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Browsing named entities in John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies. You can also browse the collection for Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) or search for Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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to General Johnston to reinforce him with Polk's troops, then in Mississippi, and Longstreet's Corps, in East Tennessee. Johnston, at the ap there was offered, for an offensive campaign, Polk's Corps from Mississippi and Alabama, Longstreet's Corps from East Tennessee, and a suffimade a feint, in order to cover some movement then being made in Mississippi. This was my introduction to the Army of Tennessee; albeit nohe War Department objected to the withdrawal of Polk's Army from Mississippi, until active operations were to commence, as by such a movementupon the part of the authorities at Richmond t.) order Polk from Mississippi, and reluctance on the part cf General Lee to give up Longstreet once. * * * Since McPherson's Corps has moved up from the lower Mississippi to join the Army of the Potomac or that of the Cumberland, wohe same time, I was not unmindful of the great danger of leaving Mississippi open to the enemy, before being able, by unmistakable preparatio
f, with map and measurement of angles of the position in question: New York, June 25th, 1874. Dr. W. M. Polk, 288 Fifth Avenue, New York. Dear Sir:--In reply to your note of the 2oth inst., asking me to give you my recollection of the circumstances in regard to the retreat of the Confederate Armies from Cassville, Georgia, to the south side of the Etowah river, I will state the facts as connected with myself, as follows: At the time when the Confederate Armies of Tennessee and Mississippi, under the command of General J. E. Johnston, and the Federal Army under General Sherman, were manoeuvring in the neighborhood of Cassville, I had nearly completed my journey from Demopolis, Alabama, to that town to join Lieutenant General Polk, commanding the Army of Mississippi, who was with General Johnston in that vicinity. I had crossed the country in company with a part of that command. I arrived at Cassville railway station about half-past 3 or four o'clock in the afternoon of th
ntrenchments upon an Army. My experience during the recent war was nearly equally divided in serving with and without entrenchments. My service with the Army of North Virginia ended after the battle of Sharpsburg--then in the campaigns in Mississippi, involving the fall of Vicksburg--again in the campaign in Georgia, involving the fall of Atlanta, and also the last campaign into Tennessee. Entrenchments were generally used in my service in the West. They were not used in Virginia up to tsemble here without delay, to repel Grant's attack and then make our own. It is hereby evident that as long as General Johnston endeavored to obtain the transfer, to his own command, of Longstreet's Corps in Virginia, and of Polk's Army in Mississippi, he spoke continually of fighting at Dalton; when, however, Sherman appeared at Tunnel Hill, in front of Rockyfaced Ridge, and he was given an Army of over seventy thousand (70,000) available troops — as I have demonstrated — he decided to ret
on this expedition I have no official report, as he was not directly under my command. Forrest and Wheeler accomplished all but the impossible with their restricted number of cavalry, and the former, finally, was driven out of Tennessee by superior forces. General Sherman, in relation to this movement, says: Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 130. The rebel General Wheeler was still in Middle Tennessee, threatening our railroads, and rumors came that Forrest was on his way from Mississippi to the same theatre, for the avowed purpose of breaking up our railroads and compelling us to fall back from our conquest. To prepare for this, or any other emergency, I ordered Newton's Division of the Fourth Corps back to Chattanooga, and Corse's Division of the Seventeenth Corps to Rome, and instructed General Rosseau at Nashville, Granger at Decatur, and Stedman at Chattanooga, to adopt the most active measures to protect and insure the safety of our roads. So vast were the facil
thereafter into Tennessee.Total Army 23,053 33,393 36,426 80,125 86,982 Respectfully submitted, A. P. Mason, Lieutenant Colonel, A. A. G. Columbus, Georgia, April 3d, 1866. Consolidated summaries in the Armies of Tennessee and Mississippi during the campaign commencing May 7th, 1864, at Dalton, Georgia, and ending after the engagement with the enemy at Jonesboroa and the evacuation of Atlanta, furnished for the information of General J. E. Johnston. Consolidated summary of cand ending May 20th, 1864: Corps. Killed. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 119 859 978 Hood's 283 1,564 1,847 Polk's Army, Mississippi 42 405 447   444 2,828 3,372 Consolidated summary of casualties of the Armies of Tennessee and Mississippi in the series of engagements around New Hope Church, near Marietta, Georgia: Corps. Killed. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 173 1,048 1,221 Hood's 103 679 782 Polk's Army, Mississippi 33 194 227   309 1,921 2,230 Consolidated s
a, on a tour of inspection to Corinth, Mississippi, I was informed by General Hood of the report just received by him, that Sherman would probably move from Atlanta into Georgia. I instructed him at once to repeat his orders to General Wheeler to watch closely Sherman's movements, and, should he move as reported, to attack and harass him at all favorable points. I telegraphed to Lieutenant General Taylor at Selma, Alabama, to call on Governor Watts, of Alabama, and Governor Clarke, of Mississippi, for all the State troops that they could furnish; and with all the available moveable forces of his department, to keep himself in readiness to move at a moment's notice, to the assistance of Major General Howell Cobb and Major General G. W. Smith, who were then at or about Griffin, Georgia, threatening Atlanta. I also telegraphed to General Cobb to call upon Governor Brown, of Georgia, and Governor Bonham, of South Carolina, for all the State troops that could be collected. I made
his Army. J. B. Hood, General. On the 15th, after consultation with General Beauregard, a system of furloughing the troops was agreed upon. In reference thereto, I find the following memorandum in General Shoupe's diary: A system of furloughing the troops established. See General Order No. I, 1865, and circular letter to corps commanders, field dispatches, No. 542. In a dispatch of January 3d to President Davis, I asked for authority to grant a leave of absence to the Trans-Mississippi troops; and, as the men from Tennessee had stood by their colors notwithstanding the Army had been forced to abandon their State, I deemed it wise, in consideration of their faithful services, to at least grant them a short leave of absence, as well as to others who might be able to go home and return within ten or fifteen days. General Beauregard concurred with me, and the general order above referred to was issued, as the ensuing circular will indicate: [no. 542.]>headquarters,
s of the past. Extraordinary efforts had been used to secure easy victory. The South had been denuded of troops to fill the strength of the Army of Tennessee. Mississippi and Alabama were without military support, and looked for protection in decisive battle in the mountains of Georgia. The vast forces of the enemy were accumulabecause of the extreme difficulty of managing the boats in the shoals. He moved from the north bank of the river late in the evening with one brigade, Sharpe's Mississippi, and encountered the enemy on the Florence and Huntsville road about dark. A spirited affair took place, in which the enemy were defeated, with a loss of abouteneral system of conscription, but hope soon to do so, and to bring into the Army all men liable to military duty. Some fifteen thousand of the enemy's Trans-Mississippi troops are reported to be moving to reinforce the enemy here. I hope this will enable us to obtain some of our troops from that side in time for the Spring cam