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tal stores, in care of Messrs. Bush and Scandlin, and accompanied by Mr. Bellows, were sent to Fairfax Court-House; on Tuesday, another load, accompanied by Messrs. Hoag, Paige, Holbrook, and myself, proceeded to the same point, arriving at four P. M., and on Wednesday, a mule train with forage was sent in charge of Mr. Clampitt. Our intention was to leave one wagon with relief agent and storekeeper at Fairfax, to send a similar force to Centreville and Thoroughfare Gap, and another to Gum Springs and Aldie; but on arriving at Fairfax, we were advised by General Sedgwick to remain where we then were, as the roads were not safe without an escort. Acting on this advice, we remained at Fairfax, issuing stores to the hospitals of the Sixth and cavalry corps, which were much in need of such supplies as we then had. Found the cavalry hospital located on a slightly elevated hill, well shaded, with good water, though not in large quantity, well drained, clean, raised beds, and the men
ved from picket-duty on the Rappahannock River at twelve M., and at two P. M. took their position in line, and with the brigade marched to Rappahannock Station, from thence to Bealton Station, Catlet's Station, Manassas, Bull Run, Centreville, Gum Springs, and from thence to Monocacy, Md., where we arrived on the night of the twenty-fifth, performing a forced and very tedious march of twenty-seven miles that day, the rain having fallen heavily during the entire afternoon and evening. At Gum SpGum Springs, Va., four of my officers were captured by guerrillas, while breakfasting at a farm-house about one mile from the camp, Lieutenants John R. Day, and Geo. F. Blake, company H, Lieutenant H. M. Anderson, company I, and Lieutenant S. L. Gilman, company F. The regiment marched from Monocacy to Point of Rocks, on the twenty-sixth, and from thence through Middleton, Frederick City, Walkersville, Woodborough, and Taneytown, where we arrived on the thirtieth and mustered the regiment for pay. I
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 8.58 (search)
rd Manassas. During the battles of Friday and Saturday (the 29th and 30th), the lines were nearly reversed. Jackson was then to the left, looking south toward Manassas, and Longstreet's lines, facing like Reynolds's in the above picture, but extending farther to the right, and confronting McDowell and Porter (see maps, pp. 473 and 482).--Editors. Hooker, Kearny, and Reno upon Centreville, At 1: 20 or 2 P. M. Pope repeated his orders sent a few minutes ago to McDowell to march toward Gum Springs, distant 20 miles in the direction of Aldie Gap. The note sent a few minutes ago, reached McDowell at 3:15 p. M. The orders to march on Centreville were dated 4:15 P. M., and McDowell appears to have received the second while preparing to execute the first.--Editors. and sent orders to Porter to come forward to Manassas Junction. I also wrote McDowell the situation and directed him to call back to Gainesville any part of his force which had moved in the direction of Manassas Junction, a
it meant, All right, go ahead. Thereupon Col. Baker put it in his hat without reading. An hour afterward he fell: Headquarters Corps of observation, Edwards' Ferry, Oct. 22--11.50. E. D. Baker, Commanding Brigade: Colonel: I am informed that the force of the enemy is about four thousand, all told. If you can push them, you may do so as far as to have a strong position near Leesburg, if you can keep them before you, avoiding their batteries. If they pass Leesburg and take the Gum Springs road, you will not follow far, but seize the first good position to cover that road. Their design is to draw us on, if they are obliged to retreat, as far as Goose Creek, where they can be reinforced from Manassas, and have a strong position. Report frequently, so that when they are pushed, Gorman can come up on their flank. Yours respectfully and truly, Charles P. Stone, Brigadier-General Commanding. Lieutenant Adams' report. Washington, Oct. 28, 1861. General Barry, C
nt out by General Bayard at the request of General Sigel, to be joined to our cavalry, which had been advanced to Chantilly. The force under Colonel Wyndham reached Fairfax Wednesday night, and immediately proceeded to Chantilly, where they were to await orders from General Stahel. Encamping at this place, they were joined in the morning by Gen. Stahel, and the order was at once given to march. The force comprised cavalry and a battery of light artillery. Reaching the cross-roads near Gum Springs, they waited awhile to call in the pickets which had been stationed along the roads, and then proceeded toward Aldie, which place they entered about five o'clock Thursday afternoon. Passing through the town they took position on a hill beyond, and then sent scouts in every direction to ascertain the whereabouts of Mr. Stuart, who was supposed to be between the mountains. The scouts visited Snickersville, Middleburgh, Philomont, Salem, Paris, and other places in the valley, and brought ba
tion sent back. They then approached the encampment of Geary's division, but found his reserves ready for them. Similar disappointments met them at Fairfax Station, Fairfax Court-House and Chantilly. They took the road to Annandale and Berks Station, at which latter place they cut the telegraph wire, tore up the railroad track, captured about fifty teams and empty wagons, and a few citizens. From thence they proceeded on the road from near Annandale to Vienna, and from there towards Gum Springs, between Fairfax Court-House and Drainesville, passing between the forces in front of Washington and Fairfax Court-House. Rumors afterward reported them as going to Leesburgh. On Monday night, Gen. Geary's division, with the exception. of the reenforcements left at Dumfries, returned to Wolf Run Shoals, and at Tuesday noon reached camp, noar Fairfax. Dumfries was almost battered down by the immense number of shells thrown into it. This has been the most unsuccessful raid of Stuart
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 11: second Manassas (search)
emonstration by some reconnoitring party, and, after caring for a few killed and wounded, the division marched for Manassas, where it was still supposed that Jackson was awaiting them. The Federal marches were not rapid, and it was not until near noon that Pope himself arrived at Manassas, and found that Jackson had mysteriously vanished. He was utterly at a loss to guess where he had gone. His first supposition was that he had gone toward Leesburg, and he ordered McDowell to move to Gum Springs in pursuit. He soon countermanded that order, and hearing of Hill's having been at Centreville, and of the cavalry attack upon Burke's station, he ordered a general concentration of his troops at Centreville. This was his last order for that day, and all was now quiet for some hours. Jackson and his three divisions lay hidden in the woods within seven miles of the ruins of Manassas, until 5 P. M. At that hour King's division of Mc-Dowell's corps,—four brigades about 10,000 strong, with
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 4 (search)
nk Lee has made a mistake in going into Maryland before meeting our army. I hope his movement will arouse the North, and that now men enough will be turned out, not only to drive him back, but to follow and crush him. If his course does not awake the North from the lethargy it has been in, nothing will ever save us. We have had the usual hard service of active operations for the last few days, loss of rest and hard riding, but both George and I stand it very well. Green Springs, Va., Gum Springs on map. June 18, 1863. We reached here last evening, on our way to Leesburg. The enemy, as far as we can learn, are in the Valley of the Shenandoah, occupying the line they did when McClellan crossed the Potomac last fall. We cannot learn that any great force has crossed into Maryland or Pennsylvania. Should this prove true, we shall have to go to the valley after them. Aldie, June 20, 1863. We came here yesterday afternoon to sustain Pleasanton, who has had several brilliant sk
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Virginia, 1863 (search)
-1st Cavalry. Oct. 12: Skirmish, Hartwood ChurchMICHIGAN--5th Cavalry. Oct. 12: Action, Warrenton or White Sulphur SpringsMAINE--1st Cavalry. MARYLAND--1st Cavalry. MASSACHUSETTS--1st Cavalry. NEW JERSEY--1st Cavalry. NEW YORK--10th Cavalry; 6th Indpt. Battery Light Arty. OHIO--6th Cavalry. PENNSYLVANIA--1st, 3d, 4th, 8th, 13th and 16th Cavalry. RHODE ISLAND--1st Cavalry. UNITED STATES--Battery "A," 4th Arty. Union loss, 8 killed, 46 wounded. Total, 54. Oct. 12-13: Scout from Vienna to Gum SpringsMASSACHUSETTS--2d Cavalry. Oct. 13: Affair, Fox's FordPicket attack. Oct. 13: Skirmish, JeffersontonPENNSYLVANIA--12th Cavalry. Oct. 13: Skirmish near Warrenton(No Reports.) Oct. 13: Action, AuburnMAINE--17th Infantry. MASSACHUSETTS--10th Battery Light Arty. MICHIGAN--3d and 5th Infantry. NEW JERSEY--Battery "B," Light Arty. NEW YORK--40th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--57th, 63d, 68th, 99th, 105th, 110th, 114th, 141st and 155th Infantry. Oct. 13: Scout from Great Bridge to Indiantown, N. C.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Massachusetts Volunteers. (search)
ourt House July 28-August 3. Near Aldie July 30. Duty at Centreville, Va., operating against Moseby till October 6. Companies C, F, G and I detached at Muddy Branch September 15, 1863, to March 8, 1864. Warrenton Pike August 17. Coyle's Tavern, near Fairfax Court House, August 24. Expeditions from Centreville August 15-19, September 18-20 and October 2-5. Ordered to Fairfax Court House October 6, thence to Vienna October 9 and duty there till May 24, 1864. Scout to Gum Springs October 12-13, 1863. Near Annandale October 22. Tyson's Cross Roads November 14. Reconnoissance to Blue Ridge Mountains November 18-26. Picket attacks December 12-23. Affair at Germantown December 13 (Detachment). Scout from Vienna to Middleburg December 18-20. Skirmish with Moseby December 29. Near Ellis and Ely's Fords January 17, 1864. Ellis Ford January 26. Scout to Aldie February 4-6. Aldie February 5. Near Circlesville February 21. Dranesville
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