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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Life, services and character of Jefferson Davis. (search)
ou cast down the images of your ancestors, and their spirits rise to rebuke you for treading harshly on their graves. On days of public festival, when you hold them up as patterns of patriotism, take care lest you be accused of passing the counterfeit coin of praise. Disturb not too rudely the memories of the men who defended slavery; say naught of moral obliquity, lest the venerable images of Winthrop and Endicott be torn from the historic pages of the Pilgrim Land, and the fathers of Plymouth Rock be cast into utter darkness. Unity of America in slavery when independence was declared and the Constitution ordained. When independence was declared at Philadelphia, in 1776, America was yet a unit in the possession of slaves, and when the Constitution of 1787 was ordained the institution still existed in every one of the thirteen States, save Massachusetts only. True, its decay had begun where it was no longer profitable, but every State united in its recognition in the Federal
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.17 (search)
mething peculiarly constructive and orderly. We are the law-makers of the world. We are the constructors of empires; we are the builders of States; anywhere, everywhere this language of ours is spoken, the very fact that it is spoken is conclusive proof that order there abides. If it is in a camp on the western plains, there was, every night, where the camp was pitched, order; and he who violated the law was tried and hung or acquitted. You can take an isolated body of us, whether at Plymouth Rock or in the Mayflower, or in Jamestown or Newport News, or down in Georgia, or on the gold coasts of California, and instantly a solemn compact is made in which there is an element of constitutional government, and that element set out in an orderly form. Now, if the Confederate had returned home absolutely without government he would have made a government. But he returned without government and without the power to make government. There was a power over him, by virtue of conquest,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Captain Don P. Halsey, C. S. A. (search)
great worth. He was sprung from excellent English stock, being one of the numerous descendants of Thomas Halsey, who came to America in 1633, in connection with one of the colonization enterprises of which John Winthrop was the leader, settled first in Lynn, Massachusetts, and afterwards became a prominent citizen of Southampton, Long Island, where he died in 1679, at the ripe old age of ninety. He was a Puritan, but as has been quaintly said of a milder type than those who settled at Plymouth Rock. The ancestral line in England has been traced back without break to 1512, and apparently to 1458, while English bearers of the name have been found as early as 1189, though these cannot be directly connected. The family residence is still standing at Great Gaddesden, in Hertfordshire, England, and is known now as it has been for centuries, as the Golden Parsonage, being one of those old church properties which were taken possession of by the crown in the 15th and 16th centuries. John
Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904, The Prospect Hill Park Celebration. (search)
step upon this hallowed soil and to breathe in the patriotic atmosphere of this occasion. We believe these exercises will be carried out in manner most befitting; but however grandly we might have planned, however nobly we might have wrought, it would not have been overdone, for, to do, more than justice to so altogether worthy a theme—that were an impossibility. It has been aptly said, ‘Prospect Hill stands upon the same plane as Bunker Hill, Lexington Green, Concord Bridge, and Plymouth Rock.’ The British trooped by the foot of this hill on that memorable night when Paul Revere's warning; notes rang all along the way from Charlestown to Lexington and Concord. Less than twenty-four hours afterward, its base was again skirted by the redcoats, as they beat their hasty retreat towards Charlestown, and it was here, ‘From behind each fence and farmyard wall,’ that the hottest shot and swiftest-flying bullets of their whole retreat accelerated their hurrying movements.
