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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 1: ancestry. (search)
ted to Virginia in the reign of Charles I. He believed, however, from his inherited traditions and the Coat of Arms borne by his progenitors in this country, that his family came originally from Shropshire, England; and when the world rang with his name and fame, and he paid the usual penalty of greatness by being besieged with reiterated queries respecting his pedigree, this was all he would say. Others, however, took more interest in the subject; he was claimed by the Lees of Cheshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks, and Essex, as well as of Shropshire, and much was said and written pro and con both before and after his death. In recent years his genealogy has been very persistently and thoroughly investigated by those learned in antiquarian research, and their conclusion is in favor of Shropshire, though in 1663 the first emigrant, Colonel Richard Lee, made a will in which he states that he was lately of Stafford Langton in the county of Essex. Now, as we have every reason to believe tha
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Agreement of the people, (search)
, 7 ; Salisbury, 1. Berkshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Reading, 5; Reading. 1. Surrey. with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Southwark, 5; Southwark, 2. Middlesex, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except such as are hereunder named, 4; London, 8: Westminster and the Duchy, 2. Hertfordshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, 6. Buckinghamshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, 6. Oxfordshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except such as are hereunder named, 4; Oxford City, 2; Oxford University, 2. Gloucestershire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Gloucester, 7; Gloucester, 2. Herefordshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Hereford, 4; Hereford, 1. Worcestershire, with the Boroughs. Towns, and Parishes therein, except Worcester, 4; Woreester, 2. Warwickshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes ther
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Government, instrument of. (search)
1 ; Dover, 1; Sandwich, 1; Queenborough, 1; Lancashire, 4; Preston, 1; Lancaster, 1; Liverpool, 1; Manchester, 1; Leicestershire, 4; Leicester, 2; Lincolnshire, 10; Lincoln, 2; Boston, 1; Grantham, 1; Stamford, 1; Great Grimsby, 1; Middlesex, 4; London, 6; Westminster, 2; Monmouthshire, 3; Norfolk, 10; Norwich, 2; Lynn-Regis, 2; Great Yarmouth, 2; Northamptonshire, 6; Peterborough, 1; Northampton, 1; Nottinghamshire, 4; Nottingham, 2; Northumberland, 3; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1; Berwick, 1; Oxfordshire, 5; Oxford City, 1; Oxford University, 1; Woodstock, 1; Rutlandshire, 2; Shropshire, 4; Shrewsbury, 2; Bridgnorth, 1; Ludlow, 1; Staffordshire, 3; Lichfield, 1; Stafford, 1; Newcastle-under-Lyne, 1; Somersetshire, 11; Bristol, 2; Taunton, 2; Bath, 1; Wells, 1; Bridgewater, 1; Southamptonshire, 8; Winchester, 1; Southampton, 1; Portsmouth, 1; Isle of Wight, 2: Andover, 1; Suffolk, 10; Ipswich, 2; Bury St. Edmunds, 2; Dunwich, 1; Sudbury, 1; Surrey, 6; Southwark, 2; Guildford, 1; Reigate, 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), White, John 1575-1648 (search)
White, John 1575-1648 clergyman; born in Stanton, Oxfordshire, England, in 1575; educated at Oxford; was rector of Trinity Church, Dorchester, in 1606; and drew up the first charter of the Massachusetts colony. He died in Dorchester, England, July 21, 1648. Clergyman; born in Watertown, Mass., in 1677; graduated at Harvard in 1698; held a pastorate in Gloucester, Mass., in 1703-60. He was the author of New England's lamentation for the decay of godliness, and a Funeral sermon on John wise. He died in Gloucester, Mass., Jan. 17, 1760. Jurist; born in Kentucky in 1805; received an academic education; admitted to the bar and began practice in Richmond, Ky.; member of Congress in 1835-45 and was speaker in 1841-43; and was appointed judge of the 19th District of Kentucky in March, 1845. He died in Richmond, Ky., Sept. 22, 1845. Military officer; born in England; was a surgeon in the British army; settled in Philadelphia, and after the outbreak of the Revolutiona
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, A charge with Prince Rupert. (search)
t to waste; they are riding for their lives. Already the gathering parties of Roundheads are closing upon them, nearer and nearer, as they approach the most perilous point of the wild expedition,--their only return-path across the Cherwell,--Chiselhampton Bridge. Percy and O'Neal with difficulty hold the assailants in check; the case grows desperate at last, and Rupert stands at bay on Chalgrove Field. It is Sunday morning, June 18, 1643. The early church-bells are ringing over all Oxfordshire,--dying away in the soft air, among the sunny English hills, while Englishmen are drawing near one another with hatred in their hearts,--dying away, as on that other Sunday, eight months ago, when Baxter, preaching near Edgehill, heard the sounds of battle, and disturbed the rest of his saints by exclaiming, To the fight! But here are no warrior-preachers, no bishops praying in surplices on the one side, no dark-robed divines preaching on horseback on the other, no king in glittering arm
