Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Rich Mountain (West Virginia, United States) or search for Rich Mountain (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A Narrative of the service of Colonel Geo. A. Porterfield in Northwestern Virginia in 1861-1861, (search)
y, leaving the cavalry to scout the roads across Rich Mountain and Laurel Hill. This was my position when reli Twentieth Virginia regiment, Colonel Pegram, at Rich Mountain; Twenty-fifth Virginia regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Heck, Rich Mountain; four pieces of artillery, Rich Mountain; Forty-fourth Virginia regiment on east side oRich Mountain; Forty-fourth Virginia regiment on east side of Rich Mountain. He had also the following cavalry companies: Captain Richard's Bath cavalry; Captain SterriRich Mountain. He had also the following cavalry companies: Captain Richard's Bath cavalry; Captain Sterritt's, Churchville; Captain Moorman's, Greenbrier; Captain McChesney's, Rockbridge; Captain Flournoy's, Ashland; June 25th, he wrote: I regard these two passes (Rich Mountain and Laurel Hill, at the western bases of which hross it could be turned with the greatest ease. Rich Mountain was a strong position, more difficult to turn; ythat the enemy could not gain his rear by way of Rich Mountain; that Pegram could at least hold his position in, the Twenty-fifth, was surrendered by Pegram at Rich Mountain. I afterwards served upon the staff of Genera
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
275. Rebellion Records, cited, 16, 25. Reed, , apt., 145. Reed, Dr.. 428. Reeves, Lt., Wade, 21. Religion the inspiration of the soldier, 195, 206. Revolution, First victory of the, 433. Reynolds, Gen., 342, 349. Rhea, Lt., Matt., 75. Rhett. Col., 174. Rhodes, Hon. B R , 273. Rice, H. W., 104. Rice. Rev. W. D. 28. Richard, Capt, 88 Richardson. Capt , 379; his battery, 293. Richardson, Gen Richard. 7. Richmond College, 47. Richmond, Va., Siege of, 454. Rich Mountain, 87. Riddock, Joseph, 396. Ridgeley, Major, Randolph, 424. Riley, Lt.. 404. Ringgold, Battle of, 370. Rion, Col., Jas. H.. 15, 23, 401: Battalion of, 25. Ripley Guards, 134. Ripley, Gen. R. S, 159, 396. Ritchie, Miss, Jennie, 93. Rives. Hon. W. C., 68, 271. Rives. Lt. W. H , 21 Robertson. Miss Anna, 352. Robertson, Gen., 383, 386. Robinson. Capt.. 114. Rockbridge Battery Roll, 277. Rockbridge Rifles, 42. Rocky Mount, Battle of, 8, 9, 11, 32. Rogers, Maj