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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Shiloh, battle of (search)
g the line. The Confederates fought gallantly, but were speedily pushed back by a superior force. When they perceived that all was lost, they fled in the direction of Corinth, in a blinding storm of rain and sleet, and halted on the heights of Monterey, covered in their retreat by a rear guard of 12,000 men, led by General Breckinridge. The Confederates had lost over 10,000 men in the engagement and retreat. Fully 3,000 died during the flight to the heights of Monterey. The National loss inMonterey. The National loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners was about 15,000. The slain on the battle-field were buried; the dead horses were burned. The hospital vessels sent down the Tennessee were crowded with the sick and wounded. Beauregard's shattered army fell back to Corinth, and Grant was about to pursue and capture it, when General Halleck, his superior in rank, came up and took the chief command, and caused the army to loiter until the Confederates, recuperated, were ready for another battle.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Smith, Persifer Frazer 1798- (search)
Smith, Persifer Frazer 1798- Military officer; born in Philadelphia, Pa., November, 1798; graduated at Princeton in 1815; became a lawyer in New Orleans; was adjutant-general of Louisiana, and a volunteer under General Gaines in two campaigns of the Seminole War as colonel of Louisiana volunteers. When General Taylor went to the Rio Grande in 1846, Smith led a brigade of Louisiana volunteers under him. He was brevetted brigadiergeneral for his services at Monterey, and major-general for gallantry at Contreras and Churubusco in August, 1847. He was a commissioner in arranging the armistice before the city of Mexico, and after the conquest he was made civil and military governor of the city (October, 1847). and commander of the 2d Division of the United States Army. In 1848 he was governor of Vera Cruz, and subsequently commanded the departments of California and Texas. Just before his death, in Fort Leavenworth, Kan., May 17, 1858, lie was appointed to command the Utah expedi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Taylor, Zachary 1784- (search)
nexation of Texas (q. v.), when war between the United States and Mexico seemed imminent, he was sent with General Taylor's residence at Baton Rouge. a considerable force into Texas to watch the movements of the Mexicans. In March, 1846, he moved to the banks of the Rio Grande, opposite Matamoras, and in May engaged in two sharp battles with the Mexicans on Texas soil. He was then promoted to major-general. He entered Mexico May 18, 1846, and soon afterwards captured the stronghold of Monterey. He occupied strong positions, but remained quiet for some time, awaiting instructions from his government. Early in 1847 a requisition from General Scott deprived him of a large portion of his troops, and he was ordered to act on the defensive only. While so doing, with about 5,000 men, he was confronted by Santa Ana with 20,000. Taylor defeated and dispersed the Mexicans in a severe battle at Buena Vista, Feb. 23, 1847. During the remainder of the war the valley of the Rio Grande rem
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Thorpe, Thomas Bangs 1815-1878 (search)
Thorpe, Thomas Bangs 1815-1878 Author; born in Westfield, Mass., March 1, 1815; received a collegiate education; settled in Louisiana in 1836 and devoted himself to literature; served in the Mexican War and was promoted colonel for meritorious services. His publications include The Big bear of Arkansas; Our army of the Rio Grande; Our army at Monterey; A voice to America; Scenes in Arkansaw; Reminiscences of Charles L. Elliott, etc. He died in New York City in October, 1878.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Twiggs, David Emanuel 1790-1862 (search)
Twiggs, David Emanuel 1790-1862 Military officer; born in Richmond county, Ga., in 1790; entered the United States military service as captain in the spring of 1812, and became major of infantry in 1814. In 1836 he became colonel of dragoons, and as commander of a brigade he distinguished himself in the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca De La Palma (qq. v.). He was made brigadier-general June 30, 1846, and was brevetted major-general for gallantry at Monterey (q. v.). Twiggs commanded a division in Scott's campaign in Mexico in 1847, and in 1848 he was made civil and military governor of Vera Cruz. Early in 1861 he was in command of United States troops in Texas. General Twiggs had served his country honorably in its armies for forty years, but the virus which corrupted so many noble characters did not spare him. He was a native of Georgia, and seems to have been under the complete control of the Confederate leaders. He was placed in command of the Department of Texas only
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
