Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Virginia (Virginia, United States) or search for Virginia (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource], The ancient boundaries of Virginia. (search)
enemy to form a new State out of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and declaring that "it is the firm determination of the State, and known to be that of the Confederate Government, to assert and maintain the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State of Virginia to the utmost limits of her ancient boundaries, at any and every cost." These resolutions having been communicated to Congress by the Governor, the House of Representatives yesterday unanimously adapted a joint resolution declaring that "inty of the State of Virginia to the utmost limits of her ancient boundaries, at any and every cost." These resolutions having been communicated to Congress by the Governor, the House of Representatives yesterday unanimously adapted a joint resolution declaring that "in no event will this Government consent to a division or dismemberment of the State of Virginia, but will assert and maintain her jurisdiction and sovereignty to the utmost limits of her ancient boundaries, at any and every cost."
to be printed. Mr Russell also reported a bill to amend the army regulations with respect to gaming by disbursing officers and others entrusted with the public funds. Placed on the calendar. Also, Senate bill to provide for the appointment of a disbursing clerk in the War Department. Passed. Also, a bill to organize the Supreme Court of the Confederate States. Placed on the calendar. Also, joint resolutions in response to resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, asserting her jurisdiction and sovereignty over her ancient boundaries. Passed. Mr. Hanley reported back the Senate bill to double the compensation and mileage of members of Congress for the present session. The question being upon the passage of the bill, Mr. Marshall demanded the ayes and noes, which were ordered, and the bill was rejected — ayes 33, noes 45. The House, in Committee of the Whole, (Mr. Sexton in the chair,) resumed the consideration of the bill to amend
The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource], Losses in Alexander's battalion light Artilliery (search)
Losses in Alexander's battalion light Artilliery To the Editor of the Dispatch: The following is a list of the casualties in Alexander's battalion light artillery in the recent fights in Northern Virginia: Moody's Battery, Mississippi.--Killed: Lieut D Burrows, Maryland; Sergt R B Smith. Wounded Sergt T Hogan, slightly privates Martin Kenney, Jas Brady, Jno Stocks, C Delany, Jno Ryan. Smith's Battery, Virginia.--Wounded: Privates Jno W Scott, Wm Sherwell, Samuel H Turner, ad slight. Ficklin's Battery, South Carolina--Killed: Corporal J C Kenney, private J Aligood. Wounded Capt J S Ackis. private P Jordan. Woolfolk's Battery, Virginia.--Killed: Corporal E H Revere. Wounded: Private T J Harris, slight. Taylor's Battery, Virginia--Capt O B Taylor wounded slightly, and private Geo Chambers, do. Parker's Battery, Virginia.--Wounded: Lieut J Brown, severely in the face, doing well; Corp J W Uriander, slightly in arm; privates S H Parker, Jr, seve