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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 316 12 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 152 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 70 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 48 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 5, 13th edition. 44 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1 44 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 42 4 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 28 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 26 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 24 0 Browse Search
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ica and Europe had been ratified, the Earl of Halifax, then just thirty-two years old, entered uponor an American episcopate, which Bedford and Halifax both favored as essential chap. II.} 1748. Ns he determined to secure the possession of Nova Scotia and the Ohio valley. 1749. The region beland seas. But the main burden of securing Nova Scotia fell on the British treasury. While the Geciency to the enterprise, it took the name of Halifax. Before winter three hundred houses were cov to their deputies Minutes of Council of Nova Scotia, 14 July, 1749. convened at Halifax, that EHalifax, that English commissioners would repair to their villages, and tender to them, unconditionally, Ordonn 1749, its Assembly, which always held that Nova Scotia included all the continent east of New Engld desired. Knowing that Bedford, Dorset, and Halifax had espoused their cause, they convened the ls ability rapidly obtained sway at the board; Halifax cherished him as a favorite, and the parliame[10 more...]
at love of man which truth and chap. III.} 1750. justice and the love of all good can alone inspire The affairs of Nova Scotia, of which Newcastle was ignorant, served at least his purposes of intrigue. Illustrative Correspondence. Newcastleasion to side with Halifax. Act with vigor, said he to his brother, and support our right to the extended boundary of Nova Scotia. If you do, you may run a risk of a war with France; that risk is to be run. Newcastle to Pelham, 9-20 June, 1750. and more than a war with the Bourbons. The two dukes remained at variance, leaving Cornwallis to get the better in Nova Scotia without previous concert with France. Pelham to Newcastle in Coxe II. 344. In August a second expedition left Halifr to strike. The Albany had a midshipman and two mariners killed; the French lost five men. The brigantine was taken to Halifax, and condemned in the Admiralty Court. Cornwallis to Lords of Trade, 27 November, 1750. On the side of France, indign
riance with his superior. The former was eager to chap. IV.} 1751. foster the settlement of Nova Scotia at every hazard; Bedford desired to be frugal of the public money, and was also honestly incl8 September, 1721. had been the avowed object of attainment on the part of the Board of Trade. Halifax with his colleagues, of whom Charles Townshend was the most enterprising and most fearlessly ra of the Board were distracted by the state of relations with France. Along the confines of Nova Scotia, the heat of contest began to subside; but danger lowered from the forest on the whole Americe of the experiment, and Sir Danvers Os- chap. IV.} 1753. borne, brother-in-law to the Earl of Halifax, having Thomas Pownall for his secretary, was commissioned as its governor, with instructions which were principally advised Representation of Halifax and Townshend, &c 5 July, 1753. by Halifax and Charles Townshend, and were confirmed by the Privy Council, Order in Council, 10 August, 1
irley, 4 January, 1754. they added, of the necessity of the colonies affording each other mutual assistance; and we make no doubt but this province will, at all times, with great cheerfulness, furnish their just and reasonable quota towards it. Shirley was at hand to make the same use of this message, as of a similar petition six years before. But his influence was become greater. He had conducted the commission for adjusting the line of boundary with France, had propitiated the favor of Halifax and Cumberland by flattery, and had been made acquainted with the designs of the Board of Trade. His counsels, which were now, in some sense, the echo of the thoughts of his superiors, were sure to be received with deference, and to be cited as conclusive; and he repeatedly assured the ministry, that unless the king should himself determine for each colony the quota of men or money, which it should contribute to the common cause, and unless the colonies should be obliged, in some effectual
inhabitants, and an asylum is secured in that solitary world for liberty and science. The thirteen American colonies, of which the union was projected, contained, at that day, about one million one hundred and sixty-five thousand white inhabitants, and two hundred and sixty thousand negroes; in all, one million four hundred and twenty-five thousand souls. The Board of Trade The representation of the Board to the king, founded in part on muster-rolls and returns of taxables, included Nova Scotia, and according to the authority of Chalmers in the History of the Revolt, estimated the population of British Continental America, in 1754, at 1,192,896whites, 292,738blacks, ——— 1,485,634souls. Thomas Pownall, whose brother was secretary to the Board of Trade, adhering more closely to the lists as they were made out, states the amount, for the thirteen colonies, at 1,250,000. See A Memorial most humbly addressed to the sovereigns of Europe on the present state of affairs between t<
