Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Rich Mountain (West Virginia, United States) or search for Rich Mountain (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.4 (search)
Rich mountain in 1861. [from the Richmond Dispatch of November 17 and December 3, 1899.] An ant was thrown out at the extreme picket on Rich mountain, with orders from Captain Shelton, of Louih double quick to the forks of the road on Rich mountain, some half a mile from the entrenched Collly, to direct stragglers from the fight on Rich mountain on the line of retreat. This he did, remaof July 10, 11, and 12, 1861, at and about Rich mountain, the scene of the second battle of the latral Pegram was entrenched on the summit of Rich mountain, with 300 men, known as the College Boys, al Garnett was in command. When we got to Rich mountain there were a few troops there-how many I d and the few troops there before we got to Rich mountain were engaged in felling trees and making an ordered back to the forks of the road on Rich mountain, some half mile from the entrenched Collegission of the Dispatch, I will say more of Rich mountain and its consequences. C. T. Allen, Former[4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Charles, 334. Point Pleasant, Battle of, 171. Pollard Mrs. Rose, 335. Poore, Ben Perley, 368. Porter, Commodore D., 144. Powell, Colonel, Wm. H. Preston, Wm., 295. Price, Dr. Henry M., 38. Purcell Battery, Gallantry of, at Cedar Run, 89. Quincey, Josiah, 65. Ramseur, General S. D., killed, 7. Reprisal or retaliation in war, 270, 314. Richards, Major E. A., Address of, 253. Richmond, Did General Lee counsel its abandonment? 290. Richmond City, gunboat, 221. Rich Mountain campaign in 1861, 38. Rockbridge county, Roster of Company C, 1st Virginia cavalry, from, 377. Rodes, General R E., killed, 5 Ropes, John Codman, historian, 83. Rosser, General T. L., 283. Sailor's Creek, Battle of, 324. Sanders, Palmer, killed, 141. Scott, Colonel W. C., 44. Secession, Right of, 61, 114; advocated by Massachusetts, 65; by the N. Y. Tribune, 67; cause of, 81. Seddon, James A., 317. Sedgwick, General, John, killed, 37. Seward, W. H., 375. Sharp