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e to the neighborhood, and captured a considerable number, who were brought to Nashville and were properly dealt with. They next made a successful spy trip to Murfreesboro, going by way of Lavergne and crossing at Sanders' Ferry. Dr. Goodwin, of the rebel army, whom they had fallen in with on the way, vouched for them, and they per, and persuaded him into giving her a pass to go two miles out of the city to see her aunt, and that when once beyond the lines she went to the rebel army at Murfreesboro. She further said that a Mrs. Montgomery, who lived two miles out on the Franklin pike, had taken out more goods than anybody else in Nashville. When she went to Murfreesboro she took out with her letters, and had given to Southern soldiers coming into Nashville large quantities of clothing, and finally demonstrated her good will by presenting Moore with a fine pair of pants and other clothing and a pair of new boots. In return for these acts of kindness, Colonel Truesdail sent her
, who, as he states, went into and came out from Bragg's army at Murfreesboro three times during the week of battles at Stone river — who evenning the position of military affairs at Chattanooga, he came to Murfreesboro, where Bragg's army was then collecting. Staying here several d in person concerning all that is transpiring in Bragg's army at Murfreesboro, and then he resumes his pleasant private quarters at the army . His officers talked with our man freely, and after staying at Murfreesboro two or three days, and riding and walking all about in the most after issued for the advance of the Army of the Cumberland upon Murfreesboro. Now commenced a period of excessive labor and peril for the eded)-to return instantly with his commmand by forced marches to Murfreesboro. That same night our man reported this fact to the Federal commes of Stone River were fought, and Bragg was on his retreat from Murfreesboro by the time Morgan could have received the orders. Our spy wa
. Riding out one day some distance beyond the lines with a lieutenant of his company, they met an old negro preacher, who told them that there was a large body of rebel soldiers not far off. Corporal Pike requested the lieutenant to return to Murfreesboro while he went to see where the rebels were. After some scouting he discovered them, about one hundred and fifty in number, at the foot of a considerable hill; his position being above them, and two of their men, one mounted and the other on all that region, the whole rebel troop took to their horses and fled at the top of their speed (abandoning, as he afterward learned, a large forage train) toward Auburn, seven miles distant. After seeing them well started Pike rode off toward Murfreesboro. Stopping at a house which they had passed, he told the woman to tell them, when they returned, that there was but one man in the attacking party, and that he said he had flogged one hundred and fifty of them and could do it again. He next e
ls and the balance of the old stock of goods. The first night was spent at Ratcliffe's, and the next day both went to Murfreesboro in a buggy. Ratcliffe had business to transact with the provost-marshal, and a number of the generals and inferior offe's, where he remained all night-thence the next morning travelled, by way of Hart's crossroads and Caney Springs, to Murfreesboro, reaching that place on the Saturday evening closing the week of battles at Stone river. Riding about the town, he obcrans; but he had been so long in making his way back that the general did not receive it until he had himself entered Murfreesboro. Late the next night he started again, with a single pistol, and a small stock of needles, pins, and thread. On Mo, however, and the fleet was saved — which was the main object of the expedition. General Rosecrans had now been in Murfreesboro several days, and Colonel Truesdail immediately on his arrival sent the scout to that place. Here he made a full repo
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion, Pauline Cushman, the celebrated Union spy and scout of the Army of the Cumberland. (search)
expressed the liveliest interest in her situation; the brave soldiers heard of the noble woman whom they had thus opportunely saved from a terrible death, and, on every hand, she received the most tender and convincing tokens of the general esteem in which she was held. At eleven o'clock the next morning, in the general's own ambulance, well stocked with all the comforts and necessaries which the generosity and courtesy of her new friends could suggest, she left Shelbyville en route to Murfreesboro. There a day and a night's rest enabled her to take the cars to Nashville; and under the care of an officer of General Granger's staff, who had himself done her the honor of attending her thus far, she began her return journey to that city. On her arrival there, she was waited upon by the most distinguished generals of the army, and by others less prominent-all of whom, however, were united in treating her with a delicate and even affectionate courtesy, which left her no comfort to be d
y General Donelson, making several trips to Murfreesboro, and one to Cumberland Gap. Upon his retcripted. Well, we'll have to send you to Murfreesboro. 1 reckon you're all right; but those are ntil morning, when he would go with them to Murfreesboro. His friend of the horse-trade, now very mellow, thought he need not go to Murfreesboro at all, and said he would see what the others said abon these expeditions he visited McMinnville, Murfreesboro, Altamont, on the Cumberland mountains, Brie he travelled to Bradyville, and thence to Murfreesboro, arriving there just as the battle began. that somebody would recognize him, he left Murfreesboro on Friday, and went to McMinnville. He ha General Rosecrans was now in possession of Murfreesboro, and thither Morford proceeded with some sml the information he could, and returned to Murfreesboro without trouble. His next and last trip his adventures. Making a few days' stay in Murfreesboro, he went to McMinnville, and remained there[1 more...]
