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T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 6 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 4 0 Browse Search
Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (ed. William Ellery Leonard) 4 0 Browse Search
Plato, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis 2 0 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), History of Rome, books 1-10 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) 2 0 Browse Search
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Plato, Epinomis, section 986b (search)
for anybody. Three of them are that of the sun, for one, that of the moon for another, and a third that of the stars which we mentioned a little while ago; and there are five others besides.Cf. Plato, Tim. 38 ff., where God is said to have made, besides the fixed stars, the sun, the moon, and the five planets—Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars—for the generation of time. Now in regard to all these and those beings who either have their own motion in these, or are borne in vehicles so as to make their progress thus, let none of us all ever idly suppose that some of them are gods, while others are not, or that some are genuine, while others are of a certain kind which it is not permissible to any of us even to express; but let us all declare and say that they are all cogn
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 1 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts), chapter 31 (search)
kness, that he who had once thought nothing less fitting for a king than devotion to sacred things, now suddenly became a prey to every sort of religious terror, and filled the City with religious observances. There was a general desire to recall the condition of things which existed under Numa, for men felt that the only help that was left against sickness was to obtain the forgiveness of the gods and be at peace with heaven. Tradition records that the king, whilst examining the commentaries of Numa, found there a description of certain secret sacrificial rites paid to Jupiter Elicius: he withdrew into privacy whilst occupied with these rites, but their performance was marred by omissions or mistakes. Not only was no sign from heaven vouchsafed to him, but the anger of Jupiter was roused by the false worship rendered to him, and he burnt up the king and his house by a stroke of lightning. Tullus had achieved great renown in war, and reigned for two-and-thirty years.
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 2, line 401 (search)
ail, goddess! greater than celestial Jove! I would declare it though he heard the words.” Jove heard and smiled, well pleased to be preferred above himself, and kissed her many times, and strained her in his arms, while she began to tell the varied fortunes of her hunt.— but when his ardent love was known to her, she struggled to escape from his embrace: ah, how could she, a tender maid, resist almighty Jove?—Be sure, Saturnia if thou hadst only witnessed her thy heart had shown more pity!— Jupiter on wings, transcendent, sought his glorious heights; but she, in haste departing from that grove, almost forgot her quiver and her bow. Behold, Diana, with her virgin train, when hunting on the slopes of Maenalus, amidst the pleasures of exciting sport, espied the Nymph and called her, who, afraid that Jove apparelled in disguise deceived, drew backward for a moment, till appeared to her the lovely Nymphs that followed: thus, assured deceit was none, she ventured near. Alas, how difficult
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 2, line 466 (search)
e consort of the Thunder-God her altered mien; but she for ripening time withheld severe resentment. Now delay was needless for distracted Juno heard Calisto of the god of Heaven had borne a boy called Arcas. Full of jealous rage, her eyes and thoughts enkindled as she cried; “And only this was wanting to complete your wickedness, that you should bear a son and flaunt abroad the infamy of Jove! Unpunished you shall not escape, for I will spoil the beauty that has made you proud and dazzled Jupiter with wanton art.” So saying, by her forehead's tresses seized the goddess on her rival; and she dragged her roughly to the ground. Pleading she raised her suppliant arms and begged for mercy.—While she pled, black hair spread over her white limbs; her hands were lengthened into feet, and claws long-curving tipped them; snarling jaws deformed the mouth that Jove had kissed. And lest her prayers and piteous words might move some listening God, and give remembrance, speech was so denied, that <
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 11, line 749 (search)
An auncient father seeing them aabout the brode sea fly, Did prayse theyr love for lasting to the end so stedfastly. His neyghbour or the selfsame man made answer (such is chaunce): Even this fowle also whom thou seest uppon the surges glaunce With spindle shanks, (he poynted to the wydegoawld Cormorant) Before that he became a bird, of royall race might vaunt. And if thou covet lineally his pedegree to seeke, His Auncetors were Ilus, and Assaracus, and eeke Fayre Ganymed who Jupiter did ravish as his joy, Laomedon and Priamus the last that reygnd in Troy. Stout Hectors brother was this man. And had he not in pryme Of lusty youth beene tane away, his deedes perchaunce in tyme Had purchaast him as great a name as Hector, though that hee Of Dymants daughter Hecuba had fortune borne to bee. For Aesacus reported is begotten to have beene By scape, in shady Ida on a mayden fayre and sheene Whose name was Alyxothoe, a poore mans daughter that With spade and mattocke for himselfe and h
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 15, line 745 (search)
the tryple shaped world. And our Augustus beares Dominion over all the earth. They bothe are fathers: they Are rulers both. Yee Goddes to whom both fyre and swoord gave way, What tyme yee with Aenaeas came from Troy: yee Goddes that were Of mortall men canonyzed: thou Quirin whoo didst reere The walles of Rome: and Mars who wart the valeant Quirins syre And Vesta of the household Goddes of Caesar with thy fyre Most holy: and thou Phebus whoo with Vesta also art Of household: and thou Jupiter whoo in the hyghest part Of mountayne Tarpey hast thy Church: and all yee Goddes that may With conscience sauf by Poets bee appealed to: I pray Let that same day bee slowe to comme and after I am dead, In which Augustus (whoo as now of all the world is head) Quyght giving up the care therof ascend to heaven for ay, There (absent hence) to favour such as unto him shall pray. Now have I brought a woork to end which neither Joves feerce wrath, Nor swoord, nor fyre, nor freating age with all
T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 5, scene 5 (search)
NAECHMUS of Epidamnus. I sleep throughout if I go to sleep if I have paid my money to him to whom I owe it. DOCTOR. MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. to the DOCTOR. May Jupiter and all the Divinities confound you, you questioner. DOCTOR. aside. Now this person begins to rave. To the OLD MAN. From those expressions do you take care of youNAECHMUS of Epidamnus. And I know that you stoleThat you stole: This expression has been already remarked upon in the Notes to the Trinummus. the sacred crown of Jupiter; and that on that account you were confined in prison; and after you were let out, I know that you were beaten with rods in the bilboes; I know, too, that you murw. DOCTOR. I'm off. OLD MAN Farewell. (Exeunt OLD MAN and DOCTOR, separately.) MENAECHMUS of Epidamnus. My father-in-law is gone, the Doctor is gone; I'm alone. O Jupiter! Why is it that these people say I'm mad? Why, in fact, since I was born, I have never for a single day been ill. I'm neither mad, nor do I commence strifes or qu
Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (ed. William Ellery Leonard), BOOK VI, line 379 (search)
e, Or to which half of heaven it turns, or how Through walled places it hath wound its way, Or, after proving its dominion there, How it hath speeded forth from thence amain, Or what the thunderstroke portends of ill From out high heaven. But if Jupiter And other gods shake those refulgent vaults With dread reverberations and hurl fire Whither it pleases each, why smite they not Mortals of reckless and revolting crimes, That such may pant from a transpierced breast Forth flames of the red levinpass That divers strokes have happened at one time? But oft and often hath it come to pass, And often still it must, that, even as showers And rains o'er many regions fall, so too Dart many thunderbolts at one same time. Again, why never hurtles Jupiter A bolt upon the lands nor pours abroad Clap upon clap, when skies are cloudless all? Or, say, doth he, so soon as ever the clouds Have come thereunder, then into the same Descend in person, that from thence he may Near-by decide upon the stroke