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May 21. To-day the battle of Philips's Creek, Mississippi, was fought by the second division of General Halleck's army, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Thomas A. Davies. The rebels were routed, leaving a good many prisoners, guns, haversacks, blankets, etc., in the hands of the Unionists.--(Doc. 113.) Commodore Prentiss, with the United States steamer Albatross, penetrated the interior waters of South-Carolina as far as Georgetown, and up the Waccamaw River ten miles above the city, but having an insufficient force, he did not make an attack. General Stoneman, in company with Prof. Lowe, made a balloon reconnoissance this morning, from Gaines's Mills, Va., and reaching an altitude of five hundred feet, obtained a complete view of Richmond with the aid of a glass. Very few rebel troops were visible within the limits of the city, but at the left of it, on the line of the road leading to Bottom's Bridge, a large number were seen. At one o'clock, to-day, two mortars opened
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Allston, Washington, 1779-1843 (search)
Allston, Washington, 1779-1843 A distinguished painter; born in Waccamaw, S. C., Nov. 5, 1779; was graduated at Harvard College Washington Allston. in 1800; went to Europe the next year to study art, and remained eight years abroad. His numerous works of art exhibit great power in delineating the pictures of a fertile imagination. His skill as a colorist earned him the title of The American Titian. He died in Cambridge, Mass., July 9, 1843.
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Light Batteries in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, December, 1864. (search)
Light Batteries in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, December, 1864.  Name.State.Commanding Officer.How Armed.  12-lb. Napoleons.12-lb. Howitzers.6-lb. Guns.10-lb. Parrotts.3-inch Rifles.3 1/2-inch Blakely. 1Waccamaw Light ArtillerySouth CarolinaCapt. Mehan Ward 22   Col. A. Gonzales, Chief of Artillery Departm't of S. C., Ga. and Fla.            2German Light ArtillerySouth CarolinaCapt. F. W. Wagener211    3Orlean's Guard Battery Capt. G. LeGardeur, Jr22    Lt. Col. Chas. C. Jones, Jr., Chief of Artillery Military Dis. of Georgia and Third Military Dis. of South Carolina. 4Marion ArtillerySouth CarolinaCapt. E. L. Parker4      5Wagner ArtillerySouth CarolinaCapt. C. E. Kanapaux22     6Chestnut ArtillerySouth CarolinaCapt. F. C. Shultz 4     7Washington ArtillerySouth CarolinaCapt. G. H. Walter2  2   8Furman ArtillerySouth CarolinaCapt. W. E. Earle12 1    9Beaufort Volunteer ArtillerySouth CarolinaC
, 244. Naval Brigade, 236, 238, 239, 244, 245,251, 256, 259, 264. Urbino, Mrs., 16. Usher, Roland G., 130. V. Van Allen, Charles, 121. Van Wyck, Charles H., 221, 230, 270. Vanderpool, George, 119. Vermillion, Sergt., 124. Vermont, frigate, 37. Vessels destroyed, 219, 230, 233. Vincent's Creek, S. C., 68, 106. Visitors in camp, 22, 23, 24, 131, 132, 217. Vogdes, Israel, 101, 175. Vogelsang, Peter, 58, 135, 169, 315, 316, 317. W. Wabash, frigate, 37. Waccamaw River, S. C., 290. Wagner, Fort, 52, 54, 68, 69, 120, 123, 125, 128, 134, 146, 172, 186, 224, 225, 226, 229, 232, 248, 314. Wagner, Theodore D., 316. Wagner, Thomas M., 69. Walcott, J. H., 15. Walker, Joseph, 118, 119, 121, 122. Wall, O. S. B., 12. Wallace's, S. C., 280. Walton, James M., 9, 34, 51, 132, 153,183, 201, 234, 283, 316, 317. Wampler, J. M., 111. Wanderer, yacht, 46. Wando River, S. C., 192. Wappoo Creek, S. C., 53. Wappoo Cut, 310. War Department, 2, 96, 141, 1
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 1: Ancestral (search)
