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nown to give aid and comfort to, or in any way countenancing the revolt of any State against the authority of the constitution and the laws of the Union.--Evening Post, Dec. 28. Captain N. L. Coste, U. S. R. Service, in command of the cutter William Aiken, betrayed his vessel into the hands of the State authorities of South Carolina. The crew, on being notified of the position of Captain Coste, under the State ordinance concerning the customs, promptly volunteered to remain under his command as an officer of South Carolina under that ordinance. See statement of Lieutenant Underwood, N. Y. Times, Jan. 9, 1861. A meeting was held this evening at Richmond, Va., to give expression of opinion on the present crisis. Several speeches were made, favoring prompt secession measures, and others advocating a resort to negotiation.--Herald, Dec. 29. The Governor of South Carolina is tendered the services of troops from Georgia, Alabama, and different portions of Carolina.
ening Post, Jan. 12. Judge Jones, of the United States District Court, this afternoon announced from the windows of the court-room in the custom-house building, at Mobile, that the United States Court for the Southern District of Alabama was adjourned forever. Mr. George M. Brewer, of the same place, gave one hundred cords of wood for the use of the garrison at Fort Morgan, and proffered the services of twenty negro men as laborers on the works.--Mobile Advertiser, Jan. 12. at Richmond, Va., a banquet was given to John B. Floyd, late Secretary of the Navy. That gentleman made a speech, wherein he related a conversation with the President, which he claimed showed a breach of faith on the part of the latter, leading to the former's resignation. He also counselled resistance to Federal coercion. Speeches were made by Lieutenant-Governor Montague, Attorney-General Tucker, and others. The policy of the Legislature was severely commented upon. Abolitionists attempted to
publication of President Lincoln's proclamation has greatly increased the secession feeling. Business of all kinds is completely suspended. Merchants are engaged in discussing the probability of a prolonged sanguinary civil war. The impression is that the Virginia Convention will instantaneously pass the ordinance of secession, or call a Border State Convention. At Mobile, Ala., President Lincoln's response to the Virginia Commissioners is regarded as a declaration of war. At Richmond, Va., the President's proclamation is received with general execration. The public mind is fearfully excited. The secessionists declare that nothing is more favorable to their cause, and that military men would sooner die than respond to such a call. At Wilmington, N. C., the proclamation is received with perfect contempt and indignation. The Union men openly denounce the Administration. The greatest possible unanimity prevails. There was great rejoicing there Saturday on the recept
nations, and in ten minutes the subscription had reached over $21,000. What was still more important was the appointment of a large committee of the most influential capitalists, to use their exertions to secure an immediate taking of the $9,000,000 remaining of the Government loan.--(Doc. 66.) The President of the United States issued a proclamation, announcing the blockade of the Southern ports.--(Doc. 67.) Sherrard Clemens, a strong Union man, and late member of Congress for Richmond, Va., is held as a prisoner at Richmond. He is still firm in his loyalty to the Government and his opposition to rebellion.--Tribune, April 19. At Wilmington, Ohio, the first volunteer company, consisting of 125 men, organized to-day. Three thousand dollars were subscribed in one hour for the benefit of volunteers. Great enthusiasm. prevails, and the work goes bravely on in raising both men and money. Another company is forming. A suspected Secessionist was seized this evening, a
ld, Crittenden, Codey, and others. The most unbounded enthusiasm prevailed, and the speakers were greeted with great applause.--Philadelphia Inquirer. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the residents of Chestnut Hill, Pa., and its vicinity, was held to counsel together in the present alarming condition of the country, and take some steps to protect it from the assaults of traitors. --Philadelphia Inquirer. A. H. Stephens, Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy, arrived at Richmond, Va. In the evening he was serenaded, and made a speech, in which he said, that if the Federal Administration made war upon Maryland, the whole South would rally to her aid.--(Doc. 87.) A meeting of the Bench and Bar of the city of New York, in view of the present crisis in the history of the country, was held at the Superior Court room, in that city. The judges and ex-judges of the different benches were present, and nearly every law firm in the city had its representative. Judge Dani
