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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Agreement of the people, (search)
gs, with the Towns of Rye and Winchelsea, 3. Sussex, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Chichester, 8 Chichester, with the Suburbs and Liberties thereof, 1. Southampton County, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except such as are hereunder named, 8 ; Winchester, with the Suburbs and Liberties thereof, 1; Southampton Town and the County thereof, 1. Dorsetshire, with the Boroughs. Towns, and Parishes therein, except Dorchester, 7; Dorchester, 1. Devonshire, with the Boroughs. Towns, and Parishes therein, except such as are hereunder particularly named, 12; Exeter, 2; Plymouth, 2; Barnstaple, 1. Cornwall, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein. 8. Somersetshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except such as are hereunder named, 8; Bristol, 3; Taunton-Dean. 1. Wiltshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes therein, except Salisbury, 7 ; Salisbury, 1. Berkshire, with the Boroughs, Towns, and Parishes ther
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dartmoor prison, (search)
Dartmoor prison, A notable place of detention in Devonshire, England. At the close of the War of 1812-15 prisoners held by both parties were released as soon as proper arrangements for their enlargement could be made. At the conclusion of peace there were about 6,000 American captives confined in Dartmoor Prison, including 2,500 American seamen impressed by British cruisers, who had refused to fight in the British navy against their countrymen, and were there when the war began. Some had been captives ten or eleven years. The prison was situated on Dart Moor, a desolate region in Devonshire, where it had been constructed for the confinement of French prisoners of war. It comprised about 30 acres, enclosed within double walls, with seven distinct prison-houses, with enclosures. The place, at the time in question, was in charge of Capt. T. G. Shortland, with a military guard. He was accused of cruelty towards the captives. It was nearly three months after the treaty of peace
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Drake, Sir Francis, -1595 (search)
Drake, Sir Francis, -1595 Navigator; born near Tavistock, Devonshire, England, between 1539 and 1546. Becoming a seaman in early youth, he was owner and master of a ship at the age of eighteen years. After making commercial voyages to Guinea, Africa, he sold her, and invested the proceeds in an expedition to Mexico, under Captain Hawkins, in 1567. The fleet was nearly destroyed in an attack by the Spaniards at San Juan de Ulloa (near Vera Cruz), and Drake returned to England stripped of all his property. The Spanish government refused to indemnify him for his losses, and he sought revenge and found it. Queen Elizabeth gave him a commission in the royal navy, and in 1572 he sailed from Plymouth with two ships for the avowed purpose of plundering the Spaniards. He did so successfully on the coasts of South America, and returned in 1573 with greater wealth than he ever possessed before. Drake was welcomed as a hero; he soon won the title honorably by circumnavigating the globe.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Duer, William, 1747-1799 (search)
Duer, William, 1747-1799 Statesman; born in Devonshire, England, March 18, 1747; in 1767 was aide to Lord Clive in India; came to America, and in 1768 purchased a tract of land in Washington county, N. Y.; became colonel of the militia, judge of the county court, member of the New York Provincial Congress, and of the committee of safety. He was one of the committee that drafted the first constitution of the State of New York (1777), and was a delegate in Congress in 1777-78; and he was secretary of the Treasury Board until the reorganization of the finance department under the national Constitution. He was assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Hamilton until 1790. Colonel Duer married (1779) Catharine, daughter of Lord Stirling. He died in New York City, May 7, 1799.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Government, instrument of. (search)
within the same respectively, shall be according to the proportions and numbers hereafter expressed: that is to say, Bedfordshire, 5; Bedford Town, 1; Berkshire, 5; Abingdon, 1; Reading, 1; Buckinghamshire, 5; Buckingham Town, 1; Aylesbury, 1; Wycomb, 1; Cambridgeshire, 4; Cambridge Town, 1; Cambridge University, 1; Isle of Ely, 2; Cheshire, 4; Chester, 1; Cornwall, 8; Launceston, 1; Truro, 1; Penryn, 1; East Looe and West Looe, 1 Cumberland, 2; Carlisle, 1; Derbyshire, 4 Derby Town, 1; Devonshire, 11; Exeter, 2; Plymouth, 2; Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness, 1; Totnes, 1; Barnstable, 1; Tiverton, 1; Honiton, 1; Dorsetshire, 6; Dorchester, 1; Weymouth and Melcomb-Regis, 1; Lyme-Regis, 1; Poole, 1; Durham, 2; City of Durham, 1; Essex, 13; Malden, 1; Colchester, 2; Gloucestershire, 5; Gloucester, 2; Tewkesbury, 1; Cirencester, 1; Herefordshire, 4; Hereford, 1; Leominster, 1; Hertfordshire, 5; St. Alban's, 1; Hertford, 1; Huntingdonshire, 3; Huntingdon, 1; Kent, 11; Canterbury, 2; Rochest
