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by Gen. Lyon, at Camp Jackson. Measures will be taken to effect the legal confiscation of the boat. About 5,000 pounds of lead, en route for the South, were also seized at Ironton, on the Iron Mountain Railroad, by order of Gen. Lyon. Some resistance was offered by a party of citizens, and several shots were fired on both sides, but nobody was hurt.--(Idem.) Major-General Sandford was placed in command of the New York troops on duty at Washington.--N. Y. Times, May 24. Among the speakers at the annual meeting of the Wesleyan Mission Society in London, was Rev. Dr. McClintock, of New York. He improved the occasion to make a stirring appeal to the audience against the misrepresentations of the London Times about American affairs, and to set them right on the subject. His address was received with very great applause. At one passage, the whole audience rose to their feet, and cheered for the speaker, and for the cause of the Union which he was advocating.--(Doc. 188 1/2.)
of mail matter by individuals being considered in the light of treasonable communication with the enemy, in a few days we shall have but scant opportunity of enriching our columns with interesting intelligence from the other side of the border. We might get an occasional budget by the way of Havana, but we suppose it is intended by the despotic clique at Washington that the blockade shall prevent that. Won't it be queer to read, hereafter, the latest news from way down east, via Paris and London? Well, we suppose we can stand it as well as they can on the other side of the line. Let us see who will first get tired of the embargo. The First Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, Col. Allen, left New York for the seat of war.--(Doc. 196.) Funeral ceremonies over the body of Col. Ellsworth took place in Washington. The remains lay in state in the east room of the President's house for several hours. Owing to the immense throng of anxious gazers on the remains of the deceased, the
and. Mr. Rost, one of them, has gone over to France; but as he can have no authority to act alone, we presume that he goes rather to ascertain the views of the Emperor of the French than to make a treaty. We infer from Mr. Rost's departure from London to Paris that nothing has been accomplished in England. Indeed, from the order in Council forbidding Confederate privateers bringing their prizes into British ports, we are only surprised that any of the Commissioners should have remained in LLondon a day after this new order was issued. This is an act of quasi hostility, which, it appears to us, ought to have arrested a conference with the British authorities. It was well known that, whilst Great Britain has the greatest interest in the independence of the Confederate States, there is an clement of antislavery fanaticism which would, in all likelihood, paralyze her counsels in our favor. Why our commissioners have lingered so long in England, and have not gone directly to the gr
They are all tall, muscular men, possessing the lightness of limb and full development of natural powers which denote the true specimen of a soldier. Their dress consists of the regular army uniform — gray pantaloons, blue coats, and hat, which is as neat and useful a thing as our fighting men could have.--N. Y. Herald, August 10. One hundred men of the Nineteenth Regiment N. Y. V., commanded by Capt. Kennedy, crossed the Potomac at Rock Ferry, at 1 A. M., and marched to Lorrettsville, London co., Va., where it was reported that a company of rebel cavalry were engaged in the impressment of citizens. When they reached the town the rebels had left, and they retraced their steps; but late in the afternoon, while upon their return march, they were overtaken with word that another detachment of about 130 cavalry had entered the town. Tired and worn out, almost shoeless, and hungry, the brave fellows with a shout at once voted unanimously to return and attack the rebels. Starting at
ylvania Twenty-eighth regiment, with detachments from his own, the Thirteenth Mass., and Third Wisconsin regiments, in all four hundred men, crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and captured twenty-one thousand bushels of wheat stored in a mill near that place. While upon his return and on the Charleston road, near Bolivar Heights, midway between the Potomac and the Shenandoah rivers, he was attacked by a large Confederate force with infantry, artillery, and cavalry. Rebel batteries upon London and Bolivar Heights participated in the action, as did also a National battery upon the Maryland side. After several hours of intermittent fighting, the rebels were driven off, supposed with considerable loss. National loss four killed and eight wounded. Col. Geary took from the rebels one thirty-two pounder.--(Doc. 90.) Indiana disputes the statement that New Hampshire is the first State that has her full quota of volunteers in actual service. Indiana, whose quota is thirty-four tho
