To the reader
The past History of Boston has been so often and so ably written, that it seems little can be added; but to ascertain where the record of any particular event can be found, is often no easy task.

Boston events,--where and When, is designed as a ready reference to occurrences that have transpired, not only within the limits of the Town, but also to many other happenings, of more or less interest, in its history. For this purpose, a brief mention is made of the passing event, which, together with the date of its occurrence, is sufficient to make one line across the page; from this line is taken the leading word, and from that word the index letter; the whole being arranged in alphabetical order.

In compiling this work, reference has been had to the Records of the Town and City, of Churches, Societies, Newspapers and Periodicals of the day, and many other sources. The writer has been a resident of Boston for nearly fifty years, and most of the events recorded during that period have been taken from memoranda made by him at the time.

The thought of a production so meagre, and the great liability to error in a work of this kind, has long delayed its publication; but at the earnest request of many persons, and in the hope that it may prompt an interest in some abler hand to improve and enlarge, this little volume is now offered to the public, deeply regretting the want of time and opportunity to prepare a work more accurate and complete.

Edward H. Savage. Boston, 1884.

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