The,’ Charlestown15 Pennsylvania, Riflemen of80 Perkins, Luke36 Perkins Street, Somerville44 Philadelphia, Penn.7 Phillips, Lieutenant Eleazer4 Phillips, Wendell104 Phips, Samuel, Schoolmaster, 167434, 36, 38, 41, 60 Phipps, Emma61 Phipps, Katherine ( Brackenbury)35 Phipps, Captain Samuel61, 63 Phipps, Solomon21, 34 Pillsbury, Harry N.66 Pillsbury, L. B.66, 74 Pillsbury, Mrs. Mary A.66 Piscataquog River50 Piscataquog Village50 Plymouth Colony, The81 Plymouth, Mass.7 Plymouth Rock78 Pomeroy, General Seth90 Pomfret, Conn.88 Poole, Captain Jonathan76 Pope School, The46 Porter, Jonathan52, 53 Potomac Canals, The54 Pottery, The, Somerville44 Powder House, The13, 81 Prescott, Col.86, 89, 90, 91, 93, 98, 99 Prescott Street, Somerville22, 42 Pritchard Family, The47 Private Schools, Charlestown60 Prospect Hill15, 25, 73, 92 Prospect Hill Church104 Prospect Hill Line of Intrenchments, Somerville, Marking of82 Prospect Hill Monument82, 85 Prospect Hill Park
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 3. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Anti-Slavery Poems (search)
! Bless the Lord for this! I know it will rejoice you. You, I hear, Are on the eve of visiting Chicago, To fight with the wild beasts of Ephesus, Long John, and Dutch Free-Soilers. May your arm Be clothed with strength, and on your tongue be found The sweet oil of persuasion. So desires Your brother and co-laborer. Amen! P. S. All's lost. Even while I write these lines, The Yankee abolitionists are coming Upon us like a flood—grim, stalwart men, Each face set like a flint of Plymouth Rock Against our institutions—staking out Their farm lots on the wooded Wakarusa, Or squatting by the mellow-bottomed Kansas; The pioneers of mightier multitudes, The small rain-patter, ere the thunder shower Drowns the dry prairies. Hope from man is not. Oh, for a quiet berth at Washington, Snug naval chaplaincy, or clerkship, where These rumors of free labor and free soil Might never meet me more. Better to be Door-keeper in the White House, than to dwell Amidst these Yankee tents, that,
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 3. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Songs of Labour and Reform (search)
l with other ills, Redress the red man's grievance, break The Circean cup which shames and kills, And Labor full requital make? Alone to such as fitly bear Thy civic honors bid them fall? And call thy daughters forth to share The rights and duties pledged to all? Give every child his right of school, Merge private greed in public good, And spare a treasury overfull The tax upon a poor man's food? No lack was in thy primal stock, No weakling founders builded here; Thine were the men of Plymouth Rock, The Huguenot and Cavalier; And they whose firm endurance gained The freedom of the souls of men, Whose hands, unstained with blood, maintained The swordless commonwealth of Penn. And thine shall be the power of all To do the work which duty bids, And make the people's council hall As lasting as the Pyramids! Well have thy later years made good Thy brave-said word a century back, The pledge of human brotherhood, The equal claim of white and black. That word still echoes round the wo
uld teach things. It is a reproach that the public schools are not superior to the private. If I had as many sons as old Priam, I would send them all to the public schools. With such speakers and with the changes rung on the old theme of Plymouth Rock and the Old Colony, it is evident that any action a convention with such features might take, would carry weight. The demand was that a normal school be located in Plymouth County. One was eventually established at Bridgewater, but instead otor Cousin, the first scholar of France, he obtained reports and documents, and encouraging words which were to him the pabulum vitae; for in this phase of the enterprise he stood almost, if not quite alone; yet planting his feet literally on Plymouth Rock, he was conscious of strength. Barnard's Journal of Education, Vol. XVII, p. 664. Historical Sketch by Rev. Eben S. Stearns. Brooks waived for himself all claim to originating any policy. He found the Prussian system, urged its adoptio
btless snared, all these appealed to her aboriginal nature, for she was of full blood. Tradition has it that she found sale for her baskets, and occasional employment, among the housewives of the adjoining towns, and doubtless her knowledge of Indian remedies hinted at by Mr. Brooks was also profited by. And so, for some years after the fire at Old Toney's, she lived her wild life in that rocky fastness among the hills, till on that winter day, just two hundred years after the day of Plymouth rock, decrepit with age, benumbed with cold, but inflamed by the fire-water of the white men that her ancestors called Oncapee, she came to her death in the chill waters of the Aberjona. Her funeral is mentioned, and also her burial. Possibly she was not buried, for somewhere, up to a few years ago (and, possibly, still), a skeleton of an Indian, said to have been that of Hannah Shiner, was preserved. It was articulated, and used in the demonstration of anatomy to medical students. On
a purpose. Falling, they have discretion enough not to damage themselves by any rash or impulsive act — bay, they can smile and be friendly with those they have just tried to circumvent, and will even manœuvre to get the benefit of the talent or influence they cannot defeat by joining interest with it. It is upon this principle that they are dying now to be associated again with us! How they could flatter us! Oh say they, what a "strong team" we would be "working together ! as firm as Plymouth rock — immovable and irresistible ! " But we know them, and cannot be taken in. They may still try their arts upon Maximilian, and become his friend, for the sake of peace and trade. At all events, they are not going to be precipitate, they will drop the subject until they get the present war off their hands, and then they will act according to circumstances — a policy which rules most Governments, and beyond doubt that at Washington. Maximilian being finally embarked for his Government,
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