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Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
midshipman and two mariners killed; the French lost five men. The brigantine was taken to Halifax, and condemned in the Admiralty Court. Cornwallis to Lords of Trade, 27 November, 1750. On the side of France, indignation knew no bounds; it seemed that its flag had been insulted; its maritime rights disregarded; its men wantonly slain in time of peace; its property piratically seized and confiscated. There was less willingness to yield an extended boundary. The territory which is now Vermont was equally chap. III.} 1750. in dispute. New York carried its limits to the Connecticut River, as a part of its jurisdiction; France, which alone had command of Lake Champlain, extended her pretensions to the crest of the Green Mountains; while Wentworth, the only royal governor in New England, began to convey the soil between the Connecticut and Lake Champlain by grants under the seal of New Hampshire. A deeper interest hung over the valley of the Ohio. What language shall be the mo
Bedford (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 3
Halifax in a bumper, were the words of Clinton, as he read his letters from England; though I durst say, he added, the rest are as hearty. Especially the Duke of Bedford, on the first day of November, gave assurances to Clinton, Bedford to Clinton, 1 November, 1749. Clinton to Colden, 5 Feb., 1749-50. that the affairs of the cBedford to Clinton, 1 November, 1749. Clinton to Colden, 5 Feb., 1749-50. that the affairs of the colonies would be taken into consideration, and that he might rely on receiving all proper assistance and vigorous support in maintaining the king's delegated authority. The secretary was in earnest, and for the rest of his life remained true to his promise, not knowing that he was the dupe of the profligate cupidity of worthless oe to bear arms, and daily in the use of them. It becomes necessary that the colonies be early looked into, in time of peace, and regulated. Compare Clinton to Bedford, 17 Oct., 1749. Same to Lords of Trade, same date. As a source of revenue, William Douglas in Boston, a Scottish physician, publicly proposed a stamp duty upon a
Delaware (Delaware, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
t of good level land, to mark the passes in the mountains, to trace the courses of the rivers, to count the falls, to observe the strength and numbers of the Indian nations. On the last day of October, Journals of Gist, printed by Thomas Pownall, in the Appendix to Thomas Pownall's Topographical Description of North America. the bold messenger of civilization parted from the Potomac. He passed through snows over the stony and broken land of the Alleghanies; he halted among the twenty Delaware families that composed Shanoppin's town on the southeast side of the Ohio; swimming his horses across the river, he descended through the rich but narrow valley to Logstown. You are come, said the jealous people, to settle the Indians' lands: you never shall go home safe. Yet they respected him as a messenger from the English king. From the Great Beaver Creek he crossed to the Muskingum, killing deer and wild turkeys. On Elk's Eye Creek he found a village of the Ottawas, friends to the
Fort Bedford (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
compelled to take the oaths of allegiance to the French king; Cornwallis to Bedford, 19 March, 1750. and in the name of three chiefs of the Micmac Indians, Ord his purpose, under instructions from La Jonquiere, to defend Cornwallis to Bedford, 1 May, 1750. at all hazards, and keep possession of every post as far as the ging the French. In England the Earl of Halifax insisted Lords of Trade to Bedford, 4 June, 1750. effectually that prompt support should be sent to the colony, o difference of opinion existed between the Lords of Trade and their superior. Bedford was honorably inclined to a pacific adjustment with France; but Halifax was lebe an errant cipher of the worst sort, said he in his distress, if the Duke of Bedford remains coupled with me as secretary of state. To get rid of Bedford was stilPuysieux, the French minister for foreign affairs, like the English Secretary, Bedford, was earnestly desirous of avoiding war; but a fresh collision in America touc
West Indies (search for this): chapter 3
imagine, he wrote in November, 1749, that any assembly will be induced to give up the power, of which they are all so fond, by granting duties for any number of years. The authority of parliament must be made use of, and the duties on wine and West India commodities be made general for all North America. The ministry, he added, are not aware of the number of men in North America able to bear arms, and daily in the use of them. It becomes necessary that the colonies be early looked into, in tierogative. Under the sanction of that precedent, Clinton Clinton to Bedford, 19 March, 1750. urged, in March, that it was absolutely necessary to check the insolence of faction by a powerful interposition; and he advised imposts on wine and West India produce. These, if granted by parliament, would be sufficient for supporting the civil list. If made general over all the colonies, they could be in no shape prejudicial to trade. Same to same, 26 March, 1750. He insisted, that the proposi
Canada (Canada) (search for this): chapter 3