on be made for the defence of the Southern part of the State, either by fortified posts or by an intrenched camp.--N. Y. Tribune, May 1. Daniel Fish, charged with selling guns to the South, was examined before the U. S. Commissioner and discharged.--N. Y. Herald, May 1. The First Battalion of the Third Alabama Regiment left Montgomery this morning for Virginia.--Col. Kershaw and staff, with Captains Richardson, Hasles, and McMannus' companies of South Carolina troops arrived at Richmond, Va., this evening at 5 o'clock.--Charleston Mercury, May 1. General Harney is released by Governor Letcher of Virginia. The Washington City Councils passed a series of resolutions, expressing the strongest devotion to the Union, and thanking the citizen soldiery of the North now there, for coming forward so promptly at the call of the Government.--N. Y. Times, May 1. The Toronto (Canada) Globe of to-day, in a long article on American affairs, says that the North, by their impati
ell, also of the Lowell City Guards. He had not been heard from since the fight, but a letter was received from his brother in the regiment at Washington stating that ho was missing. The body was identified by a brother-in-law of Ladd. He was about eighteen years of age, a machinist, and was born at Alexandria, N. H. He was shot in the thigh, and probably bled to death at once. His face was somewhat swollen, and gave evidence of rough usage.--Boston Traveller, May 3. The mouth of James River, and Hampton roads are under strict blockade. The blockading vessels are the frigate Cumberland, steamships Monticello and Yankee, and three or four steam tugs.--The World, May 4. Ellsworth's Regiment of Fire Zouaves arrived at Washington. Their march through the city was a complete ovation. They were greeted with great cheering and other demonstrations of enthusiasm. The splendid appearance of the regiment, both as to numbers and equipments, caused great surprise, and elicited u
May 20. Mrs. Judge Daly, of New York, and a number of ladies associated with her, sent to the Sixty-ninth regiment 1,260 linen havelocks — a complement sufficient to supply the whole regiment.--N. Y. Herald, May 21. The ship Argo, which was captured in Hampton Roads on Sunday afternoon, (May 19,) by the United States steam frigate Minnesota, arrived at New York in charge of a prize crew under command of Midshipman McCook and Clerk Elias W. Hall. The Argo was bound from Richmond, Virginia, for Bremen, and at the time of her seizure had on board $150,000 worth of tobacco.--N. Y. Journal of Commerce, May 21. At precisely 3 o'clock P. M., by order of the Government, a descent was made by the United States Marshals upon every considerable telegraph office throughout the Free States, and the accumulated despatches of the twelvemonth past were seized. The object was to obtain evidence of the operations of the Southern rebels with their Northern accomplices, which the confid
May 21. Jeffeeson Davis approved the act, passed at the session of the Southern Congress, prohibiting Southerners owing moneys to Northern merchants from paying the same, and compelling payment instead into the treasury of the seceded States.--(Doc. 183.) A Compreiiensive and able article upon the present condition of affairs in the United States, is published in the Cologne Gazette.--(Doc. 184.) The Confederate Congress in session at Montgomery, Ala., adjourned to meet at Richmond, Va., July 20th.--N. Y. Herald, May 28. A letter from Roxabelle, N. C., says:--The Chowan Association, by a unanimous vote, cut off all intercourse with the Bible Union, and recommended those owing subscriptions to withhold the same, deprecating any further agency of the Bible Union among the churches another fruit of the reckless fanaticism of the Northern agitators. Unwilling to bow down to the Jehovah revealed by Moses and preached by Paul, they seek anti-slavery God. Nor are they u
, and encamped near the Hampton Bridge, with the Vermont and Troy regiments. The Pembroke also arrived with two companies of Massachusetts troops. There are now about 6,000 men within or under the walls of the fortress. The Quaker City came up to the fortress with a rich prize this morning — the bark Winnifred, of Richmond, from Rio Janeiro, laden with coffee. Gen. Butler, accompanied by acting Adjutant-Gen. Tallmadge, and his aids, made a dashing reconnoissance several miles between the James and York Rivers. A picket guard of rebels fled on their approach. Three fugitives, the property of Col. Mallory, commander of the rebel forces near Hampton, were brought in to Fortress Monroe by the picket guard yesterday. They represent that they were about to be sent South, and hence sought protection. Major Cary came in with a flag of truce, and claimed their rendition under the Fugitive Slave law, but was informed by Gen. Butler that, under the peculiar circumstances, he considered
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