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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), United Confederate Veterans. (search)
bled, i. Camp 179. Booneville, Miss.; D. T. Beall, com. Camp 180. Macon, Miss.; H. W. Toote, corn. Camp 181. Richmond, Va.; Gen. Alex. W. Archer, com. Camp 182. Monroe, La.; W. R. Roberts, corn. Camp 183. Oakley, La.; W. S. Peck, corn Va.; H. M. Miller, com.; med. offi., W. C. Nunn, June 1, 1861-5, colonel; members, 41; disabled, 1; deaths, 1; Home, Richmond, Va. Camp 185. Campbell, Texas; R. W. Ridley, com. Camp 186. Winchester, Ky.; B. F. Curtis, corn. Camp 187. Nicolasohnson, corn. Camp 202. Alma, Ark.; James S. Smith, com. Camp 203. Hope, Ark.; N. W. Stewart, com. Camp 204. Richmond, Va.; R. N. Northen, corn.; med. offi., J. C. Hillsman, 1861, surgeon; members, 148; disabled, 4; indigent, 4; deaths, 6. bers, 117; disabled, 3; deaths, 6; Home, Little Rock, Ark. Camp 214. Danville, Ky.; E. M. Green, com. Camp 215. Richmond, Va.; James Tevis, com. Camp 216. Fayetteville, Ark.; T. M. Gunter, com. Camp 217. Chifley, Fla.; S. M. Robinson, c
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Monument to the Confederate dead at the University of Virginia. (search)
4, two or three of General Alexander's field officers, First Corps Artillery, A. N. V., were sent to Chaffin's Bluff, for the purpose of toning up the garrison there, which had been demoralized by the disaster at Fort Harrison, the capture of their commanding officer and other untoward incidents. The morale of the men had decidedly improved before the final crash came, but that was enough to try the mettle even of the best troops in the highest condition. The men of the fleet and of the James river defenses were ordered to leave the river about midnight of the 2d of April, exploding magazines and ironclads, and joining the Army of Northern Virginia on its retreat. The troops at Chaffin's, having been long in garrison, and rightly deeming this the beginning of the end, were greatly shaken by the orders, and the sublime terrors of that fearful night certainly did nothing to steady them. The explosions began just as we got across the river. When the magazines at Chaffin's and Drur
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Last days of the army of Northern Virginia. (search)
r of Alabama, before the Virginia division of the Association of the army of Northern Virginia at the Annual meeting, Richmond, Va., October 12th, 1893. The President, Hon. George L. Christian, having called the meeting to order, in glowing termsment Our supply of corn is exhausted to-day, and I am informed that the small reserve in Richmond is consumed. The James river, on the contrary, furnished Grant a line of communication and a mode of supply which could not be cut by raids or distin front must be driven in the morning, for our army was now on the narrow strip of country between the Appomattox and James rivers, and the road to Lynchburg was the only line of retreat. Lee resolved to cut through Sheridan's force, and Gordon, J. Bosher. Executive Committee-Colonel W. E. Cutshaw (chairman), Private J. T. Gray, Captain E. P. Reeve, Captain John Cussons, and Captain W. Gordon McCabe. On motion, the meeting adjourned. [From the Richmond, Va., Star, December 7, 1893.]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The first Virginia infantry in the Peninsula campaign. (search)
The first Virginia infantry in the Peninsula campaign. Reminiscences of Sergeant Charles T. Loehr. The following graphic paper was read before Pickett Camp of Confederate Veterans, at Richmond, Virginia, on the night of Monday, December 4, 1893: Comrades of Pickett Camp. In referring to the campaign on the Peninsula a few preliminary remarks may not be amiss. After the battle of Bull Run Johnston's army remained inactive in front of Washington. Instead of gaining in numbers and efficiency it was sadly depleted by details and discharges for the War Department. It cannot be denied that both Johnston and Beauregard urged the Confederate authorities to concentrate the whole Confederate force for an aggressive move, but the President and his advisers thought otherwise, and the army was condemned to inactivity when the chances for success were almost certain. Meanwhile, as the months passed away, the Federal authorities were not idle. A large army was placed in the field
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Frazier's Farm, [from the New Orleans, La., Picayune, February 19, 1893.] (search)
erve his communication, some cavalry and Ewell's division was sent to seize the York River railroad. During the afternoon clouds of dust showed plainly that the Yankee army was in motion, and, judging by the roads he had taken, it was soon discovered that McClellan was making his way to the James. Our divisions followed on down the Chickahominy, and on Sunday morning it was ascertained that the enemy had abandoned his fortifications and was in full retreat toward his gunboats on the James river. To Generals Magruder and Huger had been assigned the important duty of watching the enemy, and to cut off or press his retreat. The result of the battle of Gaines' Mill was to force McClellan out of all his strong positions north of the Chickahominy, and, with his communications cut off on the Pamunkey river and confronted by our forces on the south side of the Chickahominy, it was supposed that he would be forced into a capitulation. But the enemy had been imperfectly matched a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.11 (search)