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion, Bible Smith, the East Tennessee scout and spy. (search)
a beina thet's so, cumrades, very logically remarked one of the number, doan't it nat'rally foiler thet the devil ara on the Union side, ana moughtent we 'bout so wall guv it up fur a dade beat 'ter onst! When the rebel army retreated from Murfreesboro, its column came suddenly upon the scout as he was eating his breakfast in an oak opening near the highway. There was no chance of escape or concealment, for the opening was covered with immense trees standing fifteen and twenty feet apart, wthickly around him, but he escaped unhurt! The God to whom he had prayed shielded him, and brought him safely out of the hands of his enemies. In six days, after unparalleled hardships, he reached the Union lines. A few days before I left Murfreesboro, Bible started on another trip into the enemies' lines to establish a chain of spy stations up to Bragg's headquarters. He succeeded in the perilous enterprise, and, when I last heard of him, was pursuing his usual avocation, doing really mor
in wealth, and your homes and your little ones be safe. You will refuse to give aid to these poor soldiers, because, forsooth, you gave a few dollars some time ago to fit out a regiment. Shame on you-you are not men-you are cowards-go over to Canada-this country has no place for such creatures! The Chamber of Commerce was not prepared for such a rebuke, and they reconsidered their action, and made an appropriation at once to the Ladies' Aid Society. When Rosecrans moved forward from Murfreesboro in June, 1863, Mrs. Bickerdyke, tired of the confinement of the hospital, joined the army in the field again, and amid all the hardships and exposures of the field, ministered to the sick and wounded. Cooking for them in the open air, under the burning sun and the heavy dews, she was exposed to disease, but her admirable constitution enabled her to endure fatigue and exposure, better even than most of the soldiers. Though neat and cleanly in person, she was wholly indifferent to the att
n one occasion, when about to dash forward to a position of peculiar peril, one of his aides, young Captain Thompson, protested against his thus exposing himself. 0, my boy, was Rosecrans' reply, make the sign of the true cross, and let us go in! Thus, unconsciously, that illustrious soldier, perhaps the greatest strategist of the war, uttered almost the very maxim of Constantine, In hoc signo vinces-in that sign shalt thou conquer. I afterward made with him that wondrous campaign from Murfreesboro to Chattanooga. Every move was preceded by religious exercises; and I could well see, in his manifestations of deep and fervent piety, that a higher inspiration than the blazon of martial glory moved him — that it was truly in that sign that he sought to conquer. The same writer says of Captain G. W. Rodgers, of the Catskill, U. S. N.: Of the officers of the fleet to which Captain Rodgers belonged — the North Atlantic blockading squadron, under Admiral Dupont--I scarcely knew one
Colonel Innis, or we don't surrender much. Lavergne, Tennessee, a mere hamlet, but a position of great strategic importance, between Nashville and Murfreesboro, Tennessee, had been garrisoned by a small Union force early in December, 1862. When General Rosecrans commenced his movement from Nashville to Murfreesboro, in the latter part of that month, the movement which culminated in the battle of Stone river, it was absolutely essential that Lavergne should be held, yet the general could Murfreesboro, in the latter part of that month, the movement which culminated in the battle of Stone river, it was absolutely essential that Lavergne should be held, yet the general could spare but a small force for it, and he knew that the rebel cavalry general, Wheeler, would attack it with one greatly superior. In this emergency he knew of no one in whose bravery and unflinching resolution to hold the position against heavy odds he could so fully rely as Colonel William P. Innis of the First Michigan Engineers. Innis's regiment consisted of but three hundred and eight-nine men, and Wheeler would attack with three thousand cavalry and two field pieces, while Innis had no arti