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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 62: leaving Charlotte.—The rumors of surrender. (search)
Chapter 62: leaving Charlotte.—The rumors of surrender. As time wore on all the news we received was of that kind which is reputed to travel fast, but did not over the broken railways, and tangeadful rumor that General Lee was retreating, and the President and his cabinet were coming to Charlotte to meet General Johnston and his army. I felt then that I must obey Mr. Davis's solemn chargeks, escorted by the midshipmen under the accomplished and gallant Captain Parker, came through Charlotte; and as among the escort were my brother Jefferson and Mr. Davis's grandnephew, and there seemin the preliminary arrangements for surrender. He also informed me of Mr. Davis's arrival in Charlotte, and of the announcement made to him there of the assassination of Mr. Lincoln. I burst into ows, which he had received from Mr. Davis, who had asked him to join and take care of us. Charlotte, N. C., April 24, 1865. B. N. Harrison, Chester, S. C. The hostile Government reject the propos
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 63: the journey to Greensborough.—the surrender of Johnston. (search)
g that Sherman had agreed to a conference, and asking that the Secretary of War, General Breckinridge, should return to co-operate in it. When we arrived at Charlotte, on April 18, 1865, we received a telegram announcing the assassination of President Lincoln. A vindictive policy was speedily substituted for his, which avowedll anybody, and certainly not a little girl like you. The child was soon pacified. I shall never forget the kindly expression of the President's face. At Charlotte, on the 18th, I saw him again, on the day following the assassination of Mr. Lincoln. The news had reached Charlotte, but was not credited. Somehow we learCharlotte, but was not credited. Somehow we learned that General Breckinridge would be on the train that afternoon, and with several other Kentuckians I went to the depot. His first desire was to see the President, so we went with him to Mr. Davis. We found him sitting in a chair in the door which opened on the sidewalk. After shaking hands with General Breckinridge, he asked
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 64: capture of President Davis, as written by himself. (search)
apter 64: capture of President Davis, as written by himself. After the expiration of the armistice I rode out of Charlotte, attended by all but two members of my cabinet, my personal staff, and the cavalry that had been concentrated from diffning unmolested, and the troops inclined to accept those terms. Had General Johnston obeyed the order sent to him from Charlotte, and moved on the route selected by himself, with all his cavalry, so much of the infantry as could be mounted, and thertillery, he could not have been successfully pursued by General Sherman. His force, united to that I had assembled at Charlotte, would have been sufficient to vanquish any troops which the enemy had between us and the Mississippi River. Had the cavalry with which I left Charlotte been associated with a force large enough to inspire hope for the future, instead of being discouraged by the surrender of their rear, it would probably have gone on, and, when united with the forces of Maury, F
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 80: General Joseph E. Johnston and the Confederate treasure. (search)
received subsequently by Colonel Anderson, directed me to send this money to the President, at Charlotte. This order was not obeyed, however. As only the military part of our Government had then anurs truly, Archer Anderson. Mr. Davis wrote: Not recollecting to have met Colonel Mason at Charlotte, I wrote him, asking what was the fact. Receiving no reply, I renewed the inquiry, but thoughstructions that he deliver it in person to Mr. Davis and being a reply. Colonel Mason went to Charlotte, delivered the letter to Mr. Davis, but beyond a telegraphic acknowledgment to me that the le. I have no doubt that General Beauregard's estimate was within bounds. After Mr. Davis left Charlotte and moved South, a Confederate officer told me that, while standing near a bridge crossing a ce my connection with the Confederate Treasury. The President from Danville proceeded to Charlotte, N. C. We arrived at Abbeville, S. C., the morning of May 2d. At Abbeville, S. C., the Treasury o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The true story of the capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
; for it is well known that Mrs. Davis and all the President's family had left Richmond some time before, and were at this very time either in Raleigh or Charlotte, North Carolina. The packing of Mr. Davis' official papers was done by the gentlemen of his personal staff; that of his wearing apparel by his servants. It would be bistice by giving it his consent and approval, but had nothing to do with the capitulation. So far was he from failing to observe the former, that he remained in Charlotte, quiescent, not only until he was informed of its rejection at Washington, but until the forty-eight hours were completed, when he mounted his horse and rode offr reply. I regret that I can give you but little information in aid of the purpose you have in mind, as I parted from Mr. Davis and the rest of the Cabinet at Charlotte; and the narrative of General Wilson professes to deal chiefly with events which occurred afterward. I was not present at the Cabinet meeting on the first Sun
