some defenses on the north bank intending to give serious check to our advance. Evidently there was something nearby which theht at parting for other trial, and through after years. For so it is: might and love, --they are the all;--fatherhood and motherhood of God himself, and of every godlike man. Still we are gathering up our wounded; first filling the bleak old Quaker meeting-house with those requiring instant attention and tenderest care, then giving our best for the many more, sheltering them as we could, or out under the brooding rain, where nature was sighing her own requiem, but even this grateful to som
and the bugles of Fitz Lee, sounding on the wind from the breezy upland, told that he had driven the Federal cavalry before him. Westminster was ours. Stuart took possession, but was not greeted with much cordiality. Friends, and warm ones, met us, but they had a hacked demeanour, and many of them spoke under their breath. Westminster was evidently Union, but some families warmly welcomed us-others scowled. The net results of the capture of the place were-one old dismounted gun of the Quaker order on a hill near the cavalry camp aforesaid, and a United States flag taken from the vault of the Court-House, with the names of the ladies who had made it worked across each star. What became of this I do not know. We left the town that night, bivouacked in the rain by the roadside, pushed on at dawn, and were soon in Pennsylvania, where details were immediately sent out to seize horses. These, as I saw them pass in great numbers, were large, fat, sleek, and apparently excellent. I
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., General Pegram on the night before his death. (search)
ry true cavalry-man! Ii. At nightfall General Lee retired from Cattail Creek toward Dinwiddie Court-House, the enemy having returned within their lines; and I determined to continue my way to Petersburg, where duty called me. There was reason to doubt, however, the practicability of this journey-at least over the regular Boydton road. Simultaneous with the advance of the Federal cavalry, their infantry had moved toward the Southside road; a severe engagement had taken place on the Quaker road; and the Federal infantry was known to have remained in its position, its left probably across, or resting upon the Boydton road. Now, as above intimated, it was necessary to follow this Boydton road to reach Petersburg that night. I determined to try, and so informed General Lee, who thereupon requested me to carry a dispatch which he had just written, to General Gordon, commanding the right of the army near Burgess', with an oral message, information, etc., in reference to the caval
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 13 (search)
rtance, will in turn be abandoned, and the enemy will drop out of the State into Alabama or Mississippi. March 2 Gen. Jos. E. Johnston has certainly made a skillful retrograde movement in the face of the enemy at Manassas. He has been keeping McClellan and his 210,000 men at bay for a long time with about 40,000. After the abandonment of his works it was a long time before the enemy knew he had retrograded. They approached very cautiously, and found that they had been awed by a few Quaker guns — logs of wood in position, and so painted as to resemble cannon. Lord, how the Yankee press will quiz McClellan! March 3 But McClellan would not advance. He could not drag his artillery at this season of the year; and so he is embarking his army, or the greater portion of it, for the Peninsula. March 4 We shall have stirring times here. Our troops are to be marched through Richmond immediately, for the defense of Yorktown--the same town surrendered by Lord Cornwallis to
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 22 (search)
ave their reward. There will be governmental bankruptcy, and all their gains will turn to dust and ashes, dust and ashes! And I learn they are without shirts in the North-cotton being unattainable. A universal madness rules the hour! Why not throw aside the instruments of death, and exchange commodities with each other? Subjugation is an impossibility. Then why not strive for the possible and the good in the paths of peace? The Quakers are the wisest people, after all. I shall turn Quaker after this war, in one sense, and strive to convince the world that war is the worst remedy for evils ever invented-and man the most dangerous animal ever created. December 2 There was skirmishing this morning on the line of the Rappahannock. The Chief of Ordnance is ordering arms and ammunition to Gen. Pemberton, in Mississippi. This indicates a battle in the Southwest. A writer in the London Times, who is from Nashville, Tenn., says the South is willing to go into Convention wi
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
Lee and Meade have their armies daily drawn up in battle array, and an engagement may be expected. It is said the enemy is evacuating East Tennessee; concentrating, I suspect, for battle with Bragg. It is now said that Brigadier and Col. Lee, A. D. C. to the President, etc. etc., is going to call out the civil officers of the government who volunteered to fight in defense of the city, and encamp them in the country. This will make trouble. A Mr. Mendenhall, New Garden, N. C., Quaker, complains of the treatment two of his young Friends are receiving at Kiniston from the troops. They won't fight, because they believe it wrong, and they won't pay the tax (war) of $500, because they cannot do it conscientiously. And Gov. Vance says the treatment referred to willnot be tolerated. September 18 Nothing new from the Rappahannock, but a battle is looked for soon. Rosecrans, who had advanced into Georgia, has fallen back on Chattanooga, which he is fortifying. If he be
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 43 (search)
hat is. Such terrible wars as this will probably make those who survive appreciate the blessings of peace. September 19 Clear and pleasant. We have nothing yet explanatory of the shelling yesterday. To-day we have news of an expedition of the enemy crossing Rapidan Bridge on the way toward Gordonsville, Charlottesville, etc. Gen. Anderson's division, from Early's army, is said to be marching after them. We shall learn more of this business very soon. Mrs. D. E. Mendenhall, Quaker, Jamestown, N. C., has written a strictly confidential letter to Mr. J. B. Crenshaw, of this city (which has gone on the files of the department), begging him to use his influence with Mr. Secretary Seddon (which is great) to get permission for her to send fourteen negroes, emancipated by her late husband's will, to Ohio. She says there is but one able to bear arms, and he is crazy; that since the enemy uses negro soldiers, she will withhold the able-bodied ones; that she has fed our soldie
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 10: fighting along the Chickahominy. (search)
Hill, and Warren's brigade, near the Fourth Corps, on the river routes from Richmond. As the divisions of the Third Corps arrived they were posted,--Kearny between the Charles City and Long Bridge roads, on McCall's right; Hooker in front of the Quaker road, on McCall's left; Sedgwick's division, Sumner's corps, behind McCall. Before noon of the 30th, Jackson's column encountered Franklin, defending the principal crossing of White Oak Swamp by the divisions of Richardson and W. F. Smith andBridge road in front of the divisions of McCall and Kearny, holding the division of A. P. Hill at rest in the rear, except the brigade under Branch, which was posted off to my right and rear to guard against Hooker's division, standing behind the Quaker road, in threatening position on my right flank. The ground along the front of McCall and Kearny was a dark forest, with occasional heavy tangles, as was the ground in front of Hooker. The front of Slocum, along the Charles City road, was somet