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action, probably killed. No attempt has been made to give statistics as to the number of wounded in action, because the method of recording these differed so greatly in different regiments—some officers recording very slight wounds and others ignoring all but serious ones—that there exists no solid basis of comparison. The prison list, which follows later, is mainly prepared from several unofficial manuscript books on file at the Adjutant-General's Office, purporting to give lists of Massachusetts officers and soldiers who died either in Confederate prisons or in the camps of paroled prisoners. These books give also the dates of their supposed deaths, the whole being made up largely from the affidavits of returning comrades. The precise authorship of these books is now unknown, but they were probably compiled under the general direction of Col. Gardner Tufts, State Relief Agent at Washington, who was in the habit of sending out men to meet returned prisoners and to obtain infor
ing among its early volunteers members of the Boston Lancers, Waltham Dragoons, North Bridgewater Dragoons and Springfield Horseguards. The first enlistments were made in the early part of September, 1861, and on September 11 Robert Williams of Virginia, captain, assistant adjutant-general, U. S. Army, was appointed by Governor Andrew as colonel of the regiment, being recommended by Gen. Winfield Scott. The 1st Battalion, comprising Cos. A, B, C and D, under Maj. Greely S. Curtis, left Massachusetts December 25 and went to Annapolis, Md. The 2d and 3d Battalions, leaving on December 26 and 28, remained ten days in New York and then went on to Hilton Head, S. C., and were joined in a short time by the 1st Battalion. In the movement against Charleston, S. C., Colonel Williams commanded the brigade of which the regiment formed a part. The 1st and 2d Battalions joined the army of the Potomac in Virginia, Aug. 19, 1862, and the 3d Battalion remained in South Carolina in command of Maj.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Second regiment Massachusetts Cavalry. (search)
34155151172183152166134151721,953 Totals,–––––––––––––––2,044 The 2d Mass. Cavalry was organized in the autumn of 1862. Co. A, the first company formed, being raised in California by Capt. J. Sewell Read in November and December, and mustered into service at San Francisco, Cal., on December 10; it reached Boston January 3, and was counted on the quota of that city. A detachment of five companies, mustered in at Readville, Mass., at varying dates in January and February, 1863, left Massachusetts Feb. 12, 1863, under command of Maj. Caspar Crowninshield, and went into camp at Gloucester Point, opposite Yorktown, Va. The remaining companies of the regiment, California furnishing four of these, were organized and mustered into service from February to May, 1863, under Col. Charles Russell Lowell, and, leaving Readville May 11, encamped near Washington, moving camp on June 23 to Poolesville, Md. On August 6 the detachment at Gloucester Point joined the main bo
er campaign; in the latter part of July, organized as infantry, it was transferred to Maryland, becoming part of the 2d Brigade, 19th Army Corps, and engaged in the battles of the Opequon and Cedar Creek, going into winter quarters at Pleasant Valley, Md., on Dec. 28, 1864. In February, 1865, it was again equipped as cavalry, and in March returned to Virginia. At the close of the previous year the three independent cavalry companies were mustered out and their places were filled by other Massachusetts men. On May 20 those who had originally formed the 41st Infantry were mustered out. The regiment left Washington for Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June 14, 1865; served in Kansas and Nebraska during the summer, and was mustered out of service Sept. 28, 1865. Proceeding at once to Boston, the members of the regiment were paid off and discharged, October 5, at Gallop's Island. Present also at Irish Bend, Henderson Hill, Georgia Landing, Cane River, Muddy Bayou, Piney Woods and Snag Point.