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hudson River, discovery of the. (search)
ree, five, three, and two fathomes and an halfe. And then three, foure, five, sixe, seven, eight, nine and ten fathomes. And by twelve of the clocke we were cleere of all the inlet. Then we took in our boat, and set our mayne-sayle, and sprit-sayle, and our topsayles, and steered away east south-east, and south-east by east off into the mayne sea: and the land on the souther side of the bay or inlet did beare at noone west and by south foure leagues from us. The fifth was faire weather, and the wind variable betweene the north and the east. Wee held on our course south-east by east. At noone I observed and found our height to bee 39 degrees, 30 minutes. Our compasse varied sixe degrees to the west. We continued our course toward England, without seeing any land by the way, all the rest of this moneth of October: and on the seventh day of November, stilo novo, being Saturday, by the grace of God we safely arrived in the range of Dartmouth, in Devonshire, in the yeere 1609.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jackson, James 1757-1806 (search)
Jackson, James 1757-1806 Military officer; born in Devonshire, England, Sept. 21, 1757; removed to Savannah, Ga., in 1772; studied law; entered the military service; and was brigade-major of the Georgia militia in 1778. He took part in the defence of Savannah; and, when the British seized it at the close of 1778, he fled to South Carolina, where he joined General Moultrie. His appearance was so wretched while in his flight, that he was arrested, tried, and condemned as a spy, and was about to be executed, when a reputable citizen of Georgia, who knew him, saved him. Jackson fought a duel James Jackson. in March, 1780, with Lieutenant-Governor Wells, killing his antagonist, and being severely wounded himself. He joined Col. Elijah Clarke, and became aide to Sumter. With Pickens he shared in the victory at the Cowpens. He afterwards did good service as commander of a legionary corps, and was presented with a dwelling in Savannah by the Georgia legislature. In 1786 he was ma
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Plymouth Company. (search)
ee; but they obtained a charter from the King, Nov. 3, 1620, known as the Great patent, and the popular name of the association was changed to The council of Plymouth. By the new charter all North America, from lat. 40° to 48° N., excepting places possessed by any Christian prince or people, was granted in full property, with exclusive rights of jurisdiction, settlement, and traffic, to forty wealthy and influential persons, incorporated as The Council established at Plymouth, in the County of Devon, for the Planting, Ruling, Ordering, and Governing of New England, in America. The line between the London and Plymouth colonies was nearly coincident with that between the late slave-labor and free-labor States. But that powerful organization was not permitted to make the first permanent English settlement within its domain; it was done by a handful of feeble liberty-loving people fleeing from persecution in England. The pretences of the council to an exclusive right of fishing on t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Prideaux, John 1718- (search)
Prideaux, John 1718- Military officer; born in Devonshire, England, in 1718; a son of Sir John Prideaux; entered the army, and was appointed captain in 1745, colonel in 1758, and brigadier-general in 1759. Intrusted with the duty of reducing Fort Niagara, he led a strong force against it, and during a siege he was instantly killed by the bursting of a cannon, July 19, 1759.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Raleigh, Sir Walter 1552- (search)
Raleigh, Sir Walter 1552- Navigator; born in Hayes, Devonshire, England, in 1552; Sir Walter> Raleigh educated at Oxford; and at the age of seventeen went as a soldier to France to assist the Huguenots. He afterwards fought in the Netherlands, and returning to England found that his half-brother, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, had just obtained a patent for establishing a plantation in America. Raleigh joined him, and they sailed for the Western Continent in 1579, but were turned back by the loss of one ship and the crippling of the others in a fight with Spanish cruisers. After serving in the suppression of a rebellion in Ireland, he was admitted to the Court of Queen Elizabeth, who conferred honors upon him. These favors were won by his gallantry in spreading his scarlet cloak over a miry place for the Queen to walk upon. Through his influence he obtained another patent for Gilbert, and they again proposed to sail for America. Accident kept Raleigh at home, but Gilbert sailed fr