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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 669 45 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 314 6 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 216 0 Browse Search
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery. 157 1 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 152 122 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 102 14 Browse Search
William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik 98 4 Browse Search
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 71 1 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 60 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 52 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in William H. Herndon, Jesse William Weik, Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life, Etiam in minimis major, The History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and Jesse William Weik. You can also browse the collection for Chicago (Illinois, United States) or search for Chicago (Illinois, United States) in all documents.

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it would fill page after page to narrate them. One thing which deserves mention in passing was that Yankee contrivance, the convention system, which for the first time was brought into use. The Democrats, in obedience to the behests of Jackson, had adopted it, and, singularly enough, among the very first named for office under the operation of the new system was Stephen A. Douglas, who was elected to the Legislature from Morgan county. Its introduction was attributed to Ebenezer Peck, of Chicago, a Democrat who had once, it was said, served in the Canadian Parliament. This latter supposed connection with a monarchical institution was sufficient to bring down on his head the united hostility of the Whigs, a feeling in which even Lincoln joined. But after witnessing for a time the wonderful effects of its discipline in Democratic ranks, the Whigs too fell in, and resorted to the use of the improved machinery. The Legislature of which Mr. Lincoln thus became a member was one th
as a lawyer of rather extensive practice and reputation in Chicago. He was shrewd, adroit, and gifted with a knowledge of whletter by Butterfield's daughter is not without interest: Chicago, Oct. 12th, 1888. Mr. Jesse W. Weisk. Dear Sir: My fath., in 1790, entered Williams College, 1807, and removed to Chicago in 1835. After the re-accession of the Whigs to power he a disabled and enfeebled condition, he died at his home in Chicago, October 23d, 1855, in his sixty-third year. Very resp rolled by. About this time Grant Goodrich, a lawyer in Chicago. proposed to take Lincoln into partnership with him. Goode tended to consumption, and, if he removed to a city like Chicago, he would have to sit down and study harder than ever. Thpublished letter in possession of C. F. Gunther, Esq., Chicago, Ills., shows how he proposed to fill a vacancy in the officese of Parker vs. Hoyt, tried in the United States Court in Chicago, Lincoln was one of the counsel for the defendant. The su
e of William Armstrong. last law-suit in Illinois. the dinner at Arnold's in Chicago. A law office is a dull, dry place so far as pleasurable or interesting incever seemed to exhibit any liking for him. I attended a negro-minstrel show in Chicago, where we heard Dixie sung. It was entirely new, and pleased him greatly. In. This last decision was rendered some time in 1855. Mr. Lincoln soon went to Chicago and presented our bill for legal services. We only asked for $2,000 more. Thnto our hands. In the summer of 1857 Lincoln was employed by one Manny, of Chicago, to defend him in an action brought by McCormick, The case, McCormick vs. Mtle to certain lands, the accretion on the shores of Lake Michigan, in or near Chicago. It was tried in the United States Circuit Court at Chicago in April and May,Chicago in April and May, 1860. During the trial, the Court-Judge Drummond--and all the counsel on both sides dined at the residence of Isaac N. Arnold, afterwards a member of Congress. Do
re. passage of the Kansas Nebraska bill. the signs of discontent. the arrival of Douglas in Chicago. speech at the State fair. the answer of Lincoln. the article in the conservative. Lincoln'f discontent in Illinois. The rude and partly hostile reception of Douglas, on his arrival in Chicago, did not in any degree tend to allay the feeling of disapproval so general in its manifestation to the core on the injustice and crime of human slavery. After a brief rest at his home in Chicago Mr. Douglas betook himself to the country, and in October, during the week of the State Fair, wis astonishment a few days later to find that his rival, instead of going direct to his home in Chicago, had stopped at Princeton and violated his express agreement by making a speech there! Lincolny make fine speeches, but it would not be Lincoln said so in his speech. A jubilant friend in Chicago writes: Push on the column of freedom. Give the Buck Africans plenty to do in Egypt. The hour