a de la Palma......May 9, 1846 President Polk, by special message to Congress, announces that war exists by the act of Mexico......May 11, 1846 Congress authorizes the President to raise 50,000 men and $10,000,000 for the war......May 13, 1846 Treaty with Great Britain signed, establishing the boundaries west of the Rocky Mountains on the 49th parallel of N. lat., and thus settling the Oregon difficulty ......June 15, 1846 Com. John D. Sloat, of the Pacific Squadron, occupies Monterey, Cal., and proclaims the country annexed to the United States......July 6, 1846 Congress recedes to Virginia the southern part of the District of Columbia......July 9, 1846 Tariff of 1842 repealed, and a revenue tariff passed (in the Senate by the casting vote of Vice-President George M. Dallas)......approved July 30, 1846 Warehouse system established by Congress......Aug. 6, 1846 Independent treasury system re-enacted......Aug. 6, 1846 Wisconsin authorized to form a constitutio
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), California (search)
1770 Mission and presidio of San Carlos at Monterey founded......June 3, 1770 Missions of San r to Portola, sent by viceroy of Mexico, from Monterey, March 27, 1772, with an exploring party, tJoaquin River, and unable to cross, return to Monterey......April 4, 1772 First interior expeditiexplores the bay for forty days, returning to Monterey, then the capital......Sept. 22, 1775 Setth governor, and coldly received; anchoring at Monterey, he visits the Salinas Valley; sails away....real purpose is unknown, but, after summoning Monterey and other places on the coast to surrender, augh United States consul Thomas O. Larkin, at Monterey, to continue his explorations of the coast.....July 5, 1846 Stars and stripes raised at Monterey, July 7, by order of John D. Sloat, commandinects Colonel Fremont to deliver in person, at Monterey, all public documents in his charge, which henvention to form a State constitution sits at Monterey, Sept. 1, 1849, until Oct. 13. The constitut[11 more...]
Utah, A State of the United States, the forty-fifth in admission, is bounded on the north by Idaho and Wyoming, east by Wyoming and Colorado, south by Arizona, and west by Nevada. Area, 84,970 square miles, lying between long. 109° and 114° W., and north of lat. 37° N. Population, 1890, 207,905; 1900, 276,749. Capital, Salt Lake City. Franciscan friars Silvestre Velez de Escalante and Francisco Atanasio Dominguez, looking for a route from Santa Fe to Monterey, Cal., reach Utah and Sevier lakes......September, 1776 Great Salt Lake discovered by James Bridger......1825 One hundred and twenty men, under William H. Ashley, come to Utah Lake from St. Louis through South Pass, and build Fort Ashley......1825 Jedediah S. Smith and fifteen trappers march from Great Salt Lake to Utah Lake, and thence to San Gabriel Mission, Cal., 1826; return to Utah......1827 J. Bartleson and twenty-seven emigrants for California proceed from Soda Springs to Corrine and thence into Ne
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Van Buren, Abraham 1807-1873 (search)
Van Buren, Abraham 1807-1873 Military officer; born in Kinderhook, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1807; son of President Martin Van Buren; graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1827; served on the Western frontier for two years; aide-de-camp to Gen. Alexander Macomb for seven years; made captain in the 1st Dragoons in 1836; and became private secretary to his father the same year. He re-entered the army at the beginning of the Mexican War as major and paymaster; was with Gen. Zachary Taylor at Monterey, and with General Scott in every engagement from Vera Cruz to the capture of the City of Mexico. He was brevetted lieutenantcolonel for bravery at Contreras and Churubusco in 1847, and served in the paymaster's department till 1854, when he resigned. He died in New York City, March 15, 1873.
tion; for, at the time of the landing, General Beauregard had only one regiment of cavalry in observation, supported, at Monterey, about half-way to Corinth, by one or two regiments of infantry and a battery of field artillery; while at Hamburg he has, in his opinion, a proper one for the offensive he proposed to take, and in view of which he would have even preferred Monterey to Corinth, owing to its still greater proximity to the anticipated landing-point of the enemy. Events, however, justif F. Smith, at Savannah, disembarked with his division at Pittsburg Landing, to make a reconnaissance in the direction of Monterey, twelve miles from the Landing and ten miles from Corinth. He marched a few miles into the interior, encountering only ill be seen that if we had been able to carry out General Beauregard's original intention of concentrating his forces at Monterey, only nine miles from Sherman's position, we should have had several days during which to attack the isolated divisions
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