Potomac, General Thomas Jackson that of the Valley, and General Holmes, Acquia. The army of the Potomac comprises four divisions: the first, including the Valley, under General Doren; second, G. W. Smith; third, General Longstreet; fourth, General Kirby Smith. A meeting of German citizens was held at Chicago, Ill., at which speeches were made by Caspar Butz and others, and resolutions sustaining the action of General Fremont were adopted.--(Doc. 142.) At the Lord Mayor's dinner in London, England, the Chief Magistrate of that city proposed the Foreign ambassadors, coupling the same with the name of Mr. Adams, the American Minister. That gentleman in his reply, stated that his mission was to promote and perpetuate the friendly relations of the two countries. Lord Palmerston said, although circumstances may, for a time, threaten to interfere with the supply of cotton, the temporary evil will be productive of permanent good. England would find in various portions of the glob
estroy their crops to prevent ravages by the enemy. Plantations on North Edisto and in the neighborhood, and elsewhere on the coast of South Carolina, are one sheet of flames and smoke. The commanding officers at all of the exposed points on the coast have received positive instructions to burn or destroy all property which cannot be conveniently taken away and is likely to be seized by the enemy.--Charleston Mercury, November 30. An official order was received at the Custom-house, in London, England, not to allow the shipment of any saltpetre to any place till further order. A large quantity had been placed in lighters previous to shipment for export, but the whole was relanded under the supervision of the Customs officers, and returned into warehouse.--London Times, November 30. Major R. M. Hough, aide-de-camp to Gen. Hunter, in command of four companies of the First Missouri Cavalry, as escort to a large train from Sedalia, Mo., arrived at Leavenworth, Kansas. The comm
which the President and Vice-President were escorted to their respective homes by the committee of arrangements.--(Doc. 58.) The anniversary of the birthday of Washington was celebrated to-day at a public breakfast at Freemasons' Tavern, in London, England. The Bishop of Ohio presided, and two hundred ladies and gentlemen were present. Hon. C. F. Adams, United States Minister, in proposing a toast to the memory of Washington, referred to the crisis in America. The United States, he sa are passing through this fire of purification, only to gather, as of yore, the moral fruits of self-devotion. The Bishop of Ohio proposed the health of Queen Victoria, which was drank with much enthusiasm. Mr. Moss, United States Consul at London, proposed the next toast, which was, the Union. Mr. Cyrus W. Field proposed, England and America, and invoked the sympathy of England, which would ultimately remove from the United States the great cause which had produced the present troubles
by the suddenness of the attack, by an immediate advance. The Federal soldiers at once returned the fire, and went gallantly into the fight. The advance of the rebels was checked, and after a short stand they retreated, though slowly and in order. No pursuit was attempted, and the rebels recrossed to their batteries. During the engagement the Adjutant of the Eighth Maine regiment was killed, and twelve or thirteen others. The killed and wounded numbered twenty-nine.--(Doc. 140.) At London, England, a deputation from the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society waited upon Mr. Adams, the American Minister, and presented an address, in which the hope was expressed that the restoration of the Union would be founded upon the abolition of the true cause of the strife.--London Times, April 18. Sixty-one of Ashby's cavalry, including three officers, were captured this morning, and carried into Woodstock, Va. They were at their break-fast, just at daybreak, in a church, and were
June 27. The work of cutting off Vicksburgh from the Mississippi River, by means of a canal, was this day commenced, under the supervision of General Williams of the Union army.--(Doc. 142.) To-day the bombardment of Vicksburgh, by the Union fleet, was renewed. The London Herald of this day in an article on the aspect of affairs in America, declared the Union a nuisance among nations. A skirmish took place at Williams's bridge, on the Amite River, La., between a small force of Union troops under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Keith, Twenty-first Indiana volunteers, and a body of rebels, resulting in the utter rout of the latter. On returning to Baton Rouge, on the same day, and when within a mile or two of that place, Colonel Keith encountered another band of rebels, and after a sharp fight defeated them.--(Doc. 83.) Major-General John C. Fremont having requested to be relieved from the command of the First army corps of the Army of Virginia, because, as
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