speech. reading it to his friends. their comments and complaints. Douglas's first speech in Chicago. the joint canvass. Lincoln and Douglas contrasted. Lincoln on the stump. positions of Linceave it to the world unerased. Meanwhile Douglas had returned from Washington to his home in Chicago. Here he rested for a few days until his friends and co-workers had arranged the details of a t. The next day, however, he replied. Both speeches were delivered at the same place. Leaving Chicago, Douglas passed on down to Bloomington and Springfield, where he spoke on the 16th and 17th of e same audiences, naming seven different places, one in each Congressional district, outside of Chicago and Springfield, for joint meetings. Among the items of preparation on Lincoln's part hitherd leaving his right hand free to gesticulate. The designer of the monument recently erected in Chicago has happily caught him in just this attitude. As he proceeded with his speech the exercise of
peaking in New England. Looming up. preparing for Chicago. letters to a friend. the Decatur convention. Jodid not exceed $3,000; yet the party's committee in Chicago were dunning their late standard-bearer, who, besidof the generous and wealthy members of the party in Chicago or elsewhere did not come forward and volunteer they say this: If you shall be appointed a delegate to Chicago I will furnish one hundred dollars to bear the expeincoln, promising to bring the Kansas delegation to Chicago for him if he would only pay his expenses. Lincolnthe hosts were gathered for the great convention in Chicago. David Davis had rented rooms in the Tremont Houseon the editor of the Springfield Journal arrived in Chicago with a copy of the Missouri Democrat, in which Lincln was down in Springfield, some distance away from Chicago, and could therefore not appreciate the gravity of e jubilant and enthusiastic throng in the Wigwam at Chicago, must have broken in upon his vision as he hastened
rs. making up the cabinet. a letter from Henry Wilson. visiting Chicago and meeting with Joshua F. Speed. preparing the inaugural addresshe visit. A newspaper correspondent who had been sent down from Chicago to write up Mr. Lincoln soon after his nomination, was kind enoughall, suppose you come over to the State House before you start for Chicago. After a moment's deliberation I promised to do so. Mr. Lincoln,oon after his election I received from my friend Joseph Medill, of Chicago, a letter which argued strongly against the appointment of Simon C. Lincoln. Before departing for Washington Mr. Lincoln went to Chicago A lady called one day at the hotel where the Lincolns were stopping in Chicago to take Mrs. Lincoln out for a promenade or a drive. She was met in the parlor by Mr. Lincoln, who, after a hurried trip upsof the reports afloat that Allan Pinkerton, the noted detective of Chicago, was employed to investigate the matter and ferret out the conspir
ely told in a letter by Leonard Swett, which it is proper here to insert: Chicago, Ill., August 29, 1887. William H. Herndon. My Dear Sir:--Your inquiry in res on the nomination for Governor. The largest vote was for Norman B. Judd, of Chicago, his strength in the main being the northern part of the State. I was next in lighten his burden. In the summer of 1866 I wrote to Mrs. Lincoln, then in Chicago, asking for a brief account of her own and her husband's life or mode of livin follows: From Mss. in Author's possession. 375 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill., August 28, 1866. Hon. Wm. H. Herndon. My Dear Sir:--Owing to Robert's absence from Chicago your last letter to him was only shown me last evening. The recollection of my beloved husband's truly affectionate regard for you, and the knof business at the time specified should require your absence, should you visit Chicago any day this week I will be pleased to see you. I remain, Very truly, Mary
a flower would grow. What a fitting sentiment! What a glorious recollection! The recollections of Lincoln by Mr. Swett are in the form of a letter dated January 17, 1866. There is so much of what I know to be true in it, and it is so graphically told, that although there may be some repetition of what has already been touched upon in the preceding chapters, still I believe that the portrait of Lincoln will be made all the more lifelike by inserting the letter without abridgment. Chicago, Ill., Jan. 17, 1866. Wm. H. Herndon, Esq. Springfield, Ill. Dear Sir: I received your letter today, asking me to write you Friday. Fearing if I delay, you will not get it in time, I will give you such hasty thoughts as may occur to me to-night. I have mislaid your second lecture, so that I have not read it at all, and have not read your first one since about the time it was published. What I shall say, therefore, will be based upon my own ideas rather than a review of the lecture. L
of June. Fremont, who had been placed in the field by a convention of malcontents at Cleveland, Ohio, had withdrawn in September, and the contest was left to Lincoln and General George B. McClellan, the nominee of the Democratic convention at Chicago. The canvass was a heated and bitter one. Dissatisfied elements appeared everywhere. The Judge Advocate-General of the army (Holt) created a sensation by the publication of a report giving conclusive proof of the existence of an organized secd in solid columns, and the great cities poured forth their population in countless masses. From Washington the funeral train moved to Baltimore, thence to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York, Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis, Chicago, and at last to Springfield. As the funeral cortege passed through New York it was reverently gazed upon by a mass of humanity impossible to enumerate. No ovation could be so eloquent as the spectacle of the vast population, hushed and bare
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