s of regiment,— Officers,1348–––––––––––––61 Enlisted men, Including non-commissioned staff.7–10411611410810710811310711111110410911,320 Totals,–––––––––––––––1,381 The 5th Cavalry, the only regiment of colored cavalry organized in Massachusetts, was recruited in the autumn and winter of 1863 and 1864, and in three battalions left the State from May 5 to 8, 1864. The 1st Battalion, comprising Cos. A, mustered Jan. 9, 1864, and B, C and D, mustered January 29, in command of Maj. Hora Adams, Colonel Russell having resigned, the regiment took part in the siege of Petersburg, and after the surrender encamped in the vicinity of City Point until June, when it was ordered to Clarksville, Tex.; here it remained until Oct. 31, 1865, when it was mustered out of service, having been since August 1 under command of Col. Samuel E. Chamberlain. After its muster out the regiment returned to Massachusetts, and in the latter par
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., First regiment Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. (search)
rry about the same time. On May 17, 1864, the regiment, acting as infantry, joined the Army of the Potomac near Spotsylvania, Va., and entered with it into General Grant's campaign of 1864, being assigned to General Tyler's Division, 2d Army Corps. It took part in its first engagement May 19, 1864, on the Fredericksburg Road, near Ny River in the vicinity of Spotsylvania. Afterwards, as part of the 2d Brigade, 3d Division, it was engaged in the battles of North Anna and Cold Harbor, and, crossing the James River June 14, it took part in the assault on Petersburg, June 16 and 22. The regiment remained actively engaged in the siege of Petersburg until April, 1865, and took part, after the fall of the city, in the pursuit of the Confederates. After General Lee's surrender it was stationed at the forts in the vicinity of Washington until its muster out in August. The regiment returned to Massachusetts August 20, and received its final discharge and payment at Boston, Aug. 25, 1865.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Second regiment Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. (search)
mbers of Cos. G and H, stationed at Plymouth under captains Ira B. Sampson and Joseph R. Fiske, were taken prisoners in the engagement, April 17-20, and the survivors, 35, were released and joined the regiment in the early part of 1865. In May, 1864, headquarters were changed to New Berne, N. C., and in August 375 recruits were added to the regiment, more than filling its ranks, the surplus men being transferred to the 17th Mass. Infantry. In the autumn the organization lost many men by disease during the yellow-fever epidemic in New Berne and vicinity. In March, 1865, five companies, under Lieutenant Colonel Sprague, took part in the engagement in the vicinity of Kinston, N. C., and were for a time on guard at Kinston. In June the regiment was for a time united at New Berne and remained there until July, then served in detachments at Wilmington, N. C., Smithville and Fort Fisher; on Sept. 15, 1865, it returned to Massachusetts, and was mustered out and discharged Sept. 23, 1865.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Second battery Massachusetts Light Artillery. (search)
joined the expedition against Port Hudson, and later, after its return from the Teche expedition April–May, 1863, it went again to Port Hudson and was engaged in the siege operations there until the surrender. Another expedition into Louisiana with several engagements took place during October and November, 1863. The battery was encamped at New Iberia and then at Franklin until March, 1864, when it engaged in the Red River campaign. There was no more serious fighting for that year; the summer was passed near New Orleans and the winter at Morganza, La., after which with Battery 5 it was sent by ship to Florida, then marched westward through the swamps to take part in the operations at Mobile. New and exhaustive marches followed the engagement there, and the battery suffered great losses in animals and equipments at this time. It reached Vicksburg in June and remained there in camp until July 22, when it left for Massachusetts, and was mustered out at Boston, Mass., Aug. 11, 1865
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Fifth battery Massachusetts Light Artillery. (search)
863, to May 1, 1864, the battery occupied winter quarters at Rappahannock Station. On May 5 it entered into action in the Wilderness, Va., being engaged at Spotsylvania May 12, and having made frequent changes of position with slight engagements during May, on June 2 and 3 was in action at Bethesda Church, Va. It was engaged again June 18, 1864, in front of Petersburg; encamped at the Jerusalem Plank Road until July 29, 1864; was present at the explosion of the mine, Petersburg, July 30, and took part in the action at the Weldon Railroad, August 21. On the 3d of October the battery parted with 1 officer and 29 men, their term of service having expired, but the battery as a whole continued in service with the 5th Corps and remained in the vicinity of the Jerusalem Plank Road for the winter. Its final action was in the assault on Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. On June 4, 1865, the battery left Virginia for Massachusetts, and on the 12th of June was mustered out at Readville, Mass.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Seventh battery Massachusetts Light Artillery. (search)
Duvall's Bluff, Ark., one section moving again to St. Charles. On January 15 the battery went to Kennerville, La. On March 18 it joined the 1st Division, 13th Army Corps, to take part in the operations against Mobile; it was on the march until March 27 when it engaged in action at Spanish Fort; from this time until April 8, when it was ordered to Fort Blakely, it was engaged a part of every day in action at the Fort, and on April 9 it engaged in the assault on Fort Blakely. On April 20 it embarked on an expedition up the Mobile and Alabama rivers; encamped near Mobile, Ala., May 16, and reached Galveston, Tex., July 3, moving July 9 to Houston, Tex. On October 1 arrangements were made for the return to Massachusetts, and on October 14 the battery sailed from New Orleans for New York. It reached Boston November 3 and was mustered out at Gallop's Island, Nov. 10, 1865. Present also at South Quay, Somerton, Providence Church Road, Holland's House, Mansura and the siege of Mobile.
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