espective churches before the troops made their appearance. As they marched along, no language can do justice to the enthusiasm with which the assembled multitude greeted them. Cheers from ten thousand voices swelling in prolonged chorus, the waving of handkerchiefs by fair hands, the display of flags and streamers throughout the route of march, made the scene one of the most animated and exciting ever witnessed in the city.--Times, April 22. The United States branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina, was seized by the State authorities. No resistance was offered. Colonel Bryce now holds it with a military, force, under orders from Governor Ellis.--N. Y. Evening Post, April 29. Wendell Phillips delivered a discourse in Boston on the present rebellion. Some time ago he made a speech deprecating, in the most emphatic manner, any appeal to arms, as certain to result in the renewed and permanent triumph of slavery. The people of the North, he said, would not fight, and t
their former rights of property in the South.--Richmond Examiner, October 8. William F. Springer, a citizen of Philadelphia, returned to his home, from Charlotte, N. C., after an absence of several months, a portion of which time he spent in prison in Charlotte. Mr. Springer went South before the secession of North CarolinaCharlotte. Mr. Springer went South before the secession of North Carolina, to build a house for ex-Governor Morehead. Before he could complete the contract, the workmen he had taken with him were either driven away or pressed into the rebel service, and he was finally arrested on the charge of being a Union man, and thrown into prison. When it was concluded to liberate him his head was partly shaved, , after numerous detentions and escapes from violence, the cars having been searched for Northern men at various stations. Mr. Springer represents the people in Charlotte to be in an almost starving condition. Provisions of all kinds are high, and money scarce. The Southern soldiers that he saw on his way home were many of them
red. To test the fighting qualities of the negro, Colonel Penick sent a contraband with the party at his own request. The negro was severely wounded in the shoulder, but expressed his willingness to again fight the bushwhackers as soon as he should recover. --Colonel Penick's Report. The expedition under Generals Davis and Morgan, sent from Nashville, Tenn., in pursuit of Forrest and Wheeler's rebel force, who were retreating to the West, returned this evening. Seven miles east of Charlotte, thirty rebel prisoners were captured, among whom were Colonel Carroll, and Major Rembrant, of Forrest's staff.--Lebanon, Tenn., was entered and occupied by the National forces, who succeeded in capturing six hundred rebels, most of them belonging to the command of General Morgan.--The work of cutting the canal at Vicksburgh continued rapidly, a large force being engaged upon it night and day.--Rear-Admiral Porter reported the capture of three rebel transport steamers on the Red River, Ark
hundred bales of cotton, were all destroyed. At Tarboro, two steamboats and one large and fine iron-clad in process of construction, a saw-mill, a train of cars, one hundred bales of cotton, and large quantities of subsistence and ordnance stores, were destroyed; about one hundred prisoners taken, and some three hundred animals, (horses and mules.) Some three hundred contrabands followed the expedition into Newbern. The force had constant fighting with the enemy, who made great endeavors to intercept their return, but in every case the enemy's position was either turned or they were compelled to retire. Our loss in killed, wounded, and missing, will not exceed twenty-five men. --(Doc. 101.) A slight resistance to the draft occurred at Lancaster, Pa.--Alexander H. Stephens, the Vice-President of the rebel government, delivered a speech at Charlotte, N. C., expressing entire confidence in the ability of the rebels to maintain their cause and achieve independence.--(Doc. 42.)
Doc. 42.-speech of Alex. H. Stephens. Richmond, July 25, 1863. Vice-President Stephens, who is on his way to the South, stopped at Charlotte, N. C., on Friday night, and was serenaded by a large concourse of citizens. In reply he made them a speech about an hour in length. He commenced by alluding to the invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania by General Lee's army; said that it had whipped the enemy on their own soil, and obtained vast supplies for our own men, and was now ready to again meet the enemy on a new field. Whatever might be the movements and objects of General Lee, he had entire confidence in his ability to accomplish what he undertook, for in ability and intellect he was a head and shoulders above any man in the Yankee army. He commended General Lee for keeping his own secrets, and told the people not to be discouraged because they did not hear from Lee over his own signature. He would come out all right in the end. Mr. Stephens next spoke of the surrende
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