id to have been a relative of the other Charlotte Corday, the heroine of the French Revolution. To this couple were born six children, the eldest being Esther, our mother's great-grandmother, the youngest, Francis, who was to become the Swamp fox of Revolutionary days. Esther Marion has been called the Queen Bee of the Marion hive; she had fifteen children, and her descendants have multiplied and spread in every direction. She was twice married, first to John Allston, of Georgetown, or Waccamaw, secondly to Thomas Mitchell, of Georgetown. The only one of the fifteen children with whom we have concern is Sarah Mitchell, the Grandma Cutler of Julia Ward's childhood. This lady was married at fourteen to Dr. Hyrne, an officer of Washington's army. Julia well remembered her saying that after her engagement, she wept on being told that she must give up her dolls. Dr. Hyrne lived but a short time, and four years after his death the twenty-year-old widow married Benjamin Clarke Cutl
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
er the war was over he returned to Georgetown county and continued practicing his profession, and has been thus engaged ever since. Dr. Bailey was married in November, 1866, to Miss Maria Laval Williams, of Georgetown. They have six children: Thomas P., Jr., professor of pedagogics in the university of California; Charles W., a graduate of the university of Maryland, a physician and acting assistant surgeon in the marine hospital service at Georgetown; Robert S., a practicing physician at Waccamaw, S. C., and an eye and ear specialist; Mary L.; David, a graduate of pharmacy, and Maria W. John R. Bain John R. Bain, of Spartanburg, S. C., was born at Norfolk, Va., December 11, 1846. He was the son of William and Susan (Bloote) Bain, and was reared in Norfolk. When the war broke out he was too young to enter the army, but when Norfolk was evacuated in May, 1862, he was eager to go with the retiring Confederates, but was prevented from so doing. In August, 1863, he could be rest
The Turf. --The races at the New Market Course, near Petersburg, Va., commenced Tuesday. The first race was a sweepstakes for three year olds, two mile heats, $200 entrance; entries, John Belcher's b. c. Waccamaw by Red Eye, O. P. Hare's c. f. Tupsy by Boston, and F. M. Hall's c. c. Eugene by Revenue. It was won by Eugene — time 3:58; 4:05. The second race was a match between O. P. Hare's b. c. Builion by Revenue, and Gen. Green's b. c. Albion, for $500 aside, two mile heats. It was won by Bullion in 4:03; 4:07.
Racing in the West. --A correspondent of the Spirit of the Times, writing from Louisiana, and referring to the Metairie Spring meeting, says: Some new drafts from Kentucky have already joined Col. Richards, to be trained for the spring campaign, which opens brilliantly on the 28th of March, with a hand to hand contest between Waccamaw and Costa Diva, the odds being $1,500 on the latter against $1,000 on the former, with a forfeit of $225 on the side that fails to take the field on the day of battle. Should the South Carolina champion come all the way to New Orleans to meet his opponent, it will, as it ought to do, make him a great favorite. We hear the Ascension nag has been reserved especially for this contest, and is moving and looking like a bird. On the same day comes off the Lessee's Stake, a poststake for all ages, three mile heats, $250 subscription, p. p., with $1,000 to be added by the Lessee. This will be a very interesting affair; and may be the means of
o bring up reserves. One or the rebel cavalry shot was named J. O. Harris. His clothes were so marked was buried by the roadside. The also captured one of the rebel ry captains, by the name of Lee. He was beautifully uniformed. Yankee depredations. The Charleston Mercury says: A private letter has been received in the city, giving some interesting accounts doings of the Yankee gunboats in the neighborhood of Georgetown. It appears that the gunboats ascended the Waccamaw river for distance of eight miles, stopping at the presentation of the Hon. J. Izard Middleton. There they made fast to the wharf, and began wanton shelling of every portion of the promises. Mr. Middleton was absent at the time and his family just succeeded in escaping time, through the exertions of the mi Daggett. The negroes, also, all fled at of the invaders, excepting four joined the Yankees. One of these latter escaped from the enemy, and turned to the plantation. The marauders en