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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
plies in the Confederate newspapers. He also permitted and justified the violations of flags of truce, and showed himself so perfidious that Rosecrans refused to have any further intercourse with him excepting by shot and shell. The battle of Hartsville was followed, two days later, Dec. 9, 1862. by a dash of Wheeler, with a heavy force of cavalry and mounted infantry, upon a National brigade Fifty-first Ohio, Thirty-fifth Indiana, Eighth and Twenty-first Kentucky, and a section of Swallow's Seventh Indiana battery. under Colonel Stanley Matthews, guarding a forage train at Dobbins's Ferry, on Mill Creek. After a short fight Wheeler was repulsed, and Matthews took his train to camp unharmed. Three days after this, General Stanley allowed his men to try the efficacy of two thousand revolving rifles, which he had just received. They pushed down the road toward Franklin, drove the Confederate vedettes from that village, Dec. 12. obtained some important information, and retur
b's 1 13 14   14 14 28   Seventh. Aug., ‘61 3d Ind. Reenlisted and served through the war. Ginn's 1 10 11   18 18 29 Mower's Sixteenth. Sept., ‘61 4th Ind. Reenlisted and served through the war. Bush's   12 12 1 15 16 28 Sheridan's Fourth. Nov., ‘61 5th Ind. Simonson's 1 11 12   24 24 36 Stanley's Fourth. Sept., ‘61 6th Ind. Reenlisted and served through the war. Mueller's 1 1 2   15 15 17   Fifteenth. Dec., ‘61 7th Ind. Reenlisted and served through the war. Swallow's 1 6 7   22 22 29 Baird's Fourteenth. Jan., ‘62 8th Ind. Estep's   5 5   10 10 15 T. J. Wood's Twenty-first. Feb., ‘62 9th Ind. Thompson's   6 6   55 55 61 Mower's Sixteenth. Jan., ‘62 10th Ind. Reenlisted and served through the war. Naylor's   5 5   22 22 27 Newton's Fourth. Dec., ‘61 11th Ind. Sutermeister's   6 6 1 18 19 25 Sheridan's Twentieth. Jan., ‘62 12th Ind. Reenlisted and served through the war. White's       2 22 24 24
Doc. 66.-fight near La Vergne, Tenn. in camp near Nashville, Tennessee, Saturday, December 13, 1862. I propose to give full particulars of the fight at La Vergne, as witnessed by a participant in the exciting scene. The Thirty-fifth Indiana, Fifty-first Ohio, Eighth and Twenty-first Kentucky infantry, with two guns of Swallow's Seventh Indiana battery, went out beyond our picket-lines to escort fifty wagons on a foraging expedition. They ventured as far as Stone's River, four miles from La Vergne, and in sight of the enemy's videttes. We halted in a rich bottom in a bend in the river, where an abundance of corn, fodder, and oats was found. The wagons were sent to the various cribs, pens, and stacks near by to load, while Col. Mathews led the whole command or escort to Dobbins's Ferry, a mile off, and satisfied himself that there would be no attack from the enemy at that point. Returning to the wagons, he placed the artillery, Fifty-first Ohio, and Thirty-fifth Indian
ls of our kind friends, by eleven o'clock we were rushing, in the pleasantest of cars, over the smoothest of rails, through Burgundy. We arrived at Chalons at nine P. M. Thursday, 23, eight o'clock A. M. Since five we have had a fine bustle on the quay below our windows. There lay three steamers, shaped for all the world like our last night's rolls. One would think Ichabod Crane might sit astride one of them and dip his feet in the water. They ought to be swift. L'Hirondelle (The Swallow) flew at five; another at six. We leave at nine. Lyons. There was a scene of indescribable confusion upon our arrival here. Out of the hold of our steamer a man with a rope and hook began hauling baggage up a smooth board. Three hundred people were sorting their goods without checks. Porters were shouldering immense loads, four or five heavy trunks at once, corded together, and stalking off Atlantean. Hat-boxes, bandboxes, and valises burst like a meteoric shower out of a crater
ice. Prior to and during the Civil War many vessels carried an armament, for protection in foreign seas and against Confederate cruisers. One of these was the Swallow, owned by Thatcher Magoun of Medford, which had two brass cannon (six pounders), mounted on low wooden carriages after the usual manner of ships' guns. Mr. Magnown, as inquiry at his office reveals nothing. Evidently such an association was or had been formed, as a week later a petition was received from members of the Swallow Battery, asking for the guns to be placed in their care and possession. Whether they were so placed, or remained guests at the almshouse, is uncertain, as nothins has been said) that the men wore coats cut in style of evening dress; by some at times they were called the Swallow-tail Battery. They were at first called the Swallow Battery (from the name of the ship), but the tail was simply an appendage, and was applied in the same spirit of banter as was the burlesque Muldoon Battery in an