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1853. (search)
1853. Wilder Dwight. Major 2d Mass. Vols. (Infantry), May 24, 1861; Lieutenant-Colonel, June 13, 1862; died September 19, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17. Wilder Dwight, second son of William and Elizabeth Amelia (White) Dwight, was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, on the 23d of April, 1833. His paternal ancestor was John Dwight of Oxfordshire, England, who settled in Dedham, Massachusetts, in 1636. His mother was descended from William White of Norfolk County, England, who settled in Ipswich, Massachusetts, in 1635. His family has belonged to New England for more than two centuries, and during that whole period has been identified with its history, its industry, its enterprises, and its institutions. In childhood he gave promise of all that he afterwards became,—manly, courageous, self-possessed, acute, original, frank, affectionate, generous, reliable;—he was, in boyhood, not less than in manhood, one in whom to place an absolute trust. Yet,
ut does not locate them, yet, in most of the transfers between owners, these commons are deeded to the grantees and their heirs forever, and I think all were supposed to be thus conveyed. The idea of dividing or stinting common lands and pastures was not new; the custom dates back in England, Sweden, and probably other countries, to the earliest times. Among the early bequests mentioned in the reports of the Charities Commissioners of England is one to the poor of the town of Marston, Oxfordshire, where it has been the custom from time immemorial to grant to a certain number of the poor of this town a cow common, or right of pasturage for one cow each, on waste land. In England this right of cow commons arose, and became a law of the land probably in feudal times, when the lords of the manor granted lands to tenants or retainers for services performed or expected; and as these tenants could not plough or improve their lands without cattle, it became a necessity, and later a law,
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 5. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Margaret Smith's Journal (search)
urate of Malton at this date, and the initials are undoubtedly his. The sad sequel to the history of the fair Rebecca Rawson is confirmed by papers now on file in the State-House at Boston, in which she is spoken of as one of the most beautiful, polite, and accomplished young ladies in Boston. —Editor.] These papers of my honored and pious grandmother, Margaret Smith, who, soon after her return from New England, married her cousin, Oliver Grindall, Esq., of Hilton Grange, Crowell, in Oxfordshire (both of whom have within the last ten years departed this life, greatly lamented by all who knew them), having come into my possession, I have thought it not amiss to add to them a narrative of what happened to her friend and cousin, as I have had the story often from her own lips. It appears that the brave gallant calling himself Sir Thomas Hale, for all his fair seeming and handsome address, was but a knave and impostor, deceiving with abominable villany Rebecca Rawson and most of h
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Old portraits and modern Sketches (search)
;) and last, not least, the simple beauty of Woolman's Journal, the modest record of a life of good works and love. Let us look at the Life of Thomas Ellwood. The book before us is a hardly used Philadelphia reprint, bearing date of 1775. The original was published some sixty years before. It is not a book to be found in fashionable libraries, or noticed in fashionable reviews, but is none the less deserving of attention. Ellwood was born in 1639, in the little town of Crowell, in Oxfordshire. Old Walter, his father, was of gentlemanly lineage, and held a commission of the peace under Charles I. One of his most intimate friends was Isaac Pennington, a gentleman of estate and good reputation, whose wife, the widow of Sir John Springette, was a lady of superior endowments. Her only daughter, Gulielma, was the playmate and companion of Thomas. On making this family a visit, in 1658, in company with his father, he was surprised to find that they had united with the Quaker
I. 99. [Yeoman, of Woodbridge, in 1711.] Long Island abounds in Rolphs descended from these New Jersey Rolphs. James R. Rolph, Esq., of Huntington, L. I., is descended from a Moses Rolph, born in Woodbridge 20 April, 1718. He was probably a son of Benjamin, above-named.—Memoranda from Woodbridge, N. J., Records, communicated by Hon. Robert S. Hale, Ll.D, of Elizabethtown, N. Y. 1686 William Cutter to Edward Thomas, of Boston, agent for Mr. William Metcalfe, of Newberry in Oxfordshire in Old England, sells, or mortgages, the four acres, with house on same, the allowance for a dam, and one twelfth of a sawmill, which were formerly part of the estate of his father-in-law John Rolfe, in Cambridge; also nineteen acres, east division line Cambridge and Charlestown, north Cambridge common land, south partly by Cambridge common land and partly by land of Robert Wilson, and west by his own; together with the dwelling-house, barns, out-houses, fences, orchards, gardens, &c., p