issaries, 21 September, and an explanatory Memorial, 16 November, 1750. There existed in France statesmen who thought Canada itself an incumbrance, difficult to be defended, entailing expenses more than benefits. But La Galissoniere La Galissis was in a delightful climate, an open prairie, waiting for the plough; that, considering the want of maritime strength, Canada and Louisiana were the bulwarks of France in America against English ambition. De Puysieux, the French minister for foreament, were alike chap. III.} 1750. developed in connection with the necessity of resisting encroachments on the side of Canada. The unity of the French system of administration promised success by ensuring obedience to one council and one voice. ures had just been exchanged, Gist in Pownall, 12, 13. when four Ottawas drew near with a present from the governor of Canada, were admitted at once to the council, and desired a renewal of friendship with their chap. III.} 1751. fathers, the Fr
Kentucky River (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
the land was not less fertile to the very head-springs of the river, and west to the Wabash. He descended to the Ohio by way of the Little Miami, still finding many clear fields, where herds of forty or fifty buffaloes were feeding together on the wonderfully tall grasses. He checked his perilous course, when within fifteen chap. III.} 1751. miles of the falls at Louisville; and taking with him, as a trophy, the tooth of a mammoth, then a novel wonder, he passed up the valley of the Kentucky River, and through a continuous ledge of almost inaccessible hills and rocks and laurel thickets, found a path to the Bluestone. He paused on his way, to climb what is now called The Hawk's Nest, whence he could see the Kenhawa burst through the next high mountain; and having proposed the union, and appointed at Logstown a meeting of the Mingoes, the Delawares, the Wyandots, the Shawnees, and the Miami nations, with the English, he returned to his employers by way of the Yadkin and the Roanok
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
gns effectually along the whole frontier, the best minds in New York, and in other provinces, were busy in devising methods for, uniting the colonies on the main; for, unless this were done, Ohio would be lost. Of all the Southern provinces, South Carolina was most ready to join with the rest of the continent. Letters of Glen, Governor of South Carolina, to Clinton, and of Clinton to Glen, July–December, 1750, in the New York London Documents, XXX. Doubting whether union could be effected wiSouth Carolina, to Clinton, and of Clinton to Glen, July–December, 1750, in the New York London Documents, XXX. Doubting whether union could be effected without an immediate application to his Majesty for that purpose, the Council of New York, after mature and repeated deliberation on Indian affairs, still determined, that the governor should write to all the governors upon the continent, Letter of Clinton's Secretary, Ayscough, Fort George, 11 December, 1750. Clinton to Governor of Pennsylvania, 19 June, 1751, &c. that have Indian nations in their alliance, to invite commissioners from their respective governments to meet the savage chiefs at
Portersville (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ersey to Clinton, 18 April, 1751. Belcher's Letter Books, VII. 78, 79, 117. though it forms one important step in the progress of America towards union. While Pennsylvania, in strife with its proprietaries, neglected its western frontier, the Ohio Company of Virginia, profiting by the intelligence of Indian hunters, Washington's Writings, II. 802. who had followed every stream to its headspring and crossed every gap in the mountain ranges, chap. III.} 1750. discovered the path by Will's Creek to the Ohio. Their stores of goods, in 1750, were carried no further than that creek. There they were sold to traders, who, with rivals from Pennsylvania, penetrated the West as far as the Miamis. To search out and discover the lands westward of the Great Mountains, the Ohio Company Instructions of the Ohio Company to Christopher Gist, 11 September, 1750. summoned the adventurous Christopher Gist from his frontier home on the Yadkin. He was instructed to examine the Western count
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ite successful with the more reasonable Pelham, chap. III.} 1749. became the eulogist and principal adviser of Cumberland, of Bedford, and of Halifax. Should Massachusetts reduce his emoluments, he openly threatened to appeal to an episcopal interest, and make himself independent of the Assembly for any future support. Shirley to Secretary Willard, 29 Nov., 1749. The menace to Massachusetts was unseasonable. The public mind in that province, and most of all in Boston, was earnestly inquiring into the active powers of man, to deduce from them the right to uncontrolled inquiry, as the only security against religious and civil bondage. Of that cause . . . . .It is an attack on the rights of the king's subjects in America. Douglas: Historical and Political Summary, II., 109. William Bollan, the agent of Massachusetts, pleaded its inconsistency with the natural rights of the colonists. W. Bollan to the Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly, 5 April, 1750. But while Englan
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