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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the first conflict. (search)
and the Cheat River—and bears successively the names of Rich Mountain at the south and Laurel Hill at the north: the general ses where roads starting from these two villages cross Rich Mountain and Laurel Hill to descend into the plain. These pasther was to cut off his retreat by taking possession of Rich Mountain, where he had committed the error of not concentrating ere the road running from Beverly through the defile of Rich Mountain crosses that branch of the Monongahela which lower downMcClellan, whose troops were ranged along the slopes of Rich Mountain, found himself before the works occupied by Pegram. Nonly accessible to foot-soldiers, wound up the sides of Rich Mountain, south of the defile where the road from Beverly to Buc arms. While his lieutenant was being dislodged from Rich Mountain, Garnett allowed himself to be amused by Morris at Laurd in a narrow pass between the two impassable ridges of Rich Mountain and Cheat Mountain; he found its southern extremity, th
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
g the waters of Cheat River, an affluent of the Monongahela, from those of Greenbrier River, a tributary of New River. Lastly, at the west a small spur called Rich Mountain detaches itself, and soon takes the same direction as the other chains to enclose the elevated valley of the Tygart. McClellan's campaign has already familiarized the reader with some of these names. He will remember that Garnett, driven southward by the Federals, who had crossed Rich Mountain, was unable to find any practicable road at Cheat Mountain by which to escape to the east, and was obliged to follow that impassable barrier by descending in a northerly direction as far as Carcrans, an officer whom we shall see invested with important commands in the course of the war. Although he may have been to blame for his dilatory movements at Rich Mountain, he was a distinguished soldier, who knew what he could exact from his troops, and was beloved by them. If he was not gifted with great quickness of perceptio