o the Mississippi; and, as a measure of security against French encroachments, Halifax, by the king's command, Sir Thomas Robinson to the Board of Trade, 14 Juneugust, 1754. Such was the despotic, complicated, and impracticable plan of Halifax, founded so much on prerogative, as to be at war with the principles of the Enthe Second. of Horatio Gates, a young and gallant officer just returned from Nova Scotia. He was ready to answer questions, but they knew not what to ask. On the ad far as the Wabash, raze Niagara and Crown Point, surrender the peninsula of Nova Scotia, with a strip of land twenty leagues wide along the Bay of Fundy and the Atp. VII.} 1755. as they were bandied to himself from Newcastle and from both to Halifax. Halifax alone had decision and a plan. In July, 1755, he insisted with the Halifax alone had decision and a plan. In July, 1755, he insisted with the ministry on a general system to ease the mother country of the great and heavy expenses with which it of late years was burdened. Board to Secretary of State, Jul
xandria. Lawrence, the lieutenanternor of Nova Scotia, was to reduce that province chap. VIII.} he really loved the whistling of bullets. Halifax to Sir Charles Hardy 31 March, 1756. The Virg When England began vigorously to colonize Nova Scotia, the native inhabitants might fear the lossfor the payment. Haliburton's History of Nova Scotia, i. 169. The order may still be read on the Council records at Halifax. They must comply, it was written, without making any terms, immediate their lands. Consult the Chief Justice of Nova Scotia upon that point; his opinion may serve as ato the removal of the French Inhabitants in Nova Scotia, 28 July, 1755. That the cruelty might Council holden at the Governor's House in Halifax, on Thursday the 15th July, 1755. and yet at ce-Admiral Boscawen, and Rear-Admiral Mostyn, Halifax, 14 July, 1755. it was unanimously determined Council holden at the Governor's House in Halifax, on Monday the 28th July, 1755. To hunt t[7 more...]
many years a crown officer in the colonies. His opinion carried great weight, and it became, henceforward, a firm persuasion among the Lords of Trade, especially Halifax, Soame Jenyns, and Rigby, as well as with all who busied themselves with schemes of government for America, that the British parliament must take upon itself the a winter's journey to Boston. How different was to be his next entry into that town! Shirley, who wished to make him second Shirley to Sharpe, 16 May, 1756. Halifax to Sir Charles Hardy, 31 March, 1756. in command in an expedition against Fort Duquesne, sustained his claim. Shirley to Sharpe, 5 March, 1756. When his author that province, the Board of Trade listened to Charles Yorke on the side of prerogative, while Charles Pratt spoke for colonial liberty; and after a long hearing, Halifax and Soame Jenyns, and Bedford's dependent, Richard Rigby, and Talbot joined in advising an immediate act of the British legislature to overrule the charter of the
ommons the friends of Newcastle were powerful; in the council the favor of the king encouraged opposition. America was become the great object of European attention; Pitt, disregarding the churlish cavils of the Lords of Trade, Lords of Trade to Sec. W. Pitt, 21 January, 1757. at once pursued towards the colonies the generous policy, which afterwards called forth all their strength, and ensured their affections. He respected their liberties, and relied on their willing co-operation. Halifax was planning taxation by parliament, in which he was aided, among others, by chap. X.} 1757. Calvert, the Secretary of Maryland, residing in England. In January, 1757, the British press defended the scheme, which had been often mentioned in private, to introduce a stamp-duty on vellum and paper, and to lower the duty upon foreign rum, sugar, and molasses, imported into the colonies. Proposals for uniting the Colonies, January, 1757. A revenue of more than sixty thousand pounds sterlin
embargo, and having, at New York, at one sweep, impressed four hundred men, weighed anchor for Halifax. Four British regiments, two battalions of royal Ameri- chap XI.} 1757. cans, and five compaontier. Malartie to the Minister, 16 June, 1757. N. Y. Paris Doc., XIII. 21. Loudoun reached Halifax on the last day of June, and found detachments from England already there; and on the ninth of n, encumbered with the abuses of centuries, but a living principle. Loudoun found himself in Halifax at the head of an admirable army of ten thousand men, with a fleet of sixteen ships of the linean the English, and the plan of the campaign was changed. Part of the soldiers landed again at Halifax, and the Earl of Loudoun, leaving his garden to weeds, and his place of arms to briers, sailed of overawing colonial assemblies by a concentrated military power. Recruiting officers from Nova Scotia, asking the justices of peace at Boston to quarter and billet them, as provided by the Britis