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party, having accomplished the object of their mission, set fire to the bridge and slowly retired. They were not pursued. Monday morning the whole command was in front of Urbanna, ready to cross the river. To protect this part of the movement, Lieutenant Commander McGaw, of the Potomac flotilla, was present. He left Acquia Creek on Saturday evening with the following named vessels, and was at the rendezvous the very moment when ordered: Tallaca, (ferry-boat,) Star, William W. Frazer, Long Branch, (light-draught steamboats to transport the troops across the river,) and the gunboats Yankee, Freeborn, Anacosta, Currituck, Primrose, Ella, and Satellite. Capt. Moffet, of the Ninety-fourth New-York volunteers, with one hundred picked men, was also taken down, and Captain J. C. Paine, chief signal officer stationed at Acquia Creek. The gunboats were immediately put in readiness for action. Captain Moffet's command was landed at Urbanna, and were at once deployed outside of the town as