A desperate dash. [from the Richmond (Va.) dispatch, January 2, 1894.] Capture and Reoccupation of the Howlett House in 1864. The gallant achievement of Crs. On the 16th day of June, 1864, when Grant's flank movement across the James river threatened Petersburg, and it was found necessary to send forces to defend t short time the entire line of defence—reaching from Howlett's house, on the James river, to the Appomattox—was left exposed and defenceless. To fill this gap and rvision, in General R. H. Anderson's Corps, was hastened to the south side of James river, and advanced down the turnpike towards Chester station and Petersburg, withr station and Bermuda Hundreds, and nearly opposite to the Howlett House, on James river, a halt was made, and an order given for a skirmish line to be thrown out onof Petersburg along the pike and railroad. The space between the pike and James river over which Morrison's men had to advance was broken surface, and heavily woo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.20 (search)
The ship Tennessee. [from the Richmond, Va., times, October 5, 1893.] A description of the conflict in Mobile Bay. One of the men who was aboard the vessel tells of her surrender and the reason why. As those who actively participated in the late war between the States of the American Union are rapidly passing away, it is the duty of the living eye-witnesses of the bloody drama to see to it that the names of their comrades, who fell on the losing side, are not transmitted to history as rebels and traitors, but as patriots as true as the world ever saw, earnestly engaged in the defence of the right, as God had given them to see the right. Great as was the disparity of numbers between the Federal and Confederate armies, between the navies it was far greater, if, indeed, we had anything worthy of the name; still a Confederate victory in Hampton Roads revolutionized the navies of the world, while in the fight on the Tennessee we suffered a defeat, Farragut might best desc
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. F. Hoke's last address [from the Richmond, Va., times, April 9, 1893.] (search)
General R. F. Hoke's last address [from the Richmond, Va., times, April 9, 1893.] To his division near Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. As the 9th will be the anniversary of Lee's surrender, it will be in order to publish everything of historical interest pertaining to the closing scenes of the war between the States. I enclose you the farewell address of General R. F. Hoke, a gallant North Carolinian, and an uncle of the Secretary of the Interior, Hoke Smith, of whom the Northern papers wished to know something a short time since. General Lee sent General Hoke, with his division, to relieve Pickett's division, near Plymouth, N. C., where he (Hoke) covered himself with glory by storming the Federal works, and capturing almost three thousand prisoners. His gallant division took part in the battle of Brentonsville, under Joe Johnston, and distinguished themselves as they had done before on so many sanguinary fields in Virginia. The address is as follows: R. S. B. Findowr
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
ill be spared to impress many more such Yankee colonels with the prowess of the gray horse's rider. Fully concurring, on this one point concerning the battle of Drainesville, with Colonel Kane, I am, Most respectfully and truly yours, J. E. B. Stuart, Brigadier-General. Major Jackson lost his life in an engagement at Bladen Springs, Ala., and in 1863 his obituary, written by General Dabney H. Maury, tells his heroic deeds. The original autograph copy is pasted side by side with these noble testimonials in Mrs. Ogden's scrapbook. Like him, the other actors in this pretty side drama of the Confederacy, have joined the hosts in the eternal camping grounds, but these letters remain as a refreshing insight into the private camp life of the great Civil War, and an evidence of the individual generosity which actuated a foe who knew what heroism in a soldier meant, and were not so narrow and sectional as to fail to recognize it. [From the Richmond, Va., Dispatch, July 16, 1893.]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The gold and silver in the Confederate States Treasury. (search)
t. During the years 1863-1864-1865 I was the superintendent of the Confederate States Naval Academy. The steamer Patrick Henry was the school-ship and the seat of the academy. On the 1st day of April, 1865, we were lying at a wharf on the James river between Richmond and Powhatan. We had on board some sixty midshipmen and a full corps of professors. The midshipmen were well drilled in infantry tactics, and all of the professors save one had served in the army or navy. On Sunday, Aprilit looked black for him. Fortunately he caught the main sheet, which was trailing overboard, and was hauled in. It was providential, for upon Wood depended the safety of the entire party. After suffering much from hunger and thirst they arrived at Matanzas (I think) and were kindly cared for by the Spanish authorities. from whom they received most respectful attention as soon as they made themselves known. William H. Parker. Richmond, Va. [From The New Orleans Picayune, October 22, 1893.]