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Plato, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 4 0 Browse Search
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill) 2 0 Browse Search
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Plato, Epinomis, section 986e (search)
und to have spoken falsely. Thus far, at least, I asseverate with certainty: I say, once more, that there are eight of them, and that while threei.e. sun, moon, and fixed stars. of the eight have been told, five yet remain. The fourthVenus(or Lucifer); cf. Plato, Tim. 38 D. in motion and transit together, and the fifth,Mercury. are almost equal to the sun in speed, and on the whole are neither slower nor swifter. These being three, must be so regarded by him who has sufficient mind. So le transit together, and the fifth,Mercury. are almost equal to the sun in speed, and on the whole are neither slower nor swifter. These being three, must be so regarded by him who has sufficient mind. So let us speak of them as powers of the sun and of Lucifer, and of a third,Mercury. such that we cannot express it in a name because it is not known; and he is to blame for this who first beheld these things, since he was a foreigner: for it was an ancient custom that nurtured those who fi
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill), Poem 62 (search)
arge, that the darkness makes possible acts of violence. nocte latent fures: perhaps quoted verbatim from the song of the maidens, but neutralized as far as it is a charge against Hesperus, by the following clause. idem … mutato nomine: the poet disregards the scientific fact that the same planet is not both morning and evening star at the same season of the year. The identity of Hesperus and Lucifer (cf. Cic. l.c. on v. 1) was known about the time of Pythagoras, whether established by him or by Parmenides, and is freqaently alluded to by the Romans; cf Varr. RR 3.5.17 stella Lucifer interdiu, noctu Hesperus ; Cir. 350 [ignem] quem pavidae alternis fugitant optantque puellae (Hesperium vitant, optant ardescere Eoum); Cinna Zmyrna (ap. Serv. on Verg. G. 1.288) te matutinus flentem cons
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 11, line 266 (search)
being. You would think his feet had taken wings, he left us far behind and swift in his desire for death he stood at last upon Parnassus' height. “Apollo pitied him.—And when Daedalion leaped over the steep cliff, Apollo's power transformed him to a bird; supported him while he was hovering in the air upon uncertain wings, of such a sudden growth. Apollo, also, gave him a curved beak, and to his slender toes gave crooked claws. His former courage still remains, with strength greater than usual in birds. He changed to a fierce hawk; cruel to all, he vents his rage on other birds. Grieving himself he is a cause of grief to all his kind.” While Ceyx, the royal son of Lucifer, told these great wonders of his brother's life; Onetor, who had watched the while those herds which Peleus had assigned to him, ran up with panting speed; and cried out as he ran, “Peleus, Peleus! I bring you dreadful news!” Peleus asked him to tell what had gone wrong and with King Ceyx he listened in
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 11, line 592 (search)
s father-in-law's support. But, while he swam, his lips most frequently pronounced that dearest name, “Halcyone!” He longs to have his body carried by waves to her dear gaze and have at last, entombment by the hands of his loved friends. Swimming, he called Halcyone—far off, as often as the billows would allow his lips to open, and among the waves his darling's name was murmured, till at last a night-black arch of water swept above the highest waves and buried him beneath engulfing billows. Lucifer was dim past recognition when the dawn appeared and, since he never could depart from heaven, soon hid his grieving countenance in clouds. Meanwhile, Halcyone, all unaware of his sad wreck, counts off the passing nights and hastens to prepare for him his clothes that he may wear as soon as he returns to her; and she is choosing what to wear herself, and vainly promises his safe return— all this indeed, while she in hallowed prayer is giving frankincense to